
India's New PTT! Lunar sample return: Unlike China's Chang'e-6, there are multiple targets at a time

author:Universal Science Cats

India has released a new "PPT"! announced his plan for the return of lunar sampling, and it has to be said that this lunar sampling has also become the next big goal of the world's aerospace industry.

This mission is also a country that wants to break the lunar sample and return to the historical achievement after India's Chandrayaan-3 made a historic achievement - becoming the fourth country in the world to master the lunar landing technology after the United States, the Soviet Union and China.

India's New PTT! Lunar sample return: Unlike China's Chang'e-6, there are multiple targets at a time

So will India achieve its goal this time? All I can say is that the back-and-forth changes in India are too strong and a bit confusing.

India releases new PTT, lunar sample returns

Judging from the new PPT released by India this time, judging from the picture - in fact, there is not much room for change, at least in the launch process.

However, this is much later than the plan announced after the initial Indian Chandrayaan-3 mission, but it has been adjusted again and again.

India's New PTT! Lunar sample return: Unlike China's Chang'e-6, there are multiple targets at a time

Originally, the 92nd issue of JAXAs magazine published an article about the cooperation between India and Japan, called "LUPEX", which is actually India's lunar sample return mission, which is also known as the "Chandrayaan-4" mission, but this mission was originally expected to start in 2025.

As a result, judging from the newly announced situation this time, it is expected to be implemented in 2027, of course, there were plans to announce the launch in 2026, anyway, the changes are greater.

Therefore, if the time is the final time, it will be postponed a lot, which also shows that the mission of both sides is still a little difficult to carry out the mission and return the samples on the far side of the moon.

India's New PTT! Lunar sample return: Unlike China's Chang'e-6, there are multiple targets at a time

However, India's space missions are also a bit "", often when the mission is a little deviated from the actual situation, such as the Chandrayaan-3 mission, which previously advertised that India would be the first human probe to land at the south pole of the moon, and the results were only known after landing.

In fact, this is not accurate, the latitude is indeed relatively high, but it does not exceed 70 ° south latitude, and it is still a lot away from the real 86 ° position of the lunar pole, scientifically speaking, it cannot be considered to be landing at the south pole of the moon, which is very different.

India's New PTT! Lunar sample return: Unlike China's Chang'e-6, there are multiple targets at a time

Therefore, Chandrayaan-4 collects samples on the far side of the moon, and this thing fluctuates back and forth, which is also "very Indian", which is more in line with India's style, this time India released a new PPT, I don't know if it is the final version.

So how does India sample back? It is not the same as the mainland Chang'e-6

Indeed, the mainland's Chang'e-6 lunar sampling, including Chang'e-5 lunar sampling, was done with a single rocket.

India is using two rockets to launch and complete the entire lunar sampling mission, which is obvious, which directly reflects a problem, that is, the strength of the rocket, if the strength is strong, there is no need for two, and the weak strength can only rely on the rocket to launch separately.

The Long March 5 carrier rocket is used for the return of continental lunar samples, which is 56.97 meters high, has a core diameter of 5 meters, a maximum take-off mass of 867 tons, and a carrying capacity of 13 tons in geosynchronous transfer orbit and 25 tons in low-earth orbit.

India's New PTT! Lunar sample return: Unlike China's Chang'e-6, there are multiple targets at a time

As a new generation of large-scale carrier rockets with non-toxic and non-polluting propellants, it is a milestone and an important symbol of the upgrading of the mainland's carrier rockets, shouldering the historical responsibility of improving the comprehensive strength of the mainland's space transportation system and reaching the international leading level.

India took lunar samples to return, and the rocket used was the LVM3 launch vehicle, which is a new high-thrust heavy-lift launch vehicle developed by India.

India's New PTT! Lunar sample return: Unlike China's Chang'e-6, there are multiple targets at a time

Of course, relative to India, this rocket is also very strong, it is India's follow-up model in GSLV-1 and GSLV-2 launch vehicles, using a new design, the rocket consists of 2 core stages and two solid booster rockets bundled with a three-stage rocket, the rocket diameter is 4 meters, 43.5 meters high, take-off mass of 640 tons, low orbit carrying capacity up to 10 tons, geosynchronous transfer orbit carrying capacity of about 4 tons. The rocket cost about 3 billion rupees (about $46.5 million).

So, if you compare the same lunar mission, you can know why India launched two rockets to carry out the lunar sampling mission, so how to carry out this process?

India's New PTT! Lunar sample return: Unlike China's Chang'e-6, there are multiple targets at a time

This is a combined launch process, first the propulsion stage, the descent stage and the upper upgrade are launched, the combination is sent to an elliptical orbit, and then the propulsion stage is gradually promoted into the Earth-Moon transfer orbit, and then decelerates into the circumlunar orbit. The descent and up-escalation stages then separate from the propulsion stage, the descent stage lands, and after the sampling is complete, the ascender separates from the descent stage and enters the circumlunar orbit.

After that, the launch of the transfer stage and the return capsule is also due to the LVM3 sending the assembly to an elliptical orbit, and then the transfer stage is gradually promoted to ascend into the Earth-Moon transfer orbit, and then decelerates into the circumlunar orbit.

India's New PTT! Lunar sample return: Unlike China's Chang'e-6, there are multiple targets at a time

It then docked with the upper upgrade and transferred the sample to the re-entry capsule, which then accelerated the transfer stage to orbit and enter the re-entry orbit, and then separated to return the re-entry capsule to Earth.

See? This process is still more complicated, but this model is a bit similar to the manned lunar landing process, the manned lunar landing process is "two rockets" to carry out the mission, here can be a little comparison, it can only be said that there are similarities, but there are also differences, the most important thing is that India's rockets are not good.

India's New PTT! Lunar sample return: Unlike China's Chang'e-6, there are multiple targets at a time

Nilesh Desai, director of the Indian Centre for Space Applications (SAC), has also previously said that the mission profile includes lunar orbital rendezvous and docking techniques rather than returning samples directly to Earth, so it is also suitable for future manned lunar missions.

Therefore, India's main focus this time is to sample the far side of the moon, and then realize the verification of manned lunar landing technology, which can be regarded as "multiple" goals for one mission.

Moon exploration kicks off a global craze

Indeed, since the Apollo program of the United States, there has been no exploration of the moon, but more than 50 years later, mankind has started a new round of lunar exploration.

India's New PTT! Lunar sample return: Unlike China's Chang'e-6, there are multiple targets at a time

Of course, the number of participating countries is also increasing, and all countries in the world are cooperating to explore the moon, in fact, the main thing is to carry out a kind of vision of the future of the moon, such as the construction of lunar bases, the exploitation of resources on the moon, and so on.

Therefore, they all want to explore the moon, but on a global scale, there are not many countries with space capabilities.

Therefore, if other countries want to explore, they can only adopt the mode of "cooperation", otherwise there will be no other way.

India's New PTT! Lunar sample return: Unlike China's Chang'e-6, there are multiple targets at a time

Therefore, the exploration of the moon has started a global craze, but not all countries can do a good job of mission execution.

It is also unknown whether Japan and India will jointly carry out the lunar sampling mission this time, mainly because the plan is constantly changing, so only after the mission is determined in the real sense, it can be regarded as a real implementation, and the tasks of both sides can only be said to be based on PPT.


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