
Drought resistance and seedling preservation technology of summer maize

author:Seed bank app

Sunny, hot and little rain lead to the aggravation of soil moisture evaporation, which is not conducive to the emergence and growth of summer maize.

First, the classification of policies to ensure the whole seedling

The seedlings have emerged and can reach the average seedling density per mu of the field, to water in time, replenish water, alleviate the harm caused by high temperature to corn seedlings, the general amount of irrigation per mu is 30 cubic meters ~ 35 cubic meters, and at the same time spray foliar fertilizer to promote growth, to ensure that the seedlings are full, the seedlings are even, and the seedlings are strong. For fields that have emerged and have little difference in seedling density per mu, they should be checked and filled in time, and reasonable seedlings should be supplemented according to the degree of seedling deficiency. In the case that the overall seedling density is basically not reduced, depending on the size of the spacing, it can be appropriately left with two plants, and there is no need to make up for it, and the seeds should be soaked and germinated when replanting, so as to promote their early emergence. It can also be transplanted and replanted to replenish seedlings. It is best to carry out transplanting in the afternoon, and then water the seedlings slowly, and at the same time transplant with soil to improve the survival rate and ensure that the seedlings are complete.

Drought resistance and seedling preservation technology of summer maize

Second, take multiple measures to fight drought and protect seedlings

In the yellow irrigation area, the use of flood irrigation, furrow irrigation, furrow irrigation, etc., for more watering, watering, orderly watering, generally 30 cubic meters ~ 35 cubic meters per mu of irrigation; In Shayuan District, Yellow River Beach District, and Weihe Beach District, for plots with drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation facilities, drip irrigation, sprinkler irrigation and other facilities are used for water-saving irrigation, so as to shorten the irrigation cycle, and the general irrigation amount is controlled at 20 cubic meters ~ 30 cubic meters; In the plot without irrigation conditions, the seedling water should be poured out by pulling the hole or ditch irrigation, and the seedling water is generally about 5 cubic meters per mu.

Drought resistance and seedling preservation technology of summer maize

3. Timely and scientific removal of moisture

In the recent high temperature and dry weather, the weeds in maize fields were mainly self-grown wheat seedlings, and they were removed at 3~5 fully unfolded leaf stages. The herbicide can be evenly sprayed between the corn rows with 30% nitrate, smoke and atrazine 150ml/mu or 46% nitrate, ethylene and atrazine suspension emulsion 220m1/mu, and the maximum amount of general pesticides does not exceed 15