
The top ten unpopular masters in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

author:Candle shadow chatter

According to incomplete statistics, there are a total of 1191 characters with names and surnames in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", nearly half of which are military generals in the traditional sense, among which there are many well-known big figures, such as Lu Bu, Guan Yu, etc., and there is no shortage of masters who are easy to be ignored.

10: Marshal Koshiyoshi

During Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition, the king of the Qiang tribe sent troops to support Cao Zhen, and the commander of the troops was Marshal Yue Ji and Prime Minister Yadan. Marshal Yueji made a big hammer, which weighed 100 catties in the Jiajing book, and was the first existence among all the weapons recorded in the book (Mao Ben canceled this setting), and he was the first general of the Qiang people.

In the battle with Guan Xing, the mainstay of the late Shu Han Dynasty, the Yueji Sanhe killed the martial saint and walked away, which was related to the unfavorable factors of Xing's troops, of course, more or the strength of Marshal Yueji brought Guan Xing a sense of oppression, which was quite rare in the later period.

However, in the end, there is a gap with the stable first-class generals, and after the attack and defense are changed, Yue Ji was killed by Guan Xing again. In general, it is foolish to think that the two martial arts are similar, and victory or defeat is affected by the battle situation.

The top ten unpopular masters in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".


When it comes to the famous generals in Shu, the first thing that comes to everyone's mind is probably Yan Yan, Zhang Ren, etc., in fact, when he was ordered to resist Liu Bei's invasion, Ling Bao was the joint leader of the troops with Zhang Ren and the other three, and was second only to Liu Bi in the order of names, listed above Zhang Ren, which shows that in terms of status, Ling Bao is only higher than Zhang Ren, but because Zhang Ren set up an ambush and shot Pang Tong, his reputation is even better.

As far as martial arts are concerned, Ling Bao is also good, and has fought with Wei Yan and Huang Zhong. Wei Yan is a standard first-class general, and he fights against Ling Bao in the face of unfavorable troops. In the face of Huang Zhong, who rescued Wei Yan, Ling Bao also managed to retreat with his whole body, and his performance was quite good.

However, similar to Marshal Yueji, Ling Bao's play largely depends on the battlefield situation, in his second face of Wei Yan, due to the disadvantage of the occupation of Wei Yan was captured by Wei Yan in a short time, on the whole, its hard power is close to Wei Yan, or slightly inferior to three points, such a level is already considered to be in the forefront of the Yizhou generals.

The top ten unpopular masters in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

8: Deng Zhong

Deng Zhong is the son of Deng Ai, because his father is too good, so to a certain extent, Deng Zhong was covered up, in fact, his martial arts are quite good, almost no less than his father, the most direct proof is the battle with Jiang Wei.

Speaking of which, the fledgling Deng Zhong was not yet twenty years old at the time, but not only was he not stage frightened, but he also showed the side of the newborn calf that was not afraid of tigers to the fullest. When facing the old and spicy Jiang Wei, Deng Zhong fought with him for thirty consecutive times and did not lose the slightest advantage, but Jiang Wei was quite surprised, and even mistook Deng Zhong for Deng Ai. Seeing that it was difficult to win through conventional means, Jiang Wei deceived and left, secretly released cold arrows, and as a result, two arrows in a row were dodged by Deng Zhong, and when the two met again, Jiang Wei was originally panicked, but the problem of Deng Zhong's lack of experience was also exposed at this time, and he was in a hurry to stab him with a shot, but was caught by Jiang Wei by mistake and snatched away, so Deng Zhong had to lose and leave.

Although he was defeated by Jiang Wei in the end, Deng Zhong's talent and bravery were still perfectly presented, and on the whole, he had quasi-first-class strength, which was not far behind Jiang Wei.

The top ten unpopular masters in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

7: Wang Ping

Wang Ping was an important general in the late Shu Han Dynasty, although he didn't know a few big characters, but he was born to use soldiers, and the battle of Jieting was in stark contrast to Ma Tan, if it weren't for Ma Tan not listening to his words, he might not have been defeated so badly.

