
What is "Zhengyang Pioneer"?

author:Dongcheng, Beijing

Recently, the "Zhengyang Pioneer" party building brand in Dongcheng District was officially released. This district-level party building brand means "integrity and innovation", "born to the sun", "chongwen striving for the first" and "being unstoppable", and interprets the spiritual connotation of "political character loyal to the party, the value pursuit of chongwen and striving for the first, and the feelings of family and country serving the people" of party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members and cadres in the region.

The word "Zhengyang" in "Zhengyang Pioneer" is taken from Zhengyangmen, which is located at the southern end of Tiananmen Square, highlighting the functional positioning and mission value of Dongcheng District as the core area of the capital. In recent years, the Dongcheng District Party Committee has adhered to the guidance of party building, promoted the "Chongwen Striving for the First" at full speed, made every effort to implement the "six-character article", boosted the high-quality development of the region with high-quality party building, and explored and formed the "Zhengyang Pioneer" party building brand that meets the functional positioning and work requirements of the core area of the capital.

What is "Zhengyang Pioneer"?

The trainees of the initial training course for civil servants in Dongcheng District take the constitutional oath.

What is "Zhengyang Pioneer"?

The "Flowers of May" singing contest shows the demeanor of the cadre team.

In Dongcheng, 3,393 grassroots party organizations and more than 100,000 party members are shouldering heavy burdens and being pioneers in the front line of various key tasks. In the renovation and renovation of the four alleys of Nanluoguxiang, the dangerous reform of Baohuali, the improvement of the surrounding environment of the Temple of Heaven simple building, and the retreat of Jingshan in the imperial city, temporary party organizations were established to drive the project to advance solidly and achieve practical results; The city's first industrial group party committee - Dongcheng District Hangxing Park Industry Group Party Committee was established to promote the agglomeration and development of industrial subdivisions in key areas; A total of 46 grassroots party building demonstration sites have been built, and a "1+N" party-mass service center position system with Dongcheng characteristics has been built, focusing on building a street-level party-mass service center with regional characteristics; Using the party building demonstration site, the party and the masses service center and other positions, select the school site, inject "red" power, promote the 26 district party (work) committees in the district to build grassroots party schools, and build more than 30 on-site teaching points for party members, such as Shi Chuanxiang Memorial Hall, Qianmen Sanli River, and Jiaodaokou Nanluoguxiang...... Regionalized party building continues to empower regional high-quality development.

What is "Zhengyang Pioneer"?

"Shi Chuanxiang Memorial Hall".

What is "Zhengyang Pioneer"?

Three Mile River Park.

During the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, more than 30,000 people participated in the volunteer service of party members, more than 19,000 in-service party members went to the community to "double register", and more than 10,000 party members did practical things to serve the people...... Behind this string of numbers is the unremitting efforts of the party members in the core area of the new era in Dongcheng District. Party organizations of 589 government agencies and units and more than 19,000 in-service party members went to the community to carry out the "double registration" work, participated in the "weekend sanitation cleaning", flood control and emergency response, garden city construction, normalized volunteer service, etc., and led the cohesion of joint construction and co-governance under the guidance of party building, and promoted the continuous improvement of the level of service to the masses. Create a district-level party member education and training brand of "Zhengyang Pioneer Chuxin Lecture Hall", and organize party members in the whole district to take the same class through the combination of online and offline, centralized and decentralized. We will continue to carry out the volunteer service of party members and the activities of "I do practical things for the masses", and deliver policy publicity, legal aid, free health clinics, assistance to the elderly and the disabled, and light up the people's wishes. During the theme education period, more than 3,000 volunteer service activities were carried out, and more than 10,000 practical things were done to serve the people. Dongcheng is using the "temperature" of people's livelihood to mark the "scale" of happiness, and the party building is leading the co-construction, co-governance and sharing to a new level.

What is "Zhengyang Pioneer"?

"Weekend Cleaning" event.

What is "Zhengyang Pioneer"?

Volunteers in Dongcheng carry out volunteer service activities.

"Dongcheng Social Worker", "Small Courtyard Chamber", "Alley Housekeeper", "Strong Party Building and Strong Development"...... In recent years, a number of grassroots governance brands under the leadership of the party building in Dongcheng District have been continuously polished. All industries and systems in the region have created the party building brand of the "Red Phalanx District Direct Pioneer" organ system, the party building brand of the state-owned assets system of "Three Strengths and Three Modernizations", the party building brand of the health system of "Medical Heart to the Party and Healthy Dongcheng", the industry governance brand of "Donglu Shaohua" and "Dongcheng e-home", as well as the volunteer service brands of new employment groups such as "Four Seasons Warm Breeze (Bee)", "Little Brother Juligang", "Home of Express Delivery" and "Flower Market Rider Snack Stove". The majority of party members and cadres have become an important force in grassroots governance, and the efficiency of grassroots governance has been improved under the leadership of party building.

