
Big data shows that these new types of scams are easy for people to fall for

author:Taiwan Strait Net

Source: Xinhuanet

On June 24, the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee and the Ministry of Public Security jointly launched the "National Anti-Fraud in Action" concentrated publicity month activity with the theme of "Be vigilant against new methods of fraud and don't be a tool for wire fraud". Who are the "gullible crowd"? How to prevent fraud? In this issue, we will take you to understand the "view" method!

Big data shows that these new types of scams are easy for people to fall for
Big data shows that these new types of scams are easy for people to fall for
Big data shows that these new types of scams are easy for people to fall for
Big data shows that these new types of scams are easy for people to fall for
Big data shows that these new types of scams are easy for people to fall for
Big data shows that these new types of scams are easy for people to fall for

Text sources: official website of the Ministry of Public Security, Xinhua News Agency, etc

Planning and production: Lu Junyu

Final review: Chen Jingchao

Produced by Xinhuanet News Center

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