
To allow customers to enjoy the "worry-free, time-saving and money-saving" financial consumption experience, Ping An released five major ......

author:Yangcheng faction

On the occasion of the upcoming 12th "7.8 National Insurance Public Publicity Day", on July 2, Ping An held the "Ping An Lecture Hall". The "Star Product and Service Conference" of the three provinces comprehensively introduced the customer service concept of "worry-free, time-saving and money-saving", and showcased the five sharp knife products and star services of Ping An Life's "111 Quick Compensation Service", Ping An Property & Casualty's "Good Car Owner Service", Ping An Bank's "International Student Credit Card", Ping An Health Insurance's "High-quality Medical Insurance", and Ping An Health's "Ping An Family Doctor Service", providing all-round services and protecting people's happiness and beautiful life.

To allow customers to enjoy the "worry-free, time-saving and money-saving" financial consumption experience, Ping An released five major ......

The scene of the event

Chen Yao, General Manager of Ping An Group's Brand Publicity Department, said that 2024 is Ping An's "Three Provinces Promotion Year", and all Ping An people are deeply involved in the construction of "Three Provinces" services. "Finance for the people" is the value coordinate of financial work, and Ping An's efforts to build the "three provinces" service are to continue to practice the people-centered development concept, respond to the people's yearning for a better life, and be grateful to customers for their trust in Ping An's services.

Shang Jingguo, Secretary-General of the Insurance Association of China, Zeng Gang, Deputy Director of the National Finance and Development Laboratory, and relevant leaders of Ping An Group, Ping An Life, Ping An Property & Casualty, Ping An Bank, Ping An Health Insurance, Ping An Health and other member companies attended the event.

To allow customers to enjoy the "worry-free, time-saving and money-saving" financial consumption experience, Ping An released five major ......

The scene of the event

Customer first, upgrade and innovate product service experience

The five star products and services released this time deeply illustrate Ping An's customer-centric value proposition of "saving worry, time and money" for customers.

Ping An Life launched the "111 Quick Claim" service, bringing customers a "three-province" claim service experience of "one-sentence reporting, one-click upload, and one-minute review". In response to the time-consuming and troublesome pain points of traditional claim settlement methods, Ping An Life has built the industry's first "AI claims robot" on the reporting side to achieve "one-sentence voice reporting". On the application side, it realizes one-click uploading of materials and automatic classification and archiving; In the review process, intelligent entry of case information, intelligent adjustment and deduction of fees, and automatic review and payment within 1 minute.

According to the latest data, Ping An Life paid more than 2.58 million claims in the first half of 2024, with a claim amount of more than 20.6 billion yuan, and a claim settlement rate of over 99%, of which the highest claim amount was 24.51 million yuan, and the fastest claim payment only took 10 seconds, and 55% of the cases could be completed within 30 minutes, with an average flash claim time limit of only 7.4 minutes.

To allow customers to enjoy the "worry-free, time-saving and money-saving" financial consumption experience, Ping An released five major ......

The scene of the event

Ping An Property & Casualty provides customers with one-stop car insurance, car services and car owners' life through the "Ping An Good Car Owner", and expands the scope of services to as many as 82 items, including claims, refueling, car washing, driving, rescue, and annual inspection, realizing a 20% discount on refueling, saving users 1.6 billion yuan throughout the year. 5% off charging, saving 80 yuan per user per year; The driver takes orders in 5 seconds and arrives at the scene in 5 minutes, and roadside assistance arrives in 30 minutes and guards all day. At present, Ping An Property & Casualty's "Good Car Owner Service" has 200 million registered users, more than 40 million monthly active users, and more than 55 million annual service users, with a praise rate of 97%.

Ping An Health Insurance integrates the concept of "three provinces" into its product design, and pioneers the industry's high-quality medical insurance with active health management. "eBao" focuses on digital health protection, monitoring 9 major health indicators 24 hours a day, issuing risk warnings in a timely manner, providing active care and one-click emergency call for help. The product selects global medical resources to provide customers with whole-process health management services from medical treatment, hospitalization to discharge and rehabilitation. Compared with traditional health insurance products, "Easy Insurance" transforms passive into active, truly helps users manage their own health, improves their "sense of service", and provides customers with one-stop health solutions that "save worry, time and money".

