
US astronauts stranded in space and unable to return, on the feasibility of international rescue

author:Song Zhongping

Two U.S. astronauts are stranded on the International Space Station and can't go back now, and Boeing can't give an exact time. Two American astronauts were trapped on the space station, and NASA recently responded that it was not known when they would go back, and the time to return was also repeatedly postponed. Then NASA said that before the engineering team completes a series of ground tests of the thruster technology, the return time of the American Boeing's "Starliner" will be further delayed, and a definite return date cannot be given yet.

US astronauts stranded in space and unable to return, on the feasibility of international rescue

So some friends said, can't these two astronauts go back? Of course, you can go back, it's nothing more than what kind of spaceship you take to return.

We can see that in addition to the invincible Boeing, there are also Musk's Dragon spacecraft, and Russia's SoyuzTM spacecraft, which can also send American pilots back, but there is a cost to this.

Then again, if the United States does not have this capability, and Russia does not have this capability, will other countries be able to help the United States send pilots to the ground?

US astronauts stranded in space and unable to return, on the feasibility of international rescue

It is understood that there is an international law called the Outer Space Treaty, and article V of the Outer Space Treaty states that the States Parties shall regard astronauts as human envoys to outer space and shall provide them with all possible assistance in the event of an accident or an emergency landing on the high seas in the territory of another State Party. Astronauts should be safely returned to the country where their spacecraft was registered immediately and safely after an emergency landing. That's what we've seen with you, and that's that in the event of an astronaut's accidental death or a problem in the territory of another State party, other countries in a position to do so should help. What this means is, for example, that China should help if it has the capacity to do so, and that China can also send a spacecraft to pick up the American pilots back.

Of course, this is just a statement of international law, and what we need to emphasize with you is that there is no cooperation between China and the United States in the field of space, and China's spacecraft may not be able to connect with the relevant interfaces of the International Space Station. Moreover, China is also under US sanctions, and the US "Cox Report" and "Wolf Act" strictly prohibit cooperation between China and the United States in the field of aerospace.

US astronauts stranded in space and unable to return, on the feasibility of international rescue

In addition, I need to emphasize that the United States wants to share with China. The lunar soil that China got is not because China does not want to share it with the United States, but because it is worried that its American counterparts will violate the laws of the United States and interact with their Chinese counterparts, so we are all doing it out of good intentions. After all, if the United States wants to cooperate with China in the field of space, the United States must abandon all kinds of illegal provisions that impose sanctions on China, otherwise it will be difficult for cooperation between China and the United States to take shape.

#波音载人飞船又要延期了吗? #