
Party discipline study and education | Various forms make the study and education of party discipline into the brain and heart

author:Corps Armed Police
Party discipline study and education | Various forms make the study and education of party discipline into the brain and heart

"If you want to know straightness, you must be right; If you want to know the circle, you must follow the rules. "Strengthening the party's discipline education is a regular and basic work to implement the requirements of comprehensively and strictly governing the party and strengthen the party's discipline construction. In order to thoroughly study and implement the newly revised "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", strengthen the party's political construction and discipline construction, and promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party to develop in depth. A certain brigade of the second detachment on duty of the Armed Police Corps adheres to the main line of "learning to think of police cadres", continues to work the depth, breadth and validity of learning and education, and promotes the study and education of party discipline to be deepened and practical. Adhere to the word "learning" first and foremost, and consolidate the cornerstone of "academic discipline".

Party discipline study and education | Various forms make the study and education of party discipline into the brain and heart
Party discipline study and education | Various forms make the study and education of party discipline into the brain and heart

The party committee of the brigade adopted the method of combining centralized group study with individual self-study, and through a series of activities, guided the officers and men to study the "Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China" chapter by chapter, article by article, word by word. Integrate party discipline learning and education into daily work and life by means of special party class education, party discipline knowledge lectures, and party discipline experience exchange and sharing meetings. Build a strong ideological defense line for officers and men, urge officers and men to strictly abide by the bottom line, adhere to the red line of law and discipline, and truly internalize the party's discipline and rules in their hearts and externalize them in their actions. We should pay close attention to the word "thinking" and enhance our understanding of "knowledge and discipline."

Party discipline study and education | Various forms make the study and education of party discipline into the brain and heart
Party discipline study and education | Various forms make the study and education of party discipline into the brain and heart

Combined with the actual situation of the troops, focusing on the study of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China", activities such as "brainstorming" and "knowledge competitions" are regularly carried out. Organize officers and men to broaden their thinking through discussions, deepen understanding through exchanges, expand exchange activities, actively share their own learning and insights, and be clear about what the party's discipline and rules are, and what they can and cannot do. At the same time, a study group for party members and young people has been set up to carry out regular exchange activities of learning, thinking, practice and understanding, and to guide officers and men to truly understand the "Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China" in the "collision of ideas" and to transform discipline and rules into ideological, political, and action consciousness. Highlight the word "police" and strengthen the awareness of "clear discipline".

Party discipline study and education | Various forms make the study and education of party discipline into the brain and heart
Party discipline study and education | Various forms make the study and education of party discipline into the brain and heart

Combined with the detachment's "legal and psychological services at the grassroots level" activities, officers and soldiers were organized to watch warning wall charts, and at the same time, they gave full play to the resource advantages of the target units to carry out in-depth warning education activities, so that more people could receive baptism "at zero distance". The brigade also regularly organizes special education, with the theme of "learning regulations and abiding by party discipline", combined with the real and vivid cases around them, explains the reasons and lessons clearly, explains the red line of discipline, and effectively uses the things around them to alert the people around them, so that typical cases become "living teaching materials". Watch warning education films on a regular basis, give full play to the warning and deterrent effect of negative cases, and guide officers and soldiers to know and respect, be vigilant and fearful, and keep the bottom line. Riveting the word "dry" and deepening the consciousness of "discipline".

Party discipline study and education | Various forms make the study and education of party discipline into the brain and heart
Party discipline study and education | Various forms make the study and education of party discipline into the brain and heart

Adhere to the combination of learning and application, and the unity of knowledge and action. It is necessary to combine the study and education of party discipline with daily work, with the management of officers and men "outside the eight hours," and with actual work, truly permeate the observance of party discipline and rules in life and work, and make good use of the "first form" to ring the alarm bell frequently; At the same time, we should give full play to the yeast role of grass-roots "atmosphere supervisors", promptly remind and correct emerging and tendentious problems, and earnestly transform the observance of the party's discipline and rules into living habits and action consciousness.

Party discipline study and education | Various forms make the study and education of party discipline into the brain and heart
Party discipline study and education | Various forms make the study and education of party discipline into the brain and heart

The building of party discipline is always on the road. In the next step, the brigade will further promote the study and education of party discipline in depth and in a down-to-earth manner, cultivate a high degree of consciousness among officers and men in abiding by rules and disciplines, and earnestly transform the results of party discipline study and education into a powerful force that promotes the continuous improvement of the brigade and creates a first-class force.

Authors: Yuan Faming, Mu Yan

Photography: The party continues to winter

Editor-in-chief: Yuan Yong

Editor-in-chief: Li Hongyuan and Zhao Fangbin

Editor on duty: Zhao Mingkun, Ji Ziyi

Submission email: [email protected]

Party discipline study and education | Various forms make the study and education of party discipline into the brain and heart
Party discipline study and education | Various forms make the study and education of party discipline into the brain and heart
Party discipline study and education | Various forms make the study and education of party discipline into the brain and heart

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