
"Wandering in the sea to celebrate the Party Day, abiding by discipline and rules and strengthening the party spirit" - the community of Palm Camp Street Medical University celebrates the "July 1st" branch joint red reading club and theme party day activities

author:Kunming Xishan released

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, on July 1, the Party Committee of the Medical University Community, together with the Xishan District Culture and Tourism Bureau, the Xishan District Library, the Branch Committee of the Kunming Youth Association of the Communist Party of China, the Tenth Party Branch of Kunming Medical University, and the Wuhua Party Branch of PetroChina Kunming Branch, jointly carried out the red reading club activity of "Wandering in the Sea of Books to Celebrate the Party Day, Observing Discipline and Strengthening Party Spirit" in the Xishan District Library.


Lecture on party classes and study party discipline to ring the alarm bell

At the beginning of the event, all party members reviewed the oath of joining the party. Subsequently, Wang Jing, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Medical University Community, brought a theme party class on the "Four Key Issues of Party Discipline Education and Learning", and clarified the importance and key points of party discipline learning and education from the four aspects of the revision process, revision significance, theme significance and implementation of the "Regulations", and once again alerted party members to persevere in learning discipline, knowing discipline, knowing discipline, abiding by discipline, and promoting the party's self-revolution with strict discipline.

"Wandering in the sea to celebrate the Party Day, abiding by discipline and rules and strengthening the party spirit" - the community of Palm Camp Street Medical University celebrates the "July 1st" branch joint red reading club and theme party day activities
"Wandering in the sea to celebrate the Party Day, abiding by discipline and rules and strengthening the party spirit" - the community of Palm Camp Street Medical University celebrates the "July 1st" branch joint red reading club and theme party day activities


Reciting classics, sharing and talking about testimonials

After the party class study, the party members visited the library of Xishan District, and recited the fragments of the red classic "Red Rock" to reminisce about the eventful years. Ma Xiaofan, a representative of community party members, said at the sharing meeting: "Reading "Red Rock" is not only a famous novel, but also reading the tenacious and unyielding spirit of the Chinese people during the Anti-Japanese War and that difficult and precious history. Taking history as a mirror, we can know the rise and fall. The power of faith is astonishing, and the spirit of the ancestors of Communist Party members who have paid for the party and the people is worthy of serious study by us young students. The spirit of Hongyan is like a bright red flag, inspiring generations of enthusiastic young people to strive for their ideals and beliefs. ”

"Wandering in the sea to celebrate the Party Day, abiding by discipline and rules and strengthening the party spirit" - the community of Palm Camp Street Medical University celebrates the "July 1st" branch joint red reading club and theme party day activities


Celebrate July 1st, political birthday reminiscence

Through the form of "political birthday", we will strengthen the study and education of party discipline, welcome the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, guide the majority of party members in the community to keep in mind the identity of party members, further enhance the sense of honor, responsibility and mission of party members, and enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of party organizations.

The party members who participated in the event said that through this activity, they really felt the care and warmth of the party organization, strengthened their rational beliefs, kept in mind their original mission, and took this "political birthday" ceremony as an opportunity to strictly demand themselves with the standards of party members at all times, consciously enhance the party spirit exercise, further enhance the sense of discipline and rules, based on their own work, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, practice the solemn commitment to the party with practical actions, and contribute to community construction.

"Wandering in the sea to celebrate the Party Day, abiding by discipline and rules and strengthening the party spirit" - the community of Palm Camp Street Medical University celebrates the "July 1st" branch joint red reading club and theme party day activities
"Wandering in the sea to celebrate the Party Day, abiding by discipline and rules and strengthening the party spirit" - the community of Palm Camp Street Medical University celebrates the "July 1st" branch joint red reading club and theme party day activities

Kunming Xishan released

Source: Palm Camp Street Medical University Community

Editor: Yang Xiaojing, Tao Hong

Editor: Sun Lei

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