
China's stock market: This is a list of "can't buy" stocks! Pay attention to these 8 types of stocks!

author:Dark Horse Financial Circle

Shy away from these kinds of stocks!

There are more than 5,000 in the A-share market, and if you have to pick which ones you can buy, you can probably choose a few days and nights!

Let's not talk about which stocks can be bought in A shares, let's sort out which types of stocks in A shares can not be bought, and we must avoid them to avoid the risk of stepping on thunder!

China's stock market: This is a list of "can't buy" stocks! Pay attention to these 8 types of stocks!

The following continues to list 8 types of listed companies that need to be avoided, especially the third one, beware of the risk of thunderstorms at any time!

China's stock market: This is a list of "can't buy" stocks! Pay attention to these 8 types of stocks!

The first is that you can't buy the big bull stocks in the last round, whether they fall by 50% or 80%, don't touch them!

These stocks have risen several times before, basically overdraft the performance and good in the next few years, once the main high-level shipment is completed, into a downward trend, basically a negative market, it is difficult to have a large amount of money in the short term!

China's stock market: This is a list of "can't buy" stocks! Pay attention to these 8 types of stocks!

No matter what the reason, as long as the major shareholders reduce their holdings, especially the high positions, they must be avoided, and the gentleman does not stand under the wall!

Third, companies that have committed financial fraud, which have been investigated by the village before, but have not yet produced results, also need to be avoided, you can go to the company's announcement in the past year to see if it has been investigated!

Since the beginning of this year, companies that have experienced financial fraud and whose stock prices have continued to fall have basically been investigated before, so it must be noted that after the release of the "New National Nine", financial fraud has also become a key focus area!

China's stock market: This is a list of "can't buy" stocks! Pay attention to these 8 types of stocks!

Fourth: ST shares and delisted stocks do not touch;

Now you don't need to use it before, you may have speculated on ST and shell resources in the past, but the situation has changed this year, and the village has increased its delisting efforts, so don't go to the fire to take chestnuts from these ST stocks!

It is not difficult to see from the trend of the ST sector this year that there have been three sharp declines this year, which shows that the market has begun to vote with its feet for poor performance stocks and problem stocks!

China's stock market: This is a list of "can't buy" stocks! Pay attention to these 8 types of stocks!

Fifth: you can't buy new shares in the first three years!

It's very simple, it will take three years for the valuation to be digested, first the small shareholders will reduce their holdings, and then the major shareholders will reduce their holdings.

Sixth: the industry strongly supported by the policy, you can do it in the early stage, but in the later stage, don't blindly enter the market, especially in the direction of some overcapacity, you can see the trend of photovoltaic in recent years!

China's stock market: This is a list of "can't buy" stocks! Pay attention to these 8 types of stocks!

Seventh: After the short-term stock price continues to rise in the long white line, the stocks in the A-word form can not be touched, and the stocks in the A form can not be touched, which means that the main forces inside are basically gone, and the distribution is over, and it is no longer necessary for you to enter the market at this time!

This kind of stock is often difficult to walk in the short term, because there are a bunch of hedged stocks above!

China's stock market: This is a list of "can't buy" stocks! Pay attention to these 8 types of stocks!

Eighth: Stocks with medium and long-term moving averages in a downward trend, also do not blindly copy the bottom, because it is very likely to be copied to the ceiling, copied halfway up;

So there is an old saying: novices die chasing high, and veterans die of copying the bottom!

Therefore, before there is no obvious stop falling signal, or a stabilization signal comes out, do not blindly chase high to enter the market!

Finally, a brief summary:

1. You can't buy bull stocks that were speculated in the early stage;

2. Major shareholders who reduce their holdings cannot be bought

3. Financial fraud cannot be bought

4.ST shares and delisted shares cannot be bought

5. You cannot buy new shares for the first three years

6. Industries with excess capacity cannot be bought

7. You can't buy stocks that go through the A pattern

8. Stocks with a downward trend in the medium to long term cannot be bought

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