
4 colleges and universities in Yanyan responded to the hot question of high recruitment: what is the estimated score of admission? Can I change my major after enrolling?

author:Shiyan life

Yesterday morning, the heads of the admissions offices of the four colleges and universities in the city were guests in the live broadcast room of the Shiyan Evening News "High Recruitment Hotline" to answer questions from candidates and parents about their willingness to apply for the examination.

In response to the problems encountered by candidates and parents in the process of voluntary filling, Li Xinwei, Director of the Enrollment and Employment Office of Hubei Institute of Automotive Industry, Han Juncheng, Director of the Admissions Office of Hubei University of Medicine, Zheng Zicen, Chief of the Enrollment and Employment Office of Hanjiang Normal University, and Ke Chunlin, Director of the Admissions Office of Hubei Industrial Vocational and Technical College, gave accurate and authoritative answers in combination with the admission control score line, individual performance ranking, and relevant one-point and one-file tables.

The reporter sorted out the hot issues in the hotline for easy reference for candidates and parents.

Qin Chu Network News (Shiyan Evening News) text, picture / reporter Tang Xiaowei

4 colleges and universities in Yanyan responded to the hot question of high recruitment: what is the estimated score of admission? Can I change my major after enrolling?

The heads of the admissions offices of the four colleges and universities replied to the questions that the majority of candidates and parents were most concerned about in the live broadcast room.

Hubei Institute of Automotive Industry

Q: What are the special majors of the college?

Answer: The 51 undergraduate majors of the university are all set up around the automotive industry chain, forming six undergraduate major groups, including advanced automotive design, automotive new materials, automotive intelligent manufacturing, automotive intelligent control, automotive intelligent networking, and automotive intelligent services. We have 4 provincial-level advantageous and characteristic discipline groups and 8 provincial-level key disciplines. Not only that, we also have 16 master's degree awarding points, which can basically meet the needs of professional students applying for graduate studies at our university. This year, the college has added five new undergraduate majors, including Internet of Things Technology, Digital Economy, Functional Materials, Electronic Packaging Technology, and Quality Management Engineering, all of which are in short supply in the market and can be paid attention to.

Q: How many people will be recruited this year? How many professional groups are there?

A: The school plans to enroll 4,650 students this year, an increase of 400 over last year, and these 400 plans are basically all put into the province. This year, it is divided into 9 professional groups, including 6 preferred physics, 2 preferred history, and 1 art. As long as the score of the school is reached, the candidates who are subject to the adjustment of the major, and the file is delivered to the school, the admission can be ensured and the file will not be withdrawn.

Q: What is the approximate score of the vehicle engineering major in the college?

A: The lowest score for admission to the vehicle engineering major last year was 514 points, which is about 525 points this year. Of course, candidates with high scores have a better choice, and we have cooperated with Beijing Institute of Technology to jointly train students. Students of related majors can study at Beijing Institute of Technology for 3 years after selection, and they will study in Beijing for these 3 years, and candidates with high scores can rush for these programs. Not only that, we also have a joint training program with Beijing University of Technology and North China University of Technology, and every year students go to these three schools to study and enjoy Beijing's educational resources.

We also jointly organized a Sino-British cooperative education major in vehicle engineering with the University of Bolton in the UK, which is our 07 group, if you go to study in the UK, you will get the graduation certificate and degree certificate of our school and the University of Bolton in the UK.

Q: Do you change your major after admission?

Answer: We have a saying called "there is no restriction on transfer-out, and there is an assessment for transfer-in", that is, there is no restriction on students who want to transfer out, and there will be a simple assessment for the college they transfer to. Candidates have at least two opportunities to apply for changing majors after entering the school, the first is at the end of the first semester of the freshman year, when the results are not out before the final exam, candidates can apply for a change of major, and enter the new major in the second semester of the freshman year after the application is successful. The second time was at the end of the first semester of the sophomore year, and there was also a chance to change majors.

Telephone: 8238223, 8512796.

Hubei University of Medicine

Q: What are the best majors in the college?

A: At present, stomatology, clinical medicine, anesthesiology, and pediatrics are all popular majors in the college. This year, three new undergraduate majors, including basic medicine, medical imaging technology, and intelligent imaging engineering, have been established to keep up with the frontiers of medical development and employment. Interest is the best teacher, and when you apply for the exam, you have to look at where your interests are.

Q: What is the cut-off score for this year's admission to the Anesthesiology major?

A: At present, we don't know much about the overall score and application situation of students, and can only speculate the approximate reference value based on the situation in previous years, the admission score of anesthesiology last year was 529 points, and this year's application score is above 535 points, which has a greater chance.

Q: If I am not interested in the major I am applying for, can I change my major after entering the school?

A: This year, the university has introduced a more flexible policy for changing majors, which not only increases the proportion of changing majors, but also increases the number of major changes. In the past, the proportion of changing majors was about 10%, but this year this proportion has increased to 15% to 20%, and there are opportunities to change majors in both freshmen and sophomores.

Consultation telephone: 8891093, 8891169.

Hanjiang Normal University

Q: How many undergraduate majors does the college have? How many people to recruit?

