
Appreciation of American Literature: "Movement Can Change Your Life"

author:Bereavement Net

As the old saying goes, "Running water does not rot." ”

Only the constant flow of the river does not stench.

The same is true for people, and after years of follow-up investigation and a large number of studies, a professor at Harvard University School of Medicine found that "exercise not only strengthens the brain, but is also known as the most powerful psychotropic drug." ”

In the process of exercising, every persistence you grit your teeth and every sweat you shed will change your life unconsciously.

Exercise is a "spiritual detoxification"

I believe that many people will feel like this, every time they come back after a few laps, the troubles they are entangled in will always disappear, and their body and mind will suddenly be much more comfortable.

Studies have shown that "regular exercise brings 52% more happiness than people who are "physically inactive". ”

When we sweat, our body secretes a unique type of dopamine, which makes you feel happy and gives birth to pleasure at the same time.

Therefore, people who exercise regularly will always be happier than those who do not exercise.

There is a writer who encountered a low point in his life and a bottleneck in his writing when he was in his 30s, and because he could not break through for a long time, he tossed and turned day by day, could not sleep at night, and finally suffered from insomnia syndrome.

In order to improve his life and mental state, he left the bench for a long time, walked out of the house that he did not go out of the house all year round, and chose to go for a run outdoors.

And the night he came back from his first run, he slept very soundly.

Since then, he has formed an indissoluble bond with running, and as long as his body allows, he can jog five kilometers a day, rain or shine.

When he came back, he always felt happy and refreshed, and at the same time, many new writing inspirations and ideas burst out in his mind.

It has been said, "A movement is a redemption." ”

Appreciation of American Literature: "Movement Can Change Your Life"

Exercise brings not only physical nourishment, but also spiritual salvation.

Life is inevitably dull, but as long as you run, there will be a cool breeze blowing;

The days are inevitably bumpy, but as long as you move, there will always be a steady stream of energy.

There are no quiet years in life, but everyone is healing while running.

Let yourself move, even if you just go out for a walk, your body and mind can be released in an orderly pace, and all your emotional garbage will evaporate with sweat.

By slowing down like this, you will be able to regain control of the rhythm of life and be full of energy to cope with the ups and downs of life.

Exercise is a blind "elixir for children"

Studies have shown that "after people reach middle age, long-term lack of exercise will reduce the function of tissues and organs by 30%, and insisting on aerobic exercise can reduce people's biological age by 10 to 12 years." ”

Exercise may not be the most relaxing way to maintain a healthy regimen, but it is one of the most long-lasting benefits for the body.

I once saw a photo of a 67-year-old man and a 67-year-old bodybuilder Yang Xinmin.

Appreciation of American Literature: "Movement Can Change Your Life"

At the same age, they have a completely different state of life.

Because of the huge difference in figure, the temperament and mental outlook of the two are also very different.

I like this sentence very much: "Youth is not present in the beauty of peach face and red lips, but in the spirit of lofty ideals, the realm of reverie, and the prosperity of passion." ”

Youth is not just a period of time, but also a state of mind and an attitude towards life.

No one's body can be young forever because time treats everyone equally.

But we can make the body age more slowly, so that the mentality will always maintain the vitality of youth, and the key lies in the word exercise.

A youthful appearance and a vigorous body are always the fruits of long-term sweat watering.

Life is not endless, the movement is endless, the steps you have walked, the sweat you have flowed, will eventually lengthen the length and height of your life.

The difference between sports and non-sports is a whole life

Writer Feng Tang once bluntly said that running gave him three redemptions, gave him health, tenacity and creative inspiration, and shaped his quiet and happy life in middle age.

The first redemption came at an early age, when his life was almost overshadowed by infirmity and illness.

It wasn't until a conversation with the head teacher that Feng Tang realized the importance of health.

Since then, he has been running on the way to and from school, and this persistence has gradually freed him from frequent visits due to illness.

The second redemption was in the youth, Feng Tang participated in a whole year of military training before entering college, and during that time, running for half an hour every morning also became his untouchable habit.

And this period of time not only strengthened his physique, but also sharpened a tenacious will.

The third redemption was in middle age, and as he grew older, coupled with his long-term desk writing, Feng Tang gradually felt discomfort everywhere in his body.

So he went back to running, and this time, he saw it not only as a way to maintain his health, but also as his life companion for the rest of his life.

Many times, it's not life that gets into an impasse, it's our way of life.

Exercising or not exercising, the harvest is always a different life.

Appreciation of American Literature: "Movement Can Change Your Life"

The wise man once said, "All the looks you want can be carved out by yourself." ”

If you want to have a healthy body, the only way to overcome laziness is to stand on the "runway";

If you want to have a happy mood, you can only know how to start and open your legs.

Exercise is the best way for middle-aged people to change their lives.

With the help of self-discipline and perseverance, your appearance, posture, temperament, radiance, and life will be fixed in the best state, and then calmly reap the best feedback given by life.

The ancients said: "There must be a cause for the effect of the orchid factor." ”

What kind of life we hope to live in 10 or 20 years from now needs to be planted today.

It's never too late to start exercising, and if you take action, you'll win half the battle; Perseverance is the only way to reap a lot of surprises.

Source: Insights

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