What is "Zhengyang Pioneer"?

Small courtyard chamber.

What is "Zhengyang Pioneer"?

In the "Four Seasons Warm Wind (Bee)" activity, the courier brother received a letter to the "little brother" in Dongcheng.

Looking forward to the new journey, Dongcheng District will continue to improve the systematic construction of the brand of party building work in the district.

With "one system, one highlight, one street, one brand, and one community and one characteristic", we will continue to deepen the party building brand matrix, summarize and sort out the good experience and good practices in the work, and create a brand system led by the district-level party building brand, supported by the party building brands of all fields and systems in the district, and connecting the dots into a line and gathering the lines into a surface.

In practice, we continue to enrich the connotation of the "Zhengyang Pioneer" party building brand. Promote the quality and efficiency of party building work with party building brand building, implement strong foundation projects, original intention projects, innovation projects and leading projects, promote the construction and overall construction of urban grassroots party building systems, and realize strong foundations, party members and pioneers as examples, highlight characteristics and innovation, integrate development and strong leadership, and comprehensively improve the modernization level of grassroots governance system and governance capacity.

What is "Zhengyang Pioneer"?

Dongcheng Public Security makes every effort to protect the security and stability of the core area.

Further improve the practical effectiveness of party building to lead high-quality development. Promote the cohesion of grassroots party organizations by cultivating and enriching the party building brand cluster in the core area, effectively transform organizational strength and organizational advantages into development momentum and development advantages, promote the solution of development problems with brand thinking, and inject new momentum and achieve new results for party building to lead high-quality development.

The magnificent central axis is full of the charm of the ancient capital, and Chongwen strives to be the first to highlight the atmosphere of the times. On the new journey, taking the opportunity of the "Zhengyang Pioneer" party building brand building, Dongcheng District is striding forward towards a new picture of Chinese modernization with orderly programming, ancient and modern, and a blend of etiquette and music.

We should take a clear-cut stand on politics

Cultivate the political character of loyalty to the party

What is "Zhengyang Pioneer"? It is a kind of character, a political character that takes a clear-cut stand on politics and is loyal to the party, the people, and the cause.

Wang Yingchun, 72 years old, is a 50-year-old resident party member in the eastern district of Guorui City, Chongwenmenwai Street. Wang Yingchun said: "Fifty years ago, with infinite loyalty and love for the party, I solemnly raised my right fist, and under the bright red party flag, I made a lifelong oath: to be loyal to the party, work actively, and fight for communism all my life!" ”

What is "Zhengyang Pioneer"?

Wang Yingchun (left) actively participated in the Dragon Boat Festival theme activities and sent holiday blessings to the empty nesters.

From joining Beijing No. 2 Chemical Plant, actively participating in industrial production with passion, contributing to the construction of New China, returning to the community after retirement, taking root in volunteer service, continuing to give full play to the residual heat of old party members, and treating the affairs of the masses as a career, Wang Yingchun practiced his oath to join the party with practical actions, loyal to the party, loyal to the people, and loyal to the cause. This year, Wang Yingchun was named an outstanding Communist Party member in Dongcheng District, she said: "This is the best affirmation and praise from the party organization. Looking back, I am proud of my choice and perseverance; Looking forward to the future, I have strengthened my determination to continue to fight for the party's cause all my life. ”

As a member of the Party Committee of the Dongcheng District People's Procuratorate, deputy director of the Seventh Procuratorial Department, and a first-level prosecutor, Song Yuxiang has experienced the experience of anti-corruption arrest and interrogation in the past nine years, tried to communicate with the visiting masses in the civil bank, and also handled some "first cases" during his work in the Investigation Supervision Department and the Seventh Procuratorial Department. He has always adhered to the political character of loyalty to the party, the people, and the cause, paid attention to thinking in handling cases, handled every case with high quality and efficiency, and was rated as "Excellent Party Worker in Dongcheng District".

What is "Zhengyang Pioneer"?

"Only when procuratorial work is integrated into the overall situation can there be a world." Song Yuxiang said, "For prosecutors, handling cases is not the ultimate goal, through case handling, let the people truly feel that the level of social governance of democracy, rule of law, fairness, justice and security is constantly improving, through case handling to achieve the governance of the source of litigation, and promote the deepening of the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity, this is the goal we are striving for." ”

What is "Zhengyang Pioneer"?

The advanced grass-roots party organizations in Dongcheng District and the branch committee of the technical brigade of the criminal investigation detachment of the Dongcheng Public Security Bureau have continuously strengthened the ideological and theoretical armament, and rooted the political character of loyalty to the party, the people, and the cause in the hearts of every party member and policeman.

What is "Zhengyang Pioneer"?

