
Song County's 2024 high school entrance examination results release time and scoring method

Song County's 2024 high school entrance examination results release time and scoring method


Exam results will be announced on July 7-8. Candidates can use the Henan Provincial General High School Enrollment Information Service Platform (i.e., the voluntary filling platform: Check the score.

Candidates who need to be reviewed can submit an application for review of their results to their school, and social candidates who need to review their results can submit an application for review of their results to the recruitment office of the county or district where they are registered.

The county and district recruitment office summarizes the applications of schools and social candidates in the district and goes to the city recruitment office for review.

Query method

Method 1: Log in to the website ( of the "Henan Provincial General High School Enrollment Information Service Platform" and enter the correct test number, ID number, and password;

Enter the operation platform and click [Inquiry of Recruitment Results] to view the transcript.

Method 2: Bind the official account of the general high school service platform, click the [General High School Admissions Examination] in the [Recruitment Service] column, and directly view the [Candidate Score Information] in the [Online Service Hall] window.

Method 3: The official website of the local municipal education bureau, the official WeChat public account and the official query link.

After the results are out, these tasks need to be done

Due to the time difference between grades and scores, parents are not calm when they see their children's grades.

So, what can parents and test takers do before the cut-off scores are released?

Kao Xuejun reminded that the following three tasks are particularly important, and parents and candidates must pay attention to them.

The first is to check the score line of the child's volunteer school in the past five years, and analyze the difference between the child's performance and the student's volunteer school.

If the score is higher than the cut-off score in the past five years, then the child is likely to be admitted to the school of choice. If the score is significantly lower than the cut-off score in the past five years, then parents should know the number of students in their child's junior high school and analyze whether the assigned students can be admitted.

Second, if the score is significantly lower than that of the school of choice, and the assigned student cannot be admitted, then the parents should shift their focus to other schools in time.

Third, if the student does not fill in the second batch of voluntary schools, then parents should contact the private high school as soon as possible to confirm the registration as soon as possible.

Reference source: Wonderful Songzhou

The article was comprehensively organized by Song County Cultural Tourism

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Song County's 2024 high school entrance examination results release time and scoring method
Song County's 2024 high school entrance examination results release time and scoring method


Song County's 2024 high school entrance examination results release time and scoring method

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Song County's 2024 high school entrance examination results release time and scoring method

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