
For the elderly who want to lose weight and have high blood lipids, these foods are "high-cholesterol foods" and are best not to eat

author:Explosive Nutrition Peng Xinrui

According to the survey data, in the past 30 years, the cholesterol level of the mainland population has gradually increased, especially the prevalence of hypercholesterolemia has increased significantly. Not only adults, but also minors also show high cholesterol levels.

For the elderly who want to lose weight and have high blood lipids, these foods are "high-cholesterol foods" and are best not to eat

What's more, for middle-aged and elderly groups, as the body's metabolic ability gradually weakens, high-cholesterol foods should be avoided.

Here, I would like to remind everyone: the elderly who want to lose weight and have high blood lipids, these foods are "high-cholesterol foods", and it is best not to eat them, especially the first one!

For the elderly who want to lose weight and have high blood lipids, these foods are "high-cholesterol foods" and are best not to eat

Animal brain flowers: In daily life, there is a category of people who particularly prefer animal brain flowers, such as fried animal brains, animal brain soup, cold pork brains, stewed pig brains, etc., all of which have a unique taste. What's more, there is a saying in the folk that "make up the brain with the brain", which refers to the fact that eating animal brains can make people smarter.

However, it has been proven that animal brains do not have the effect of tonifying the brain and improving human IQ, but contain higher cholesterol. As can be seen from the "Chinese Food Composition Table", there are 2571mg of cholesterol per 100 grams of pig brain and 2447mg of cholesterol per 100 grams of cow brain.

Far higher than the cholesterol content of egg yolks often mentioned, if you don't eat egg yolks, then animal brains should not eat them again.

For the elderly who want to lose weight and have high blood lipids, these foods are "high-cholesterol foods" and are best not to eat

Animal liver: animal liver is a very good food, especially can not be ignored vitamin A content is higher, taking the vitamin A content of pork liver as an example, the vitamin A content per 100 grams of cooked pork liver can reach 5405 μg RE, which can not only help people protect their eyesight, but also prevent eye diseases such as dry eye disease, night blindness, and myopia.

However, even so, animal liver should be eaten in moderation, knowing that every 100 grams of pork liver contains 1017mg of cholesterol, and it can be eaten occasionally. According to the recommendations given by the dietary guidelines for mainland residents, it is not more than 100g of animal liver to be eaten each time, and it can be eaten 2~3 times a month.

For the elderly who want to lose weight and have high blood lipids, these foods are "high-cholesterol foods" and are best not to eat

As for the egg yolk, an ordinary-sized egg, its yolk cholesterol content can reach 200~300mg, if you only eat one egg a day, and take a healthy way, such as boiled eggs, you don't have to worry too much, it will not affect cholesterol levels, and you will not suffer from cardiovascular disease.

Therefore, we should distinguish the above foods clearly, and at the same time carefully observe whether the body has the manifestations of hypercholesterolemia, such as xanthomas, that is, the skin is raised, accompanied by small pimples with borders, which are common around the eyelids, and xanthomas may also appear in tendon parts, palms and other parts; Corneal rings, mostly white and grayish-white, should be treated immediately in the hospital.

For the elderly who want to lose weight and have high blood lipids, these foods are "high-cholesterol foods" and are best not to eat

Especially for people with genetic factors, bad lifestyle habits (smoking, alcoholism, love of red meat, lack of exercise, etc.), and overweight, it is necessary to pay more attention to the above suspected symptoms.


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