
News "Late" to know | Ring the bell today! Unisplendour Guoxin successfully landed on the New Third Board

author:The world of communication
News "Late" to know | Ring the bell today! Unisplendour Guoxin successfully landed on the New Third Board

01 Five departments issued documents to create six new consumption scenarios, and digital empowerment created new consumption supply

Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other five departments issued a notice on "Measures to Create New Consumption Scenarios and Cultivate New Consumption Growth Points", in order to comply with the new trend of consumption scene changes, promote the accelerated application of scientific and technological achievements in the consumer field, and further cultivate and expand new consumption growth points to provide guidance.

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02 The UN General Assembly adopted the resolution on strengthening international cooperation on AI capacity building proposed by China

On July 1, local time, the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly unanimously adopted a resolution on strengthening international cooperation on artificial intelligence capacity building proposed by China, and more than 140 countries participated in the resolution. The resolution emphasizes that the development of AI should adhere to the principles of people-oriented, intelligent for good, and for the benefit of mankind, encourages international cooperation and practical actions to help all countries, especially developing countries, strengthen AI capacity building, enhance the representation and voice of developing countries in global AI governance, advocate an open, fair and non-discriminatory business environment, and support the United Nations to play a central role in international cooperation, realize inclusive and inclusive sustainable development of AI, and contribute to the realization of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

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03 CAICT started the research on computing power Internet architecture 1.0 and development index

According to official information, in order to further implement the "Action Plan for the High-quality Development of Computing Infrastructure" issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other six departments, "explore the construction of a reasonable layout, ubiquitous connection, flexible and efficient computing Internet", "build a computing power interconnection system, and unify the identification and identity authentication of computing resources", the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology has recently launched the research work on the computing Internet architecture 1.0 and development index, and laid out the computing Internet development system.

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04 Station B collapsed, and Xiaohongshu also collapsed! Alibaba Cloud responded urgently

At noon on July 2, the two topics of "Xiaohongshu collapsed" and "Station B collapsed" rushed to the first and second places on the Weibo hot search list! According to reports, the Bilibili App cannot use content such as browsing history and attention, the message interface, update interface, and customer service interface are unavailable, users cannot comment and post barrages, and the video comment area and the user (UP main) homepage cannot be loaded. Some netizens reported that the content of Xiaohongshu could not be refreshed.

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05 Chen Shanzhi of China Information Technology: The development and prospect of mobile phone direct connection to satellite

Recently, Dr. Chen Shanzhi, Deputy General Manager, Chief Engineer, Director of the Science and Technology Commission, and Director of the National Key Laboratory of Wireless Mobile Communications, made an exchange and sharing on "The Development and Prospect of Mobile Phone Direct Connection Satellites" held by the Radio Administration of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (State Radio Office) of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

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06 China Unicom's "100-year inheritance and 30-year innovation", innovation and prosperity of "Anhui" and Zhilian JAC

What is the image of Anhui in your impression? Is it a landscape painting scroll with ancient rhyme and blue bricks and tiles? Is it the cradle of the Red Army and the old revolutionary area in the general's hometown? Or is it a large agricultural province where the wind blows wheat waves and golden ears are fragrant? In recent years, on top of these traditional impressions, shiny new labels such as "counterattack", "top stream" and "manufacturing TOP10" are constantly superimposed.

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07 Ring the bell today! Unisplendour Guoxin successfully landed on the New Third Board

Today, according to the WeChat public account of "Xi'an Ziguang Guoxin UniIC", Xi'an Ziguang Guoxin Semiconductor Co., Ltd. successfully landed on the New Third Board. As one of the core enterprises of Tsinghua Unigroup, Tsinghua Unigroup has long been committed to the research and development and innovation of semiconductor memory technology, and has formed a diversified business matrix including DRAM KGD, DRAM memory chips, SeDRAM and memory control chips, modules and system products, as well as design and development services.

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08 Alibaba Cloud announced that it will shut down data center services in Australia and India

On June 27, Alibaba Cloud issued a notice on the adjustment of infrastructure services in Australia and India. According to the notice, based on the careful evaluation and review of the global infrastructure investment layout plan, Alibaba Cloud has decided to shut down data center services in Australia and India while increasing investment in data centers in Southeast Asia, Mexico and other regions.

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Editor-in-charge/layout: Wang Yurong

Reviewer: Wang Tao, Mei Yaxin

Producer: Liu Qicheng

News "Late" to know | Ring the bell today! Unisplendour Guoxin successfully landed on the New Third Board
News "Late" to know | Ring the bell today! Unisplendour Guoxin successfully landed on the New Third Board

【Communication World New Media Matrix】

CCTV | Microsoft MSN | Channels | Weibo | Today's headlines | Baijia | NetEase | Sohu | Tencent News

Sina Highlights | Snowball | Tik Tok | Kuaishou | iQIYI | Zhihu | Bilibili | Migu Video | CSDN | 36 Krypton

【New Media Team】Producer|Liu Qicheng Proofreader|Wang Tao, Mei Yaxin Editor|Wang Yurong, Gai Beibei Video Editor|Huang Yangyang, Lu Ruixu Operation|Lin Song

News "Late" to know | Ring the bell today! Unisplendour Guoxin successfully landed on the New Third Board

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News "Late" to know | Ring the bell today! Unisplendour Guoxin successfully landed on the New Third Board

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News "Late" to know | Ring the bell today! Unisplendour Guoxin successfully landed on the New Third Board
News "Late" to know | Ring the bell today! Unisplendour Guoxin successfully landed on the New Third Board

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