However, the focus of more friends seems to be on Wang Ping's command, as for martial arts, it seems that it is not very prominent, after all, Liao Hua, Zhang Yi, Zhang Wei, etc., who are as famous as them in the later period, are all mediocre martial arts. In fact, Wang Ping's strength is much stronger than these people, and in the battle with the famous general Zhang He, he insisted on dozens of times before he was defeated, which was rare in the later Shu Han army.

The top ten unpopular masters in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

6: Yang Ren

The generals under Zhang Lu in Hanzhong have very little pen and ink, and even many friends may not remember such a person at all, after all, the most outstanding combat performance in Hanzhong is the general Pang De. However, if you underestimate Yang Ren because of this, it would be a big mistake, this little dragon set and Xiahou Yuan fought against Xia Hou Yuan for twenty or thirty times, and Xiahou Yuan finally killed him by "dragging the knife strategy", such a means is rarely used unless it is absolutely necessary, so this battle is enough to see that through conventional combat, it is not easy for Xiahou Yuan to defeat Yang Ren.

The top ten unpopular masters in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

5: Wu Anguo

Many friends have heard of Wu Anguo's name, but few people regard it as a master, and even when the tricky wind was rampant a few years ago, Wu Anguo was also called the "Tiger Prison Five Tiger Generals" with Fang Yue, Mu Shun, Yu She, and Pan Feng, full of irony.

In fact, Wu Anguo's strength is much stronger than those four, and even better than some quasi-first-class generals. In the first battle of Tiger Prison Pass, Wu Anguo fought with Lu Bu with a hammer and was defeated for more than ten times, and cut off his wrist. But at that time, Lu Bu was at his peak, and it was not easy to fight against him for more than ten years. In the battle of Xingyang, Xiahoudun, who has always been known for his bravery, was killed when he faced Lu Bu and was also unstoppable, in reference to Zhang Fei, whose strength was not higher than Lu Bu, more than ten together captured Yan Yan, and more than ten together stabbed Ji Ling to death, Wu Anguo can at least rank in the second rate, or even quasi-first-class, and his strength should not be underestimated.

The top ten unpopular masters in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

4: Guan Hai

Guan Hai is the one with the highest martial arts among the generals from the Yellow Turban, although the pen and ink are pitiful, but he is by no means a general, and his methods are enough to compete with most first-class generals.

At that time, Guan Hai led 100,000 people to besiege Beihai, Tai Shici was entrusted by Kong Rong to break through the siege and ask for help, and finally Liu Bei's three brothers led soldiers and horses to help. In the process of fighting between the two sides, Guan Hai faced Guan Yunchang, who was respected as a martial saint by later generations, and was killed by Guan Gong after dozens of battles.

Dozens of rounds are usually understood to be more than fifty but less than a hundred rounds. Referring to Yan Liang's 20th victory over Xu Huang, Ma Chao's 20th victory over Zhang He, Guan Gong's strength and Yan Liang and Ma Chao's Bozhong belong to the top of the super-first-class existence, Guan Hai can walk dozens of times in front of Guan Yu, and is not inferior to Xu Huang and Zhang He in indirect comparison. Although the level of martial arts is not simply an equal substitution, in terms of Guan Hai's performance, it is not inappropriate to say that it is in the same file as Xu Huang and other first-class generals.

The top ten unpopular masters in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

3: Zhuge Shang

In the past, when discussing the Romance of the Warriors, few people would mention Zhuge Shang, first of all, because he appeared too late and the space was limited; The second is that his grandfather, Zhuge Liang, was too successful in setting up the people of the wisdom ceiling, and few people would imagine his descendants as fierce generals with high martial arts. In fact, although Zhuge Shang does not have many achievements, he is very eye-catching, and he foolishly thinks that he is the only person in the latter three kingdoms who can have a long and short relationship with Wen Yang, especially Jiang Wei and Deng Ai.

