
Men's basketball team lost 87-107 Australian player comments: 3 excellent, 1 good, 2 passed, 1 pulled the hip

author:Fairy Gu chats about style

In the warm-up game of the Chinese men's basketball team against Australia that just ended tonight, the Chinese team lost to Australia 87-107, in this game, the performance of the Chinese team belongs to the high start and low walking, the first quarter can lead Australia by 7 points, but at the beginning of the second quarter, Australia began to overtake, until the final big loss, now according to the performance of the whole court and post-game statistical analysis, let us make a brief comment on the players on the court of the men's basketball team.

Men's basketball team lost 87-107 Australian player comments: 3 excellent, 1 good, 2 passed, 1 pulled the hip

3 people excellent

Wang Lanyan, Liao Sanning and Yu Jiahao, the performance of these three players today can be called excellent, among them, Liao Sanning played 23 minutes, 8 of 12 shots, 3 of 4 three-pointers, efficiently cut 19 points and 2 rebounds, and ranked second in the team.

Men's basketball team lost 87-107 Australian player comments: 3 excellent, 1 good, 2 passed, 1 pulled the hip

And Wang Lanyan, who played 21 minutes tonight, made 5 of 10 shots, scored 20 points, 2 rebounds, 2 assists and 1 steal, ranking first in the Chinese team in terms of scoring, which was the biggest surprise and discovery of the Chinese team tonight. Yu Jiahao played 18 minutes tonight, shooting 6 of 8, cutting 14 points, 3 rebounds and 2 assists, and his performance on the inside was also very amazing, much better than Yang Hansen, and he has locked the current main center position of the men's basketball team.

1 person is good

Cheng Shuaipeng's performance tonight was good, he played 25 minutes, 3 of 9 shots, 1 of 6 three-pointers, scored 10 points and 1 board, and the fly in the ointment was the average shooting rate.

Men's basketball team lost 87-107 Australian player comments: 3 excellent, 1 good, 2 passed, 1 pulled the hip

2 people passed

Jiao Poqiao and Lee Hongquan were passable, with six points each, and their performances in midfield were decent and need to be improved.

1 person pulls the crotch

Cui Xiaolong's performance tonight was not up to par, he played 16 minutes, only 1 of 5 shots, got 4 points and 3 assists, and the shooting rate was a bit low.

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