
Shenzhen-Shantou rural e-commerce is booming: innovative models help farmers increase their income

author:Southern Rural Daily

Through live e-commerce, the market price per catty of green-skinned dragon fruit listed in Shenshan can reach about 3 times that of ordinary varieties of dragon fruit. In the Shenzhen-Shantou Special Cooperation Zone in Shenzhen, there are many such stories of increasing unit prices and increasing farmers' income through e-commerce. The local rural e-commerce industry is entering a new period of development.

Not long ago, the Shenzhen-Shantou Special Cooperation Zone released the regional public brand "Shenzhen-Shantou Younong", followed by the release of the first batch of selected products, Tongluo Lake tea, duck's foot wood honey, ecological rice, passion fruit lemon honey tea and other special agricultural products are all on the list, Shenzhen-Shantou agricultural brand building and agricultural modernization is reaching a new level.

Shenzhen-Shantou rural e-commerce is booming: innovative models help farmers increase their income

"Shenshan Younong" brand LOGO.

Recently, the brand building of "Shenshan Younong" has once again come with good news. In the newly launched mini-program of the same name, consumers can search for the most authentic local agricultural products in Shenzhen, and realize the shopping experience of instant ordering and direct delivery from the origin.

Shenzhen-Shantou rural e-commerce is booming: innovative models help farmers increase their income

The homepage of the "Shenshan Younong" Mini Program Mall.

Shenzhen-Shantou rural e-commerce is booming: innovative models help farmers increase their income

Agricultural products are "electrocuted", and the channel docking is more diversified

Online sales channels are an important window for rural e-commerce to link production areas with customers. In the past, due to the fact that the agricultural industry was not large-scale and there were only a handful of e-commerce entities, the dissemination of Shenzhen-Shantou agricultural products on the Internet was relatively limited. Now, through the construction of its own platform, it can realize the one-stop collection of good agricultural products in Shenzhen.

Zhenghe fragrant rice, lotus mountain green tea, duck foot wood honey...... Open the "Shenshan Younong" mini program, and the local characteristic agricultural products are dizzying. "The first batch of agricultural products selected for regional public brands have been put on the shelves, and after the scope of selection is expanded in the future, the sales categories in the mall will be richer." Zhong Dejiu, the person in charge of the operation of the mini program, said.

Shenzhen-Shantou rural e-commerce is booming: innovative models help farmers increase their income

The first batch of agricultural products selected into the brand list of "Shenshan Younong".

In recent years, agricultural enterprises in Shenzhen-Shantou have accelerated the pace of e-commerce operations, and accelerated the formation of new quality productivity for industrialization development by docking high-quality resources. "Shenzhen Assistance" is an online exhibition and sales platform for agricultural products jointly created by the municipal state-owned enterprise Shennong Group and the Shenzhen Rural Revitalization and Collaboration and Exchange Bureau. The reporter searched for the word "Shenshan" on the platform, and there were no less than dozens of local characteristic agricultural products displayed, with exquisite packaging and affordable prices.

"The company has a number of self-operated agricultural products settled in the 'Shenzhen Assistance' platform, through which various enterprises, institutions and individual consumers in Shenzhen can buy agricultural products from Shenzhen online." Wu Zhize, commercial director of Guangdong Youxi Agriculture Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Youxi Agriculture"), said.

Wu Zhize said that the platform has a profound impact on the development of rural e-commerce. "After the products are shortlisted for the 'Shenshan Younong' and 'Shenzhen Help' platforms, we have a wider range of customer groups, which will help enhance market awareness." It is understood that in addition to online sales, "Shenshan Younong" will also cooperate with e-commerce platforms and offline supermarkets to promote the diversification of channel docking.

Shenzhen-Shantou rural e-commerce is booming: innovative models help farmers increase their income

Wu Zhize is carrying out live broadcasts.

Compared with traditional e-commerce apps, Mini Programs have the advantage of being "lightweight". No need to download, out-of-the-box use, mini program e-commerce is becoming the "new favorite" of the online shopping industry. Taking the construction of the regional public brand of "Shenzhen-Shantou Younong" as the starting point, the layout of the mini-program e-commerce track is an important embodiment of the acceleration of the cultivation of new quality productivity by Shenzhen-Shantou rural e-commerce, and has accumulated valuable experience for the high-quality development of the agricultural industry.

Shenzhen-Shantou rural e-commerce is booming: innovative models help farmers increase their income

Cultivating local talents, live broadcast e-commerce is growing rapidly

For the sales of agricultural products, e-commerce can help farmers and agricultural enterprises accurately connect with large markets outside the region, thereby promoting industrial development and increasing farmers' income. In recent years, live streaming has become a new medium for the development of e-commerce, and Shenzhen-Shantou agricultural enterprises have also entered the game and sought breakthroughs.

"This rice is produced in Chishi Town, Shenshan, and irrigated with local mountain spring water, and the taste is distinct, full, sweet and glutinous." In the live broadcast room of Hometown Flavor (Shenzhen) Industrial Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Hometown Flavor"), all kinds of Shenshan good things are placed on the display table, and the anchor is skillfully explaining the characteristics of agricultural products to the audience.

