
How can covenant keeping be weakened? The range of 30 yards is not enough, at least three slashes, range + ultimate

author:A king at your fingertips

Hello everyone, I'm at the tip of my fingers, I don't think I need to say much about how rebellious this season's Baili Shou is to the sky, those who have experienced it, or often pay attention to the data, know his horror.

The previous article talked about the restraint method of the 100-mile covenant.,It's just that the hero is strong enough.,Even if you know the restraint method, you can only slightly increase the win rate a little bit in many cases.,In this game,The strength of the individual is high enough.,Many times it's not afraid of being targeted.,It just so happens that the 100-mile covenant is such a hero.。

How can covenant keeping be weakened? The range of 30 yards is not enough, at least three slashes, range + ultimate

From the sniper flow to the general attack flow, this is a metamorphosis, although the sniper damage of the 2 skill is not as good as before, but now the sniper flow has become a guaranteed skill, and it will no longer be the main means of output in the future, but more used to give the bullet to the ultimate for displacement.

The post-CD is fast, and it can be output while pulling, and it can even be used 4 times in a row, what is this concept? Generally, the advance of the battle thorn is a moment, which means that on the basis of the displacement of the four ultimates, there is also a flash to transition the vacuum period between the ultimates, and it can be said that the current covenant has become the most difficult hero in the archer profession, and there is no one.

The Covenant of Experience Service has been weakened

How can covenant keeping be weakened? The range of 30 yards is not enough, at least three slashes, range + ultimate

In the 28th experience server update, the range of the promise was urgently weakened, and his regular range was 825, the same as the dull shot without displacement, after learning the ultimate, it increased by 30 yards, and it could also be increased by 15 yards per level, and this weakening only weakened the range growth of the ultimate.

But even so, his range after level four has reached 855, and the conventional basic attack among the shooters is still the first, and the non-standing shooter with so many displacements has a longer range than the dull shot, do you think it is reasonable?

Therefore, I think that this weakening may not be enough to solve the problem of compliance.

How can covenant keeping be weakened?

How can covenant keeping be weakened? The range of 30 yards is not enough, at least three slashes, range + ultimate

The increase in the range of the basic attack is the adjustment direction left over from the previous version, at that time, the basic attack coefficient was very high, but it was impossible to crit, and the planning hoped that the covenant could get out of the sniper pit and distribute a part of the damage to the general attack, but everyone found that because of the problem of the attack speed model, it was difficult to fight the general attack flow, so they went back to the sniper flow, and the range increase of the basic attack was only for the purpose of supplementing the knife.

In the last version, the extra range increase was not much, but if the Covenant really went to the basic attack stream, it would be too much to do, so I think that the current Covenant is not only to remove the range growth, but also to remove the range increase of the ultimate, because he is not a dull shooter at all, but a more flexible shooter than many loofers.

How can covenant keeping be weakened? The range of 30 yards is not enough, at least three slashes, range + ultimate

Taking out the range is only one of them, the focus of the over-compliance is the ultimate, the current interval between the two displacements of the ultimate, this short interval is difficult to use to catch him to death, because he still has a flash to offset this part of the interval, so the escape ability of 3 flashes and 3 makes all the war thorns desperate.

Therefore, the cooldown interval of the ultimate should be increased, 0.5 seconds may not be enough, and it may be reasonable to add 1 second, and the interval of 2.5 seconds may be reasonable.

At the same time, in order to prevent the enemy from chasing the promise, the bullet of the ultimate comes with a slowdown buff, which is also unreasonable, because the promise itself has an acceleration buff when it lands, and it accelerates and slows down the enemy, which is as outrageous as Sun Shangxiang's automatic triggering of a 2 skill when he rolls, which is completely a setting of war thorn despair.

How can covenant keeping be weakened? The range of 30 yards is not enough, at least three slashes, range + ultimate

So my personal opinion is that to keep the promise, you have to cut three times, one cut the range of the basic attack, one cut the ultimate, and the last slash ultimate, all to give the spurs a chance to cut to the covenant.

Isn't this weakening a waste?

With a super fast attack speed model, it can be consumed and harvested remotely, it comes with three or four stages of displacement that can be accelerated, and there are passives with piercing buffs and eyes with vision, how can this be wasted?

Everything is based on the current experience of the fact that it is difficult to counter the contract.,The previous difficult to counter is not touchable.,The current difficult to counter is that it seems to be touchable.,In fact, it's being played.,The degree of discomfort is not worse than before.,So I think if it's a knife.,Please deep knife.。

What do you think about this?