
Guo Jingjing will participate in the Paris Olympics, and she relies on the respect of the Huo family behind her "showing up".

author:Don't gossip will be a dead star man

Recently, Guo Jingjing announced in an interview that she will participate in the Paris Olympics less than a month later as a swimming referee, and Guo Jingjing's husband Huo Qigang will also go to Paris with the Hong Kong swimming team to cheer for the athletes.

Guo Jingjing will participate in the Paris Olympics, and she relies on the respect of the Huo family behind her "showing up".

As we all know, the three generations of the Huo family have made significant contributions to the domestic sports industry, and at last year's Asian Games, Huo Qigang also participated in the Asian Games as the head of the Hong Kong delegation, and he was out of the limelight.

Guo Jingjing will participate in the Paris Olympics, and she relies on the respect of the Huo family behind her "showing up".

During the Asian Games, Guo Jingjing also appeared as a "flag bearer", which made people see what it means to be "husband and wife are concentric".

Guo Jingjing will participate in the Paris Olympics, and she relies on the respect of the Huo family behind her "showing up".

Although Huo Qigang is the third-generation quasi-successor of the Huo family, in fact, Guo Jingjing's career is not much more idle than Huo Qigang.

Guo Jingjing will participate in the Paris Olympics, and she relies on the respect of the Huo family behind her "showing up".

Compared with many ladies in the Hong Kong circle who usually participate in various parties in the upper circles, Guo Jingjing devoted herself to her career after her three children grew up.

Guo Jingjing will participate in the Paris Olympics, and she relies on the respect of the Huo family behind her "showing up".

Although she retired as a "diver", she has been active internationally as a "diving referee", participating in the Japan Olympics in 2021, refereeing at the swimming championships in Japan last year, and now participating in the Paris Olympics.

Guo Jingjing will participate in the Paris Olympics, and she relies on the respect of the Huo family behind her "showing up".

In addition, Guo Jingjing also has her own "endorsement career", including some luxury endorsements.

Guo Jingjing will participate in the Paris Olympics, and she relies on the respect of the Huo family behind her "showing up".

And she also appears at various fashion week parties from time to time.

Guo Jingjing will participate in the Paris Olympics, and she relies on the respect of the Huo family behind her "showing up".

Or it has become a lot of magazine cover characters.

Guo Jingjing will participate in the Paris Olympics, and she relies on the respect of the Huo family behind her "showing up".

It can be said that although Guo Jingjing is not a star, her current national degree and activity are not inferior to first-line stars, which can also see the difference between her and many wealthy families.

Guo Jingjing will participate in the Paris Olympics, and she relies on the respect of the Huo family behind her "showing up".

You must know that in the Hong Kong circle, a "old money family" like the Huo family, plus it is a super wealthy family, the general requirement for the daughters of the family is not to show their heads.

Guo Jingjing will participate in the Paris Olympics, and she relies on the respect of the Huo family behind her "showing up".

Many wealthy families have no jobs after marriage, and their daily travel is not free. For example, Xu Ziqi, the "100 billion daughter-in-law", is surrounded by bodyguards when she goes out, and if she wants to eat a roadside stall, she can only ask the bodyguards to buy it.

Xu Ziqi's bodyguards described them as like "canaries" living in cages, but their cages are relatively large.

Guo Jingjing will participate in the Paris Olympics, and she relies on the respect of the Huo family behind her "showing up".

When Li Jiaxin married into the Xu family, her mother-in-law set 8 family rules, including not being able to stay overnight outside, quitting the entertainment industry, keeping a low profile in words and deeds outside, and not being exposed in clothing, etc.

Guo Jingjing will participate in the Paris Olympics, and she relies on the respect of the Huo family behind her "showing up".

Let's look at the daughters of the Huo family, except for Guo Jingjing, the other daughters of the Huo family have a very low exposure rate in terms of name and appearance, and some of them rarely even appear in public.

For example, Chen Qiqi, the wife of Huo Qigang's second uncle Huo Zhenhuan, Chen Qiqi was originally a "Shaw Brothers" actress, but after marrying into the Huo family, she completely withdrew from the circle, and lived a simple life, rarely appearing in public.

Guo Jingjing will participate in the Paris Olympics, and she relies on the respect of the Huo family behind her "showing up".

Guo Jingjing's mother-in-law, Zhu Lingling, is the most active among the Huo family's daughters besides Guo Jingjing, but in fact, it was also after she and Huo Zhenting divorced.

Guo Jingjing will participate in the Paris Olympics, and she relies on the respect of the Huo family behind her "showing up".

Because before Zhu Lingling left the Huo family, she was not allowed to go out to "show her face", and it was rumored that she was not allowed to cooperate with her sister to open a store.

Guo Jingjing will participate in the Paris Olympics, and she relies on the respect of the Huo family behind her "showing up".

Therefore, it is rumored that Zhu Lingling and Huo Zhenting divorced because they couldn't stand being "trapped" at home.

But when it comes to Guo Jingjing, it is very different, Guo Jingjing not only has her own sports career after marriage, but also can endorse and participate in various fashion week activities. The Huo family has complete respect and freedom for her.

Guo Jingjing will participate in the Paris Olympics, and she relies on the respect of the Huo family behind her "showing up".

However, it is worth noting that many wealthy families don't want their daughters to be too "exposed", and many don't want to have gossip that is not conducive to the family's reputation, but this is completely reassuring to Guo Jingjing.

Guo Jingjing will participate in the Paris Olympics, and she relies on the respect of the Huo family behind her "showing up".

Because as netizens said, Guo Jingjing only "helps" Huo Qigang's career, and there has never been any "negative news".

Guo Jingjing will participate in the Paris Olympics, and she relies on the respect of the Huo family behind her "showing up".

With a "positive energy" daughter-in-law like Guo Jingjing, how could the Huo family not be able to see it clearly?

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