Two years ago, such scenes were rare in Shenzhen. "At that time, the team came to Shenshan to start a rural e-commerce business, and noticed that local farmers and agricultural enterprises focused on offline sales in the surrounding markets, and there were often unsalable situations." Ni Ni, the person in charge of Hometown Flavor, said that compared with first- and second-tier cities, there is still a certain gap in logistics security and e-commerce atmosphere in Shenzhen.

Shenzhen-Shantou rural e-commerce is booming: innovative models help farmers increase their income

Ni Ni is working on the live broadcast selection.

The reporter learned that most express delivery outlets in Shenzhen-Shantou do not provide door-to-door pick-up services. "Only Ebu Town in the whole district has achieved household collection, and the rest of the towns need customers to send mail to the outlets, which virtually increases the cost." The person in charge of an express delivery company in Chishi Town, Shenzhen-Shantou Special Cooperation Zone, said.

Nowadays, with the continuous expansion of transportation volume, the brand and number of express delivery outlets in the township are also increasing, and more and more young people are returning to their hometowns to engage in e-commerce and express delivery industry. "We can receive and ship up to 800-900 pieces a day, including all kinds of fresh and agricultural products. The higher the quantity, the lower the cost. The person in charge of a Shentong outlet in Shenshan said.

The creation of an e-commerce atmosphere depends on the gathering of talents. "There are not many young people who come to Shenzhen from Shenzhen to start an e-commerce business, however, at the same time as the inflow of talents, some people choose to leave for various reasons." As a result, Wu Zhize realized the importance of talent localization.

Shenzhen-Shantou rural e-commerce is booming: innovative models help farmers increase their income

A dazzling array of Shenshan agricultural products.

In his circle of friends, there is such an anchor "recruitment order" that is very eye-catching: "Refuse to be mediocre and do things together". "Rural e-commerce urgently needs feelings, nostalgia, and ambitions, and the new anchors in the team are basically Shenzhen-Shantou locals." Wu Zhize said that the local anchor has a certain understanding of Shenshan's agricultural products and expressed his willingness to engage in the live broadcast industry in his hometown for a long time.

Ni Ni told reporters that the e-commerce atmosphere in Shenshan is gradually becoming stronger, which is inseparable from the joint efforts of the government, enterprises and farmers. Since the beginning of this year, the Bureau of Agriculture, Rural Affairs and Marine Fisheries of the Shenzhen-Shantou Special Cooperation Zone has successively held special training for leaders in rural revitalization and prosperity, and a training course on regional public brand marketing of "Shenzhen-Shantou Friendly Farmers".

Shenzhen-Shantou rural e-commerce is booming: innovative models help farmers increase their income

The teaching site of the "Shenshan Younong" regional public brand training course.

Shenzhen-Shantou rural e-commerce is booming: innovative models help farmers increase their income

Brand empowerment sales, Shenshan characteristics of the advantages obvious

In addition to empowering the high-quality development of the agricultural industry, the regional public brand is known as a "golden business card" for local agricultural products, and also plays a positive role in enhancing the image of the city and integrating agriculture, culture and tourism. In mid-March this year, the regional public brand of "Shenshan Younong" was released, and the construction of the e-commerce sector was also accelerated, and the influence of Shenzhen-Shantou agricultural products is further expanding.

Shenzhen-Shantou rural e-commerce is booming: innovative models help farmers increase their income

The scene of the "Shenshan Younong" product selection meeting.

As an important carrier of online sales of "Shenshan Younong", the applet of the same name presents a lightweight, simple and clear style on the interface. At present, the agricultural products on the shelves of the mall include Shenshan ecological rice, Zhenghe fragrant rice, Lianhuashan green tea (black tea), passion fruit lemon honey tea, duck foot wood honey, etc. They are all carefully selected by the expert review committee, and the first batch of special agricultural products shortlisted for the "Shenshan Younong" brand list.

In order to allow farmers and agricultural enterprises to fully enjoy the brand dividends brought by "Shenzhen-Shantou Younong", according to the person in charge, the Shenzhen-Shantou Special Cooperation Zone will carry out the second batch of "Shenzhen-Shantou Younong" brand product selection in the near future. This initiative will help to further explore local characteristic agricultural products and improve the sales matrix of Shenzhen-Shantou rural e-commerce, so as to release a greater multiplier effect in terms of brand influence and reputation.

Shenzhen-Shantou rural e-commerce is booming: innovative models help farmers increase their income

The "Shenzhen-Shantou Younong" themed bus departed from Guangzhou, allowing more consumers in the Greater Bay Area to learn about this brand.

The launch of the "Shenzhen-Shantou Friendly Farmers" mini-program is a vivid practice of the Shenzhen-Shantou Special Cooperation Zone in response to the high-quality development of the agricultural industry and the project of "going out of the village and into the city" of agricultural products. After the operation of the mall, it has successfully broken through the geographical restrictions, allowing consumers from all over the world to purchase high-quality agricultural products from Shenzhen in a more accurate and timely manner, laying a good foundation for further expanding the national market.

【Planning】Gao Yongbin

【Author】Chen Xiangcheng

Source: Southern Rural Daily

Shenzhen-Shantou rural e-commerce is booming: innovative models help farmers increase their income