
Youth (54) - Looking for a partner


When I reach a certain age, it becomes inevitable to find a partner, and I also have this need because my body and mind are healthy. When I was in college, there were also people who were eye-catching, but at that time I didn't know how to talk about love, and there were also girls who were interested in me, but people at that time didn't feel anything about it, so I missed it. It wasn't until a year after graduation that a student came to the unit, and she was the one who had a good impression of me. The reason is that I was admitted to university from a county, at that time, the hometown would be more common, I was a warm-hearted person, and I was more active in the process of welcoming the old and sending the old, and her classmates praised me in front of her after finding out, so she had a mind for me. Before graduation, she invited a few of our fellow villagers to her dormitory for dinner, and I didn't think about it that way. She told me when she was assigned to our school, and in today's words, it's a confession.

At that time, I was very happy, because no one took a fancy to me as a rural person at that time, but I was not happy for two days, and was discovered by her father, perhaps she told her father, and her father was firmly against it, her parents had been at odds for a long time, and the three daughters were also divided into two factions, she was the eldest and her father's faction, and the two younger ones were her mother's faction. Nevertheless, her parents are united in the matter of their daughter's marriage.

Youth (54) - Looking for a partner

First of all, her father bluffed, supposedly with a kitchen knife in his hand, and searched for me all over the campus; Later, her mother's bitter heart: their family is so poor, and they still have two younger sisters by their side, when is it a head! With the combined efforts of her parents, the school girl retreated. Originally, there was no emotional basis, it was the influence that others exerted on her, and I didn't have such a lofty idea, so the first object sent was over.

My schoolgirl's parents felt a little guilty about me, maybe for other reasons. Because they were all familiar with my family, they introduced me to people. Their name was Si, and her sister was a student at our school, and the only question she had was if I spoke Mandarin or my hometown.

Youth (54) - Looking for a partner

One night, the meeting took place at the schoolgirl's house, and because of the relationship between the schoolgirl and her mother, she did not live at the house. This girl surnamed Si was on the geological team, and she happened to be at home at the time, and she gave me the impression that she was wearing a pair of big red shoes, medium height, big mouth, and slightly fat. At that time, she said that she could contact me, and because she was going to leave the team, she gave me a mailing address and wrote it on a note.

I put away the note and wanted to go back, and my sister's father told me: Teacher Han is sick and hospitalized, you go to accompany him for one night. Because my father, who was our principal, was also the one who asked me to come back from school, I always remembered his kindness. So I went directly to the hospital, the hospital only had beds, no bedding, and I leaned on the bed to accompany Mr. Han all night. Before dawn the next day, the girl surnamed Si sent her sister to the hospital to find me, saying that the address was written wrong and that she wanted to change it, so I gave it. But it's been almost forty years now, and they haven't revised it yet.

Youth (54) - Looking for a partner

The girl later found an employee of their unit, her husband could not work because of eye disease, so he became the director of the office, gave birth to two daughters, now they are married, we are both retired, her husband now walks every day after dinner, sometimes we can still see him, every day when it is dark, he can't see the road, my wife will enthusiastically take care of him all the way to the door of our community. She kicked me at the time, how could it be as if I had lost her, and I still had my wife take care of her husband decades later?! I really don't understand the cause and effect.

There was an English teacher surnamed Liu, who took a fancy to my character and knowledge, so she planned to introduce her sister to me, whose family is from the Forestry Bureau, and the situation is better in all aspects. One day at noon, I was invited to her house, their family was eating, I waited for them to finish eating, their mother came over, did not talk to me, did not greet water, but lay down on the small bed opposite the sofa I was sitting on, just lie down, she still has a leg crossed, this behavior is very inconsistent with the identity of a middle-aged woman. I looked at her embarrassedly and thought: what kind of daughter can such a mother bring!

Youth (54) - Looking for a partner

It's easier when the protagonist shows up and talks to me. She said, "Tell me about your situation." I said, "My family is rural, and now I am going to school with my two younger sisters." She said, "Then you can take your sister to school." I said, "Okay." I came out of their house, and that was the end of the affair.

When I saw Teacher Liu again, she said angrily: My sister has no vision and missed such a good person. I smiled in response. Later, Teacher Liu was transferred, and many years later, I saw her in the mall, and when I saw her, I mistakenly called her Teacher Li, and she was blushing embarrassed. She has not been seen since. I would also like to thank Mr. Liu from the bottom of my heart for his recognition of me.