
【Rural Revitalization】Cuiqiao Song Magang: "Branch" takes the lead in rural exhibition "new look"

author:Fugou Fusion Media

Li Qinying, secretary of the Party branch of Songmagang Administrative Village, Cuiqiao Town, Fugou County, led a group of people from the "two committees" of the village to take the creation of the "five-star branch" as the starting point and the party discipline study and education as an opportunity to combine the improvement of the rural living environment with the work of rural revitalization, carry forward the spirit of nailing, hammer after hammer, and make great efforts to improve the rural living environment, enhance the level of rural governance, and draw a beautiful new picture of the countryside.

【Rural Revitalization】Cuiqiao Song Magang: "Branch" takes the lead in rural exhibition "new look"

Walking into Songmagang Village, I saw that the road was flat and clean, the front and back of the house were clean and tidy, the cultural square was flat and open, and the villagers sat in the shade of the trees talking and laughing, just like a picture of the countryside.

【Rural Revitalization】Cuiqiao Song Magang: "Branch" takes the lead in rural exhibition "new look"

The improvement of the human settlement environment is a protracted and tough battle, which requires the active participation of cadres and the masses in an all-round way, and makes every effort to sprint and work together to tackle tough problems. Li Qinying led the cadres of the whole village to adopt the model of "the branch drives the party members, and the party members drive the masses", and through the convening of the party member meeting, the mass representative meeting, and the villagers' meeting, and soliciting opinions and suggestions from various parties, the "implementation plan" for the improvement of the human settlement environment in Songmagang Village with the standard of "civilized rural customs, clean village appearance, blue water and green, beautiful and livable, and highlighting characteristics" was formulated, and the improvement of the human settlement environment was written into the "Village Rules and Regulations", and the daily management mechanism of environmental sanitation was improved, and the environmental sanitation grid, dynamic cleaning, and normal evaluation were implemented. Ensure that one household is renovated, one place is clean, and one piece is beautiful.

【Rural Revitalization】Cuiqiao Song Magang: "Branch" takes the lead in rural exhibition "new look"

Zhang Xinpai, a member of the people of Songmagang Village, said: "In the past, when I went out in my village, I was covered in soil on sunny days and mud on rainy days. Now it's all right, and through the joint efforts of our village, the roads have been repaired and the lights are on. The old and young masters in the village are fine, and they can still go to the cultural square for leisure and entertainment. To sum up, it is better to have a party policy. ”

【Rural Revitalization】Cuiqiao Song Magang: "Branch" takes the lead in rural exhibition "new look"

At the same time, it actively carries out publicity on the improvement of the rural human settlements, and carries out extensive publicity through WeChat groups, broadcasts, slogans, banners, etc., so as to create a good atmosphere for the whole people to participate in the improvement of the human settlements. Guide the masses to actively participate in the improvement of the living environment, enhance the awareness of the masses to create a good living environment, improve the overall image of the village, and realize the continuous improvement of the appearance of the village.

【Rural Revitalization】Cuiqiao Song Magang: "Branch" takes the lead in rural exhibition "new look"

Li Caihong, a cadre of Bao Village, Songmagang Village, said: "Under the strong leadership and strong support of the Party Committee and Government of Cuiqiao Town, and with the joint participation of village-level cadres and the masses, now our Songmagang Village has indeed played a typical exemplary role in building a livable, workable, and beautiful village, and on the road of rural revitalization." ”

【Rural Revitalization】Cuiqiao Song Magang: "Branch" takes the lead in rural exhibition "new look"

In the process of rectification, by the village cadres, unemployed party members, villager leaders, representatives of the masses to form a human settlements environment improvement team, regular meetings, face-to-face to point out the problem, list, requirements, work village cadres in the front, line first, start from themselves, take the lead in setting an example, stimulate the enthusiasm of the masses to take the initiative to participate in the improvement of the human settlements, and promote the masses from "passive sorting" to "active sorting".

【Rural Revitalization】Cuiqiao Song Magang: "Branch" takes the lead in rural exhibition "new look"
【Rural Revitalization】Cuiqiao Song Magang: "Branch" takes the lead in rural exhibition "new look"

Han Shumin, a member of the Songmagang Administrative Village Supervision Committee, said: "I have participated in the work for more than a year, from the work and life of Sister Qin Ying has a great influence on me, Sister Qin Ying is dedicated to the work, dedicated to the public, is an example for me to learn, in life she is a caring elder sister who has nothing to talk about, in this working atmosphere makes me feel very comfortable, in the future I want to learn from Sister Qin Ying, do my best to do practical things for my father and fellow villagers, and realize the value of my life in the rural frontline." ”

【Rural Revitalization】Cuiqiao Song Magang: "Branch" takes the lead in rural exhibition "new look"
【Rural Revitalization】Cuiqiao Song Magang: "Branch" takes the lead in rural exhibition "new look"

On this basis, Li Qinying also actively strives for project funds to build infrastructure in the village. Since 2016, the village has built roads many times, built new village rooms, cultural squares, installed street lights, fitness equipment, etc., and Li Qinying herself has been rated as "excellent branch secretary" for consecutive years.

【Rural Revitalization】Cuiqiao Song Magang: "Branch" takes the lead in rural exhibition "new look"

Li Qinying, secretary of the Party branch of Songmagang Administrative Village, Cuiqiao Town, said: "As a grassroots party branch secretary, in the future work, I will lead the cadres of the two village committees and the villagers to widely solicit everyone's opinions and suggestions, find ways and seek development, and work pragmatically and pressurously in rural revitalization, industrial development, and human settlements environment improvement, especially in the improvement of human settlements, we must innovate working methods, establish and improve long-term mechanisms, improve grid management, and ensure that the whole village is green, clean and beautiful, and the industry is prosperous. We must also continue to lead everyone to strive forward on the road to prosperity and help rural revitalization. ”

Fugou Media: Jia Tuanjie, Wang Zhiqiang, Wang Zhongbo, Tian Haolin

Editor in charge: Li Wubing

Editor: Li Guangfu