
Don't pick up cats on the side of the road, you may be able to develop if you pick them up!

author:Encyclopedia of dog knowledge

Don't underestimate the cat, different cat breeds have different prices, different feeding methods, and different feeding costs, raising a cat may be more expensive than your salary of 3,000 yuan a month. There are also some who are "super high" in their own worth, and they can't afford to raise them without money!

Don't pick up cats on the side of the road, you may be able to develop if you pick them up!

1. Maine

Price: 5000-10000

The Maine is particularly handsome, like a miniature version of a lion cub. They are large and very active. Just talking about the Maine breed, the price of a good quality is very high, and the purebred one is even more difficult to find! And its feeding cost is not low, as a large cat, a Maine can eat as much as three or four cats a day, and the cost of raising it in a month is comparable to the cost of raising several cats.

Don't pick up cats on the side of the road, you may be able to develop if you pick them up!

Second, the ocelot

Price: 8000-150000

Have you ever heard of ocelots? It looks similar to a leopard, the patterns on their bodies are like leopards, the fur is bright and smooth, and the markings are also very clear, which looks particularly handsome. The price of this pure-blooded ocelot is frighteningly high, and it is said that one can reach 150,000 yuan!

Don't pick up cats on the side of the road, you may be able to develop if you pick them up!

3. Ashra

Price: 100,000+

The name Ashra doesn't sound strange, in fact, this is a mixed-breed cat, its pedigree is between the African serval, the Asian leopard cat and the common domestic cat, and it is also very expensive, each selling for up to 12,000 pounds, about 100,000+, is the most expensive cat in the world. Don't look at this cat is fierce, in fact, the character is very docile, it can play with children, and many people can raise it abroad. And this cat has a very long lifespan, generally living for around 25 years.

Don't pick up cats on the side of the road, you may be able to develop if you pick them up!

Fourth, the Persian cat

Price: 4000-10000

The Persian cat is a common long-haired cat with long and beautiful fur on its back, and its every move is elegant, so it is called the "prince of cats". It's very smart, quick to react to, and easy to get along with. And its cry is very gentle, and it is very coquettish, so everyone likes it very much.

The facial structure of Persian cats is different from that of other cats, with short tear glands and tearing is common. If you don't clean it up in time, it is easy to cause tear stains, so you usually clean up around your eyes or drop some chloramphenicol eye drops. Pay attention to the diet, mainly light and low salt.

Don't pick up cats on the side of the road, you may be able to develop if you pick them up!

5. Abyssinian cat

Price: 8000+

The Abyssinian cat is a descendant of the ancient Egyptian cat, and its appearance is blood red, which is very similar to the ancient Egyptian cat. Its face is wedge-shaped, its ears are large and pointed, its eyes are almond-shaped, and it is surrounded by a dark ring of color, as if it had drawn eyeliner.

Abyssinian cats like to be on their own and don't like to play with other cats. It is also very good at climbing trees, and has a very docile personality and understands people's minds very well. However, it needs a relatively large living space, and if the home is not spacious, it is better not to raise it.

Don't pick up cats on the side of the road, you may be able to develop if you pick them up!

6. Ragdoll cats

Price: 5000-20000

Ragdoll cats are docile and quiet, and are also known as "fairy cats" and "puppy cats". The special appearance and gentle personality are one of the biggest characteristics of the Ragdoll cat, which is suitable for domestic breeding. In addition to its high price, its feeding cost is not cheap, want the long hair of the Ragdoll cat to remain beautiful, naturally indispensable regular beauty, bathing, care, and the purer its bloodline, the more fragile the stomach and intestines, the more glassy.

Don't pick up cats on the side of the road, you may be able to develop if you pick them up!

If you have a Ragdoll with a glass stomach, you need to pay more attention to your diet, as they are prone to gastroenteritis, vomiting or diarrhea. For its gastrointestinal health, it is recommended to choose a cat food containing probiotics to help Ragdoll cats take care of their intestinal health.

Don't pick up cats on the side of the road, you may be able to develop if you pick them up!

Seven, folded ears cat

Price: 5000-10000

The ears of the folded ear cat are drooping and look cute, and many people like it and are vying to be its shovel officer. In fact, it is not recommended for everyone to raise a folded ear cat, because folded ears are a disease, and the more obvious the folded ears, the more painful the cat is. Nowadays, it is not recommended to breed folded cats, so the price of folded cats will also become higher, and it is not easy to buy a pure-blooded folded cat.

Don't pick up cats on the side of the road, you may be able to develop if you pick them up!

8. Hairless cats

Price: 4000+

Sphynx cats, also known as hairless cats, cost tens of thousands of dollars in previous years, because there is no hair on the body, which is very suitable for people with cat hair allergies. They are docile, cute, clingy, non-aggressive, and can play with children. You can even train them like dogs, and it's not just about shaking hands and high-fives! They can also learn more complex skills such as obeying meal commands, acting with you, and playing dead! It is recommended to combine it with a snack reward when training, so that it will be more active.

Don't pick up cats on the side of the road, you may be able to develop if you pick them up!

Conclusion: Do you know any other expensive cats?

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Don't pick up cats on the side of the road, you may be able to develop if you pick them up!