The Technical Brigade of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Dongcheng Public Security Bureau participated in the Criminal Technology Skills Competition of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau.

Carry out intensive study once a week, visit and study once every half month, carry out an exchange seminar once a month, and teach a special party class once a quarter...... During the period of party discipline learning and education, the branch continued to explore the best fit between the personal characteristics of party members and police officers in different growth periods and the needs of organizations and positions, and formed a classified learning system with different emphasis.

What is "Zhengyang Pioneer"?

Xu Lei, secretary of the party branch of the brigade, said: "We tailor learning arrangements for different subjects such as newly recruited policemen, party activists, newly appointed leading cadres, advanced typical business backbones, and other branch members, and continue to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of theoretical learning." "Today, a well-forged public security iron army is transforming theoretical learning into work practice, cracking a number of important cases with a solid professional level, and practicing the determination of loyalty to the people with practical actions.

Dare to be the first to stand at the head of the tide

Highlight the value pursuit of Chongwen and strive for the first

What is "Zhengyang Pioneer"? It is a kind of pursuit, and it is the value pursuit of daring to be the first, standing at the forefront of the tide, and not being willing to strive for the first-class after others.

As a front-line female representative of law enforcement inspection, Wang Ying, the third-level organizer of the Dongcheng District Emergency Management Comprehensive Law Enforcement Brigade, can be described as a woman. In the work of law enforcement inspections, she went all out rain or shine. She adheres to the combination of rigid law enforcement and flexible services, and has guided and inspected more than 4,800 production and business operation units, investigated more than 1,200 potential safety hazards such as limited space operations, electricity safety, gas use, and construction operations, and filed and punished more than 210 production and business operation units for illegal acts.

What is "Zhengyang Pioneer"?

Wang Ying carried out safety production inspections on supermarkets in densely populated places in Donghua Street.

In her work, Wang Ying insists on daring to be the first and standing at the forefront of the tide, she attaches great importance to the learning and accumulation of business knowledge, and constantly improves her own safety production law enforcement and emergency management level. In 2021, Beijing held a safety emergency competition in the field of employee vocational skills competition, and in the face of more than 400 outstanding law enforcement personnel in all districts of the city, Wang Ying used the rest time to actively prepare for and learn, improve his work skills in law enforcement practice, and finally won the championship of the city's safety production law enforcement personnel skills competition.

What is "Zhengyang Pioneer"?

Wang Ying and her colleagues carried out safety production inspections on the construction of the Spring Festival temple fair in Ditan Park.

Once, a resident of a certain street reported a certain company several times. In the process of handling the case, she encountered the situation that the person under investigation refused to cooperate, and after several on-site investigations, it was found that there were indeed potential safety hazards in the unit. Wang Ying will communicate and guide the hidden dangers with the person in charge one by one, so that the enterprise can truly understand "how to do and what to do". Wang Ying has a high resolution rate and satisfaction rate in the cases handled by Wang Ying, and has won the title of "the most beautiful case-handling person" when receiving and handling the case.

What is "Zhengyang Pioneer"?

Wang Ying was rated as an outstanding Communist Party member in Dongcheng District.

Wang Ying often said: "Because I love this career, I devote myself to it." It is precisely because of this that she has the courage to take responsibility, love and dedication, and interpret the original intention and mission of Communist Party members with practical actions, and was rated as an outstanding Communist Party member in Dongcheng District.

Xia Xiaoyu is the secretary of the party branch of Beijing Fangsheng Fashion Technology Group Co., Ltd. Over the past 7 years, she has insisted on promoting the deep integration of party building and business, helping the company to develop into a diversified fashion and culture group with multiple subsidiaries, nearly 100 patents, and continuously shortlisted as one of the top 100 Chinese garment enterprises.

What is "Zhengyang Pioneer"?

Xia Xiaoyu actively participated in the party building and co-construction activities in her jurisdiction, and carried out pairing assistance with poor families in the community.

In terms of scientific and technological research, the group has set up a scientific research team, with party members as the backbone, taking the lead in tackling key problems, and has completed nearly 100 scientific and technological innovation projects and more than 100 national patents. In terms of expanding the market, party members play a vanguard and exemplary role, drive the dedication and dedication of employees, help enterprises actively explore the market, and complete the design and model production of new product series through directional design and development in line with the market, and standardize industry standards. In terms of green development, the group relies on the information platform and organically combines intelligent manufacturing and industrial Internet, which greatly shortens the production cycle while realizing the programmed automation of order processing, remote ordering, and improving product quality.

What is "Zhengyang Pioneer"?

Xia Xiaoyu led the party branch and the community to set up the "Xitang Fang Sacred Heart Volunteer Service Team", and regularly organized enterprise party members to go into the community to carry out services for the elderly.

