
FGO: The popularity of the new five-star character is cold Japanese server players who have always liked krypton are not interested

author:Black Meow Yuni

The five-star new servant launched by the FGO Japanese server this time,That is, the two characters who are linked to the magic box and Qianjian,At present, the main point of complaint is not only the standing painting,There is also the fact that the popularity of this card itself does not seem to be very high.,I have always had a very strong krypton heat for FGO krypton's Japanese service.,I didn't expect that in the face of this card,,There was also a very peculiar cold situation.,Japanese players who have always liked krypton are not interested.,Let's talk about it specifically.。

FGO: The popularity of the new five-star character is cold Japanese server players who have always liked krypton are not interested

This performance is mainly on the direct feedback and performance of the flow of water.,It's one thing to complain.,I didn't expect many players to really not consider drawing cards and starting this servant.,It's very embarrassing and weird.。 And the most direct manifestation is that when Japanese server players brush up to help the battle, they basically can't brush out this card, which is rare, the card is still secondary, and even the event dress can't be swiped, so it can be seen that there are really not many players who touch this card pool.

FGO: The popularity of the new five-star character is cold Japanese server players who have always liked krypton are not interested

The reason is also very simple,The key core factor may be the card surface,It's not that the artist doesn't draw well,After all, the texture and quality of the drawing of this Hi Si,And the cuteness of the character,It's definitely a very good and excellent level in the two-dimensional mobile game.,But the biggest problem,It's that this card doesn't have the original taste of FGO.,There's nothing wrong with it.,But the biggest flaw is,You can't tell that this is a servant in FGO.。

FGO: The popularity of the new five-star character is cold Japanese server players who have always liked krypton are not interested

In addition, it may be that the magic box is also a relatively unpopular work in Japan.,Many players don't even know that there is a character in the type of moon.,Plus the lack of some eye-catching core elements in terms of character performance.,So it can't be said that it can't stand out.,It can only be said that the flat character design lacks characteristics is also one of the core elements.。 There is even a special link on the event to introduce who the characters are and what the magic box is, which shows that even Japanese players are not familiar with it.

FGO: The popularity of the new five-star character is cold Japanese server players who have always liked krypton are not interested

In the final analysis, this card does not have the desire to make players draw cards, which is the most critical flaw and problem. I feel like it's really better to let President Takeuchi draw it.,What's interesting is that the strength of this card itself is unexpectedly not bad.。