
Kun Peng's Treatise: Reading Metaphysics to Study Aristotle's First Philosophy (160)

author:Kun Peng's theory

In many cases, new ideas are just a new way of looking at things.

- Kun Peng's theory

Kun Peng's Treatise: Reading Metaphysics to Study Aristotle's First Philosophy (160)

Volume VIII, Chapter 2 (II)


The reality of something is that it will exhaust all these different properties to illustrate,

For that thing can be partly mixed, partly mixed, partly bundled, partly solidified, and other parts subject to other differences;

For example, the hand or foot requires such a complex definition.


The reality of certain things will be exhausted by all these different natures,

For it is partly mixed, partly adulterated, partly bound, partly solidified, and the other partly must be described by other differences;

For example, the hand or foot requires such a complex definition.


So we have to be aware of the differences of all kinds (these are the principles by which things become real),

For example, the difference in the cause of things may be how much, or it is scarce, or it is other such nature;

These are all forms of surplus or insufficiency.


Therefore, we have to grasp the differences between the various types (these are the principles by which things become what they are),

For example, the difference in the cause of things, or the sparseness, or other similar properties;

These are all forms of excess or insufficiency.


And if anything is shaped or smooth or rough, the distinction between straight and curved should be.

If other things are true in their mixture, they will be in their opposite.


The shape of any thing is either smooth or rough, and the difference is mainly in straight and curved.

If other things are mixed with what is true, they will be "non-true" if they are opposite.


Because of these facts, it is clear that

Since the reality of things is derived from their essence, we should look for the reasons why these things become reality in these distinctions.


Based on the above things, it is also clear that

The reality of things is derived from their substance, and we should seek the reason why these things become reality on the basis of these differences.


Now, these distinctions, individually or in combination, are not yet ontology, but each already contains something comparable to the ontology.

Just as ontologically, realization itself is illustrated by matter, matter is the closest thing to full realization in other definitions.


Now these differences, singular or paired, are not yet entities, but each contains something comparable to an entity.

Just as in the physical realm, the realization itself is explained by the material, which is the closest thing to a complete realization above all other definitions.


For example, if we want to make a boundary between a threshold, we should say, "Wood or stone is in such and such a position".

A house should say, "Wood and brick are in such and such a place",

or, in some cases, its role must be addressed beyond the form,

If we were to talk about ice, we should say "water freezes or freezes in this way";

and that music should say "so and so harmoniously high and low";

Everything else is similar.


For example, if we want to define a threshold, we should say, "Wood or stone in such and such a location".

A house should be said to be "wood and masonry in such and such a place",

or, in some cases, to speak of the role beyond the form,

For example, if we want to define ice, we should say "water condensed in this and such a form".

and that music should say, "such and such mixed high and low tones";

Everything else is similar.

Kun Peng's Treatise: Reading Metaphysics to Study Aristotle's First Philosophy (160)


Thus, obviously, when the matter is different, the realization or formula is also different;

Because some implementations are compositional, some are mixed, and some are in the other different situations we mentioned above.


In this way, it is obvious that when the material is different, its implementation and formula are also different;

Because some implementations rely on composition, some on hybrid, and some on other class differences that we described above.


Thus, whoever is engaged in the definition of making, if the boundary says that the house is "brick and wood and stone", means that the house is latent;

And those who suggest it in terms of "a shade of settling creatures and apparatus" refer to the realization of the house.


In this way, whoever defines a thing, such as a house as "brick and wood", indicates a potential house;

And those who are proposed to define it as "a sanctuary for the settling of creatures and vessels" refer to the realization of the house.


Those people merge the two coming doctrines, which are the third ontology of form and matter.

(The formula for explaining the difference seems to be for form or realization, and for stating that the component is rather a substance);

This is the definition that is often accepted by the Jargius;

What they state is the union of form and matter.


Those who combine the two to define it are the third person who combines form and material, that is, the ontology.

(Formulas for expressing differences seem to be for form or realization, and material for expressing components);

The definition that Architas often agrees with is of this kind;

What they state is the combination of material and form.

Quick Facts: Architas

Ancient Greek mathematician, philosopher, physicist, life unknown.

Around 375 B.C., he was active in Tarinton (present-day Taranto, Italy).

Architas was an important member of the late Pythagorean school, and his contributions to mathematics and applied mathematics were significant.

The theory of mean and the theory of proportions are the main contributions of Architas to mathematics,

He discussed three kinds of averages: arithmetic mean, geometric mean, and harmonic mean.

Pointing out that "there is no (rational) geometric mean between two numbers with a difference of 1",

Most of the properties and proofs in Euclid's Geometry Volume VIII were discovered by Architas and his collaborators.

Architas applied his method of averaging to achieve much success in music theory, and was hailed by Ptolemy as the most important music theorist of the Pythagorean school.

Architas' most famous mathematical contribution was the solution of the cube problem, which he solved using a three-dimensional model of three-dimensional space, becoming one of the earliest mathematicians to study the problem.

On the mechanical side, Architas also built a flying mechanical pigeon.



What is windless (wind calm)? "Inactivity of air on a large scale", air is matter, and inactivity is realization and ontology.

What is Lang Ping? "The ocean is smooth", the bottom layer of matter is the ocean and its shape or realization is smooth.

So, from what has been said above, it is obvious what the sense is, how it exists—one is matter, the other is form or realization, and the third is the combination of those two.


For example:

What is "no wind"?

"The air is inactive for a large area."

Air is the material, and inactivity is the realization and the substance.

What is "no waves"?

"Sea Calm",

The bottom of the material is the ocean, and its form or realization is calm.

Thus, as mentioned above, it is clear what the sensible entity is, how it exists—one is the material, the other is the form or realization, and the third is the combination of the first two.

This article was originally written by "Kun Peng Theory" and is not reprinted without permission

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