Over the years, Xia Xiaoyu has insisted on "implanting the work of the branch into the core, integrating it into the center, and penetrating into the hearts of the people", giving full play to the advantages of the party organization, and helping the group to empower entrepreneurship and development with science and technology. Continuously stimulate the innovation of all employees of the enterprise, accelerate the formation of new quality productivity, and promote the high-quality development of the enterprise.

The responsibility of the first good is shouldered

Bear the feelings of family and country serving the people

What is "Zhengyang Pioneer"? It is a kind of feeling, and it is the feeling of the family and country that resolutely shoulders the responsibility of being the first good and serves the people wholeheartedly.

In 2019, Zhang Xinxin, vice principal of Shijia Hutong Primary School in Dongcheng District and executive principal of Shijia Hutong Primary School in Xiong'an, took the initiative to accept the organization's assignment to undertake the "turnkey" project construction task of Shijia Hutong Primary School in Xiong'an. From the moment he set foot in the Xiong'an New Area, he ate and lived on the construction site, and it was the most difficult to sleep in a container-style board house without heating in the long and cold winter. "The working conditions can be compromised, but the quality of the project cannot be compromised." Zhang Xinxin, who knew nothing about engineering construction, bought several professional books on architecture and studied on her own little by little.

What is "Zhengyang Pioneer"?

In the calligraphy class, Zhang Xinxin instructed the students to practice calligraphy.

In the past five years, Zhang Xinxin has completed the role transformation from a "backbone teacher of physical education in Beijing" to a "foreman" and then to an "educator". On September 1, 2023, at the unveiling ceremony of Xiong'an Shijia Hutong Primary School, the moment the red silk cloth was unveiled, Zhang Xinxin's heart was surging, he said: "All the hard work is worth it!" I will bravely undertake the mission of Dongcheng education, and make unremitting efforts to build Xiong'an Shijia Hutong Primary School into a benchmark for Xiong'an education! ”

What is "Zhengyang Pioneer"?

During the theme reading day, Zhang Xinxin and her classmates read together.

"In 2013, I joined the Dongcheng social work team, and in the past ten years, I have heard the most about the major and minor affairs in the neighborhood, and the most I have gained is to win the trust and support of the masses." Wang Yanyan said.

What is "Zhengyang Pioneer"?

Wang Yanyan sent love dumplings to the lonely and widowed elderly in the Guozijian community.

Wang Yanyan is the secretary of the Party Committee and the director of the neighborhood committee of Guozijian Community, Andingmen Street, and over the years, in line with the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, she has led the social workers to create the "Sage Neighborhood" party building brand. "Dida Public Welfare Society" and "Neighborhood Bazaar" link all kinds of resources in the jurisdiction and build a platform for the people, benefiting the people, facilitating the people, and benefiting the people...... One by one, the "golden ideas" polished the golden signboard of the "Sage Neighborhood" and formed a virtuous circle of regionalized party building.

What is "Zhengyang Pioneer"?

Wang Yanyan presided over the launch of the "Sage Neighborhood • Wenxiang Chengxian Micro Fund" in Guozijian Community to explore a new model of community governance.

From the "small hotline" to the "big people's livelihood", the complaint is handled immediately to build a bridge between cadres and the masses. From "community affairs" to "family affairs", neighborhood co-governance leverages grassroots governance. Wang Yanyan said: "Although the community is small, it is connected to thousands of households, and it is the 'last mile' for the party and the government to connect with the masses and serve the masses, and serve the people wholeheartedly. ”

What is "Zhengyang Pioneer"?

Wang Yanyan led a team to go deep into the residents' homes to listen to the residents' demands.

The Party Committee of Puren Hospital of the Communist Party of China is an advanced grass-roots party organization in Dongcheng District, and the Party Committee of Puren Hospital has always given full play to the political function of grass-roots party organizations, focusing on the center, building the team, and serving the overall situation, uniting and leading the party members and cadres to make positive contributions to the reform and development of the health cause in the core district.

The Party Committee of the hospital pays attention to strengthening the construction of party members and cadres, and promotes the integration of the group through core guidance, so as to achieve services for the people. The Party Committee of the hospital and the Party Committee of the District Maternal and Child Health Care and Family Planning Service Center regularly organize and carry out "joint study, joint construction, and joint inspection" to jointly draw a "concentric circle" of grassroots party building. For three consecutive years, we have carried out the "Six Forces Promotion, Healthy Walking" health season publicity activities, and held more than 160 special activities, benefiting more than 50,000 people.

The party committee of the hospital also actively plays a leading and exemplary role in party building, and carries out a series of themed party building activities every year to deeply integrate party building and service for the people, so as to realize "party members are educated and the masses can be seen".

Curator: Gao Ming

Text: Wang Huiwen

Pictures: Zhang Chuandong, Zhang Weimin, Li Xuezhong, Qiu Xiao, Gao Xing, etc

Some of the pictures are provided by the relevant units