Ping An Bank provides more comprehensive and considerate rights and interests for the majority of international students, that is, in response to the pain points of tuition payment, living expenses, insurance protection, health and safety of overseas students, Ping An Bank has launched the "Worry-free PLUS Rights and Interests Package" for international students, integrating the group's banking, insurance, medical and health resources, and bringing all-round worry-free protection for international students in terms of study, consumption, health and travel.

The rights and interests include 1% rebate for overseas consumption, 88% off the payment for studying abroad, etc., saving customers up to 30,000 yuan per year; At the same time, it provides emergency medical assistance for overseas travel and a number of insurance protection and travel services, so that students and parents can rest assured, and create a new benchmark for financial services for studying abroad.

Ping An Health has also upgraded the "Ping An Family Doctor" family doctor ace service, creating a "11312" one-stop active health management service system for each Chinese family, that is, a professional and authoritative family doctor team, a leading domestic and international first-class standard service path, 3 sets of active health management services, and 12 scarce medical resources.

"Ping An Family Doctor" also issued the user's "three provinces" commitment: active management, through automatic files, the whole process of physical examination management; It can be managed well, build a closed loop of chronic disease management, and improve chronic disease indicators; Manage the whole process, realize accurate medical treatment before the hospital, efficient treatment in the hospital, and rehabilitation after the hospital. Up to now, there are nearly 13 million family doctor service members under "Ping An Family Doctor", and the five-star praise rate of user consultation exceeds 98%.

"Finance for the People" actively responds to the national strategy

As of the end of March 2024, Ping An has nearly 234 million individual customers, equivalent to one in six Chinese customers. Customer-centric and customer-oriented are the guidelines for leading Ping An's high-quality development. It is understood that as early as three years ago, Ma Mingzhe, chairman of Ping An Group, issued a call for "three provinces" service to all Ping An people to "save worry, time and money", so that every customer can enjoy the ultimate experience of "three provinces" in comprehensive financial and medical care services.

In the early stage, Ping An took customer listening as the starting point of the three-province project, and the senior executives of each member company and colleagues from various business teams continued to go to the front line, approach customers, listen to customers' voices, and listen to customers' suggestions. At present, Ping An's member companies are striving to launch star products and sharp knife services that are "innovative in the industry, perceived by customers, and influential in the market", so that customers can get a real value experience of "three provinces".

In response to the five star products released on the spot, Zeng Gang, deputy director of the National Finance and Development Laboratory, said that Ping An's "three provinces" products and services reflect the characteristics of customer-centric, diversified services and extensive use of technology empowerment, which are well in line with the development strategy of "comprehensive finance + medical pension". These products and services have injected new vitality into national strategies such as Healthy China and Science and Technology Power, and vividly written a safe chapter of the "Five Chapters" of finance.

From customer groups such as car owners and international students, as well as service scenarios such as insurance claims, family doctors, and medical insurance, it can be seen that Ping An's product and service upgrades have profoundly responded to the needs of customers in the new era.

Based on the high-quality development of the insurance industry, Shang Jingguo, Secretary-General of the Insurance Association of China, said that implementing the requirements of "political and people's" in finance is a necessary guarantee for the steady and long-term development of the insurance industry. As a service industry, the service experience of insurance is very important, so that customers can see and feel the temperature, Ping An's "three provinces" service concept and practical exploration reflect this concept of the insurance industry, and also help to achieve a balance and unity of customer value, company value and industry value, and promote the sustainable development of the company and the industry.

Ping An said that every step of Ping An's development and innovation is inseparable from the trust and support of every customer. Over the past 36 years, Ping An has been deeply aware of and attentive to customer needs in every upgrade. Ping An has built the ultimate service of "three provinces", with clear development strategy guidance, strong support from Ping An technology, and encouragement from leading corporate culture.

In response to the increasingly diversified financial consumption needs of hundreds of millions of customers, and in the face of the problems of "difficult and expensive medical treatment" for ordinary people in the aging era, Ping An will continue to make every effort to build a service map of "comprehensive finance + medical care for the elderly", so that every customer and every Chinese family can enjoy a worry-free, time-saving and cost-saving service experience.

Text, photo: Jiang Jiayuan, Wang Tiange

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