A: At present, our university has set up a total of 40 undergraduate majors, and the total undergraduate enrollment plan is 2,930 students, of which 2,367 are planned for Hubei.

Q: What are your tendencies?

Answer: This year, the history direction has set up two professional groups: history plus unlimited and history plus politics, history plus politics is the major of ideological and political education, and the history plus unlimited group has 17 majors, and the space for selection is relatively large, covering normal and non-normal majors. The physics direction is divided into 4 professional groups, including physics plus unlimited, physics plus chemistry, physics plus politics, and physics plus politics has ideological and political education majors. The Physics and Chemistry group is special this year, it only covers three colleges: the School of Mathematics and Computer Science, the School of Physics and Electrical Engineering, and the School of Chemical Environment.

Q: Can you tell us about the Danjiangkou campus?

Answer: The Danjiangkou campus is mainly for junior college students, the freshman and sophomore students are in the Danjiangkou campus, and the junior year is in the main department, and there is no restriction on college promotion. Every day, the teachers of Shiyan Campus go to Danjiangkou Campus to attend classes and share teaching resources.

Q: What is the cut-off score for admission this year? How many points can I apply for the "Jingchu Excellent Teacher Program"?

Answer: Referring to last year's "Jingchu Excellent Teacher Plan", the lowest score in the historical direction was 513 points last year, and the ranking was more than 17,000; The lowest score in the physical direction was 511 last year, and the ranking was more than 72,000.

This year's enrollment is 120, an increase of 40 over last year, and the 120 programs are mainly for Chinese language and literature and primary education. Last year, the targeted employment cities and prefectures were Enshi and Huanggang, and this year, the targeted employment area has increased to 7 cities and prefectures, including Yichang, Xiangyang, Xiaogan, Jingzhou and Xianning. It is expected that this year's 500 points and 510 points can be rushed, and 520 points are relatively greater.

The lowest score in the history group of ordinary undergraduates last year was 484 points, ranking at 25888, this year you can refer to last year's ranking, 485 points or more can be rushed, and 489 points or more hope is greater. The lowest score of the physics group last year was 480 points, and the rank was more than 92,000, considering that the number of physics candidates has increased more this year, there is hope for the examination within 100,000 ranks.

Telephone: 8846222, 8846111.

Hubei Industrial Vocational and Technical College

Q: Can I apply for your school with a score of 339 in History? What majors can I choose?

A: According to last year's cut-off score, our school scored 328 points in history and 351 points in physics. Referring to this year's Hubei history enrollment plan, there is a great hope for our school with a score of 339 in history, and you can fill in the first choice. In terms of major selection, the admission of majors in our school is a little different from that of undergraduate colleges, as long as it can reach the school's pitch line, which is what we call the school line, we will be admitted according to the first choice major.

Q: Can I go directly to graduate school? Is there a way to upgrade to a higher degree?

A: College graduates need to be two years or more after graduation to apply for graduate school. In addition, although there are special circumstances, such as part-time graduate management majors, which may require 5 years after graduation before applying for the examination, this does not affect the basic time requirement. Therefore, college graduates should ensure that they meet these basic time and qualification requirements when planning to enter graduate school. The specific application conditions and requirements vary depending on the institution and major, and it is recommended that candidates carefully read the enrollment brochure of the target institution or contact the admissions unit for consultation before preparing to apply for the examination.

In fact, we have many ways to improve our academic qualifications, and the first way is to jointly run a bachelor's degree in higher vocational education. This year, there are three majors (pharmaceutical engineering, electronic information engineering, mechanical design, manufacturing and automation) jointly organized with Hubei Institute of Automotive Industry and Hubei University of Medicine, to jointly cultivate high-skilled undergraduate talents. Candidates in history and physics in Hubei Province with a score of 10 or more in the 2024 college entrance examination of the undergraduate batch can apply for the joint major of higher vocational education, study in our school for 3 years after admission, pass the assessment, and study in undergraduate colleges and universities for another 2 years. Upon completion of the study, you can obtain an ordinary undergraduate diploma, and if you meet the requirements, you can obtain a bachelor's degree, and if you need to take the postgraduate examination, you can continue to apply for the examination. The time for this batch of volunteers to fill in is from August 6 to August 9. The second way is the general college upgrade policy. In recent years, the acceptance rate of our post-secondary education has increased from 59% in 2019 to more than 70% in 2024. The third way, if students want to save time and want to get a nationally recognized undergraduate degree in 3 years of junior college, they can use the special book to study. During the school period, you can obtain an undergraduate diploma through self-study examinations at high-quality undergraduate schools such as Central China Normal University and Wuhan University of Science and Technology in cooperation with our university.

Q: How much does it cost to study at your school? How much is the appropriate monthly living expenses?

A: Our school is a public college, and the tuition fee for general junior college majors is 5,000 yuan a year, and the tuition fee for art majors is 6,500 yuan a year. We have two canteens in the south and north districts, which are rich in ingredients, delicious and discounted, and basically have a monthly living allowance of 1,000 yuan to 1,500 yuan.

Consultation telephone: 8126013, 8126015, 8126024.

Source: Shiyan Evening News