
Live up to the time and sail bravely

author:Browse the horizon

——The 2024 Graduation Ceremony of the Primary Education Group Affiliated to the Teacher Development Center of Hai'an City, Jiangsu Province

In the middle of summer in June, the sun shines all over the earth, which is the month of harvest, the month of parting, and the moment when dreams bloom. On June 30, 2024, the main campus of the Primary Education Group affiliated to the Teacher Development Center of Hai'an City, Jiangsu Province held a graduation ceremony with the theme of "Living Up to the Time and Sailing Bravely". School leaders, parent representatives, and all Year 6 teachers and students gathered at the Kids' Theatre to share their deep affection and witness the unforgettable moment of graduation for Year 6 students.

Live up to the time and sail bravely
Live up to the time and sail bravely
Live up to the time and sail bravely
Live up to the time and sail bravely
Live up to the time and sail bravely

Looking back on time, talk about growth

At 10 o'clock in the morning, in the school's children's theater, the graduation ceremony was held warmly and solemnly. The big screen shows the campus bits and pieces of the graduates, like bright stars, evoking good memories. At the beginning of the ceremony, Xie Siqi and her mother from Squadron 6 (6) brought a parent-child recitation of "On the Other Side of the Mountain" to all the graduates. Subsequently, Wang Langqing and Wang Hongming used a children's poem to recite "In the Days That Never Fading" to push the atmosphere to a climax, and the children's crisp and melodious voices echoed, showing the common growth of the school and the children.

Live up to the time and sail bravely
Live up to the time and sail bravely

The teacher's grace is unforgettable, and the paper is short and long

As the solemn and solemn ceremony gradually got better, the teacher representative Rui Qiongyao delivered a tear-jerking gift with her gentle and sincere and touching words, revealing between the lines the deep and good wishes for the graduates who are about to spread their wings. Then, student representatives Wu Yuze, Zong Yincen and Ding Zixuan expressed their most sincere gratitude to their alma mater for nurturing their growth with meticulously carved and delicate calligraphy and painting works. Every stroke and stroke embodies their deep and warm attachment to their alma mater, and the glittering works are like bright stars, illuminating their way forward.

Live up to the time and sail bravely
Live up to the time and sail bravely
Live up to the time and sail bravely

Hand in hand to chase the light, dreams fly

Under the care and leadership of the party, the children's childhood life is beautiful and happy. Zhang Zhujun, the representative of the outstanding graduates, shared his growth experience, he expressed his firm belief, looked forward to a bright future, and inspired the students to create a better future. Parent representative Zhang Zhujun's father affectionately blessed and hoped that the children would move forward bravely and set sail. President Lu Qingyun, Secretary of the General Party Branch and President of the Group, delivered a warm speech for the graduation ceremony, encouraging the graduates to get close to the light, chase the light, become the light, radiate the light, see the light, and welcome the light. Finally, all the graduates left their signatures on the banner of "Dream, Set Sail from the Attached Elementary School", leaving a deep imprint on the journey of life, and dreaming of sailing away to a brilliant tomorrow.

Live up to the time and sail bravely
Live up to the time and sail bravely
Live up to the time and sail bravely
Live up to the time and sail bravely
Live up to the time and sail bravely
Live up to the time and sail bravely
Live up to the time and sail bravely
Live up to the time and sail bravely

Build dreams together, spread your wings and fly

With great devotion, the graduates solemnly swore that they promised to cherish their time as gold, work hard, and pursue their dreams with unremitting efforts. The teachers and students of the school sang the moving school song "Dream Time" in unison, and each lyric was full of beautiful expectations for the future, and the song echoed in the campus, as if the whole campus was dyed with the color of hope.

At the touching moment of the presentation of the graduation certificate, the school played the passionate background music "Light Up the Future", which implied that the graduates would bravely pursue their dreams and light up their future with the deep blessing of their alma mater.

Live up to the time and sail bravely
Live up to the time and sail bravely
Live up to the time and sail bravely

At this moment, the background music "I Believe" quietly sounded, and the melody was full of encouragement and expectation for the graduates, which was the most sincere blessing and expectation sent to them by the alma mater.

Live up to the time and sail bravely
Live up to the time and sail bravely
Live up to the time and sail bravely
Live up to the time and sail bravely
Live up to the time and sail bravely
Live up to the time and sail bravely
Live up to the time and sail bravely
Live up to the time and sail bravely
Live up to the time and sail bravely
Live up to the time and sail bravely

The graduation ceremony came to an end in the warm summer, which was not only a grand summary and affectionate review of the graduates' six-year primary school career, but also an ardent encouragement and good wishes for their future life.

Live up to the time and sail bravely
Live up to the time and sail bravely
Live up to the time and sail bravely
Live up to the time and sail bravely
Live up to the time and sail bravely
Live up to the time and sail bravely

The mountain is high and the birds fly, and the sea is wide and the fish jumps

May the distance of dreams be warm

May the sun shine everywhere you go

May the future be bright and bright

Photo: Yuan Yaqin, Hu Rong, Yang Xinghui, Zhang Guochen, etc

Editor-in-charge: Wang Wei