
Work hard and move forward with dreams - a series of publicity on the typical deeds of "two excellent and one first" in Hui'an County (4)

author:See Quanzhou

Editor's note

  On the occasion of "July 1st", in order to commend the advanced, promote righteousness, publicize models, and encourage party organizations at all levels and the majority of Communist Party members to inspire the spirit of love and hard work, the Hui'an County Party Committee decided to commend 35 outstanding Communist Party members in the county, 35 outstanding party workers in the county, and 30 advanced grass-roots party organizations in the county, and recommended 10 outstanding Communist Party members in the city, 9 outstanding party workers in the city, and 9 advanced grass-roots party organizations in the city.

  From now on, the "Hui'an Express" will publicize and report on the typical deeds of the city and county's "two excellent and one first", and further encourage the county's party organizations at all levels and the majority of Communist Party members to take the advanced model as an example, inherit and carry forward the "Hui'an spirit" in the new era, stand up and take responsibility, work hard, and make new and greater contributions to promoting the practice of Chinese-style modernization in Hui'an.

  This issue of Hui'an County's "two excellent and one first" typical deeds publicity report, focusing on the city's outstanding Communist Party member Zhou Yuying, the city's outstanding party worker Chen Jixiang, and the city's advanced grassroots party organization Luocheng Northwest Community Committee.

Zhou Yuying

Work hard and move forward with dreams - a series of publicity on the typical deeds of "two excellent and one first" in Hui'an County (4)

  "Everyone said I was a 'nosy' village cadre." Zhou Yuying said with a smile. For more than 20 years, she has been based on her own duties and fulfilled her duties in her ordinary work, playing a vanguard and exemplary role as a Communist Party member.

  As a party member and village cadre, Zhou Yuying has always kept in mind the original intention of seeking well-being for the people. In September 2021, the Quanzhou GC project, a national key project, was launched in Songcun Village, and as the mediation director, she stepped forward, visited door to door, and communicated with every villager in every household. "Although the time is tight and the task is heavy, as a village cadre, what we have to do is to not only serve and ensure the smooth implementation of key projects, but also protect the legitimate rights and interests of villagers." She frequently appeared in every corner of the relocation site, but she never complained. With the hard work of her and her staff, the relocation work was successfully completed and won the praise and trust of the masses.

  She is deeply rooted in the front line of the rural grassroots and has a cheerful personality, and she is good at dealing with the masses. In 2015, Songcun Village, Jingfeng Town, piloted the establishment of the county's first Huinu mediation room, and she recommended herself to serve as the director of the Huinu mediation room, and has mediated hundreds of contradictions. Walking to the front line of mediation, she is good at "nosy", and often uses off-duty time to collect the demands of the masses, answer them on the spot, and mediate on the spot. We must fully understand the demands of both sides, think about the problem from the perspective of the masses, grasp the root cause of the problem and solve it reasonably, and strive to solve problems for the masses, so that the masses can truly feel our care and justice." She enthusiastically shares her experience with everyone. After each mediation, she will continue to pay attention, follow up, and help if necessary. Her sincere attitude and humorous mediation language warmed everyone's hearts, and she was affectionately called the "peacemaker" by the local villagers. The working practices of the "Huinu Mediation Room" have been publicized and reported by the media at the central, provincial and municipal levels.

  "The satisfied smiles of the crowd are the greatest affirmation of me." Zhou Yuying said, "I will take practical actions to make more contributions to rural development and the happy life of the masses, and strive to realize the value of my life." ”

Chen Jixiang

Work hard and move forward with dreams - a series of publicity on the typical deeds of "two excellent and one first" in Hui'an County (4)

  "Things should be comfortable for the masses to use, and services should be accepted and recognized by the masses." This is the goal set by Chen Jixiang for the "Party Building +" Neighborhood Center in Gongchuan Village.

  To this end, he integrated the "15-minute convenience circle" with a variety of life services, leisure and entertainment services, safety and health services and other facilities. Beautify the leisure square of Xiachi community, with all kinds of facilities; Enhance the road landscape of Biaomeiding and add a township square; Replace the facades of shops along the street, unify store signs, and create a "food street"; 1 nursing home, 1 happiness home, 1 elderly activity center, and 1 elderly canteen have been built...... and the addition of "new members" has made the main street show a new look, and it has also made Gongchuan Village full of popularity, and the center has also been rated as a three-star "party building +" neighborhood center in the city.

  "The revitalization and development of the countryside is like a relay race, once it starts, it must be baton after baton until victory." Chen Jixiang took 9 years to fulfill his promise.

  From the reform of the funeral management system, to the construction of infrastructure such as the office building of the Gongchuan Village Committee, the three-star tourist public toilet, the leisure square, and the Gongchuan Ancient Wharf Sightseeing Park, from the construction of shops along the street, the provision of leasing to the introduction of third-party management in the intelligent parking lot, the innovation and increase of village financial income...... One by one, he broke through many difficulties and brought earth-shaking changes to the village collective. Gongchuan Village has been rated as a provincial-level civilized village for two consecutive years, and the village's financial income has achieved a big jump, from being heavily indebted to achieving a positive income of 500,000 yuan in 2023.

  "Gongchuan Village is an ancient village with 'culture' and 'history', and the wisdom and mind of the ancestors of Gongchuan in ancient times should be inherited and carried forward by our children and grandchildren." Based on the advantages of Gongchuan Village as a provincial-level historical and cultural village, Chen Jixiang plans to introduce the construction of the cultural and creative base of Gongchuan Ancient Wharf and the cultural and tourism integration route of Erli Ancient Street, and promote the protection of the cultural heritage of Gongchuan Village as a whole.

  In accordance with the method of "one house, one design, one museum, one style", they protect the overall style of the streets and alleys, and repair and improve; renovate the ancient streets and roads, and remediate the messy lines in the ancient villages; According to local conditions, it will be built into a micro-landscape, leisure space or Internet celebrity check-in point, and a number of museums and rooms will be activated and utilized at the main nodes; Excavate the culture of the Rim Woman, build the Rim Woman Folk Culture Center, and launch the Rim City Cultural Tourism Leisure and Resort brand. These have allowed the development of Gongchuan Village to achieve a "turnaround against the wind" and change from a "backward village" to a "star village".

  The journey is thousands of miles, and the original intention is the same. Over the years, Chen Jixiang has experienced many "unseen" problems such as fighting the epidemic and participating in emergency rescue, and he has always worked hard and tiredly, "overcoming obstacles" all the way, and turning the happy picture of "butterfly change" in Gongchuan Village into reality.

Northwest Community Party Committee

Work hard and move forward with dreams - a series of publicity on the typical deeds of "two excellent and one first" in Hui'an County (4)

  The party committee of the northwest community of Luocheng Town has a large base of party members and is older, accounting for 60% of them over 65 years old, of which 171 are over 70 years old.

  The Party Committee of the Northwest Community gave full play to the brand effect of "time-honored brand" and set up the "Quanzhou Pioneer Old Party Member Studio" and "Huiyin Elderly" Studio in the neighborhood center to serve the masses by using the political experience and prestige of the old party members. Zeng Jinhua is one of them.

  "To do this job is to be diligent in your legs." Zeng Jinhua, a veteran party member, has insisted on patrolling and visiting every day since he became a grid member. One day, Zeng Jinhua inspected and passed by Lao Chen's house and found a large area of water at the door. He leaned on the crack in the door and looked, "It's broken, the water pipe is running out!" He immediately called someone to avoid further damage.

  Due to its outstanding work, the retired party branch of the northwest community has been awarded the Quanzhou Demonstration Party Branch, the Pioneer Party Branch, the Quanzhou Advanced Grassroots Party Organization, and the Quanzhou Pioneer Old Party Member Studio. The community has also been awarded the honors of Fujian Provincial Fitness and Recreation Home for the Elderly, National Model Community for the Elderly, and National Model Age-friendly Community.

  In order to strengthen the two-way connection between the community and the co-construction unit, the Party Committee of the Northwest Community relied on the "Zhihui Party Building" cloud platform to create an online management platform, promoted 90 in-service party members to participate in community governance, and successively carried out more than 100 sessions such as lighting up "micro wishes" for the elderly, garbage classification I go first, and creating a city volunteer service.

  Close contact with the masses, close to the hearts of the people, and serving the masses are the working purposes of the community. They visit households every day to resolve conflicts and disputes. Zeng Xiangyang, the mediation director of the Northwest Community, gave full play to his own functional advantages to solve problems and resolve doubts for the masses, and his mediation success rate reached 98%.

  Caring for and helping party members and mobilizing the enthusiasm of party members is the basis of the work of community party committees. The Party Committee of the Northwest Community has used the Community Party Member Care and Mutual Aid Fund to visit more than 200 sick and poor Party members and distribute condolences of 75,000 yuan. When a party member dies, he will express his condolences to his family as soon as possible. This meticulous and warm approach makes the family members truly feel the warmth of the organization.

  Since 2021, the Xiyuan area of Luocheng Town has been comprehensively renovated, and the Party Committee of the Northwest Community has gone deep into the frontline to serve the expropriation and relocation work in view of the many housing and property analysis problems faced in the demolition.

  "This is a big project for the benefit of the masses, the community workers give up their small homes for everyone, and the party members and comrades are charging ahead, no matter how difficult and hard, they are not afraid, as long as they can do good things for the masses, they are very happy." Lin Panfen, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Northwest Community, said. With a fuller mental state, they will continue to strengthen their self-cultivation and strive to do practical things and solve problems for the masses.

Source | Organization Department of Hui'an County Committee of the Communist Party of China

Edit | Chen Zhenyu

Editor-in-charge | Cai Xiaoqing

Audit | Lin Shuda

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