After Deng Ai succeeded in smuggling through Yinping, Zhuge Zhan led his army to fight with him, and his son Zhuge Shang fought Deng Zhong and Shi Shu alone and won easily. As we said just now, Deng Zhong's fledgling performance is not much inferior to Jiang Wei, at this time, it is the year of fighting, and the martial arts should be stronger than at the beginning, but there is still a huge gap between the joint division and Zhuge Shang. Shi Su lacks a record record, so his strength is difficult to locate, so we will all treat him as an additive, when this does not affect the judgment of Zhuge Shang's strength at all, after all, just beating Deng Zhong is obviously stronger than Jiang Wei at the beginning.

The defeat of the two generals made Deng Ai angry and angry, and ordered them to make meritorious contributions, if they were defeated again, they should be in the military law, and as a result, the two met Zhuge Shang again, and they were still defeated, which shows that Zhuge Shang at least has the level of a first-class general, and throughout the entire post-Three Kingdoms period, it seems that the only person who can reach this level is Wen Yang who killed the Quartet in Lejiacheng.

The top ten unpopular masters in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

2: Li Yan

As a trusted minister, after Liu Bei's death, the status of Shu Han Wenwu was Li Yan in addition to Zhuge Liang, although he was demoted because of his delay during Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition, it did not affect Li Yan's popularity at all, and even became more known to the public.

However, few people will regard Li Yan as a first-class general with excellent martial arts, at most he is a Confucian general, in fact, Li Yan's only one fighting general performance is extremely eye-catching. When Liu Bei led the army into Shu, Li Yan and Huang Zhong fought fiercely for forty or fifty times without winning or losing, after the war, Zhuge Liang thought that Li Yan was brave and could only outwit him, not invincible, and Huang Zhong, who had never been provoked, did not refute it! It can be seen from this that Li Yan's martial arts are not much better than Huang Zhong, and I even think that Wei Yan, who has always been regarded as the first person under the Five Tigers, may not be higher than Li Yan in terms of hard power.

The top ten unpopular masters in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

1: Wang Lang

"I sat up in a dying dream, and the clown turned out to be myself", this may be the intuitive impression of most friends on Wang Lang, after all, "Wuxiang Hou scolded Wang Lang to death" is too classic.

As an old minister of Cao Wei's Three Dynasties, Wang Lang was over seventy years old and still followed the army to fight, and was confident that he could make Zhuge Liang surrender in just a few words. His idea is very simple, Xiao Yi is righteous, but Zhuge Liang didn't follow the path of Lao Situ at all, Ping Pong made a personal attack, so angry that Wang Lang rolled in blood, fell off the mount, and died with a whimper. In fact, Wang Lang's self-confidence is not unreasonable, because everyone in Cao Wei respects him very much, but he forgot that people and you are not in the same system, isn't this self-inflicted?

But if the impression of Wang Lang stays here, it will be too one-sided. Wang Lang was a Huiji Taishou in his early years, and when Sun Ce swept Jiangdong, Wang Lang was dissatisfied with Sun's arrogance, openly supported Yan Baihu, and rose up to resist, and the most surprising thing was that he fought with Tai Shici without winning or losing, until the two sides fell into a scuffle. The specific time and round of this battle are unknown, so we can't accurately locate Wang Lang's strength, but being able to fight with Tai Shici without being killed by him is enough to see that Wang Lang is not a simple civil servant in many people's impressions, and his martial arts are also useful.

I believe that many friends may never have thought that this former Huiji Taishou was the later Cao Wei Situ, just that they have the same name.

The top ten unpopular masters in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

Whether it is unpopular or not varies from person to person, and there may not be any unpopularity for book lovers who are familiar with "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", so the benevolent see the benevolent, and the wise see the wise, and there is no need to be too serious.