
A gold shop in Sihong suddenly called the police! The police arrived at the scene and successfully intercepted it!

author:Wei Sihong

A gold shop in Sihong suddenly called the police! The police arrived at the scene and successfully intercepted it!

A gold shop in Sihong suddenly called the police! The police arrived at the scene and successfully intercepted it!


来源 | 泗洪警方微信公众号编辑 | 戚珍妮 审核 | 张希刚

July 1 at 3 p.m

Anti-Fraud Center of Sihong County Public Security Bureau

received a request for help from a gold store in Sihong County

A middle-aged man in the store

A one-time purchase of 100,000 yuan of gold bars

and provide your ID card and bank card

But its purchase needs don't make sense

A gold shop in Sihong suddenly called the police! The police arrived at the scene and successfully intercepted it!

After receiving a call for help

The police of the anti-fraud center rushed to the gold store as soon as possible

The departed party was then contacted

and carry out dissuasion work in person



The party, Mr. Liu, on June 27

Downloaded one

0 investment and financial scam APP with high returns

And follow the customer service instructions

It has been delivered by courier

Send the purchased 100,000 yuan of gold

Used to cash out the amount of earnings within the software

Then follow the customer service instructions to remove the scam

After understanding the situation, the police of the anti-fraud center

Contact the courier company today

Successfully intercepted the gold that was sent

A gold shop in Sihong suddenly called the police! The police arrived at the scene and successfully intercepted it!

So far

Sihong police through "police-enterprise linkage"

Successfully avoided the party being defrauded of 100,000 yuan!

A gold shop in Sihong suddenly called the police! The police arrived at the scene and successfully intercepted it!
A gold shop in Sihong suddenly called the police! The police arrived at the scene and successfully intercepted it!

Anti-Fraud Center Reminder


There is no such thing as a "principal-guaranteed and high-interest" wealth management product

The investment projects created by criminals are without exception ultra-high annualized returns, and they are guaranteed to make profits without losing money. Any online investment and financial management that promises "inside information", "high returns" and "steady profits without losses" is a fraud.


Don't believe in the "grapevine" from unknown sources

Do not trust the "gossip" disseminated through online forums, WeChat groups, QQ groups, etc., as well as institutions or personnel without legal qualifications. If you have any questions about financial business, you can consult and verify through the official website or hotline of the financial institution or regulatory department.


Don't covet "temporary cheapness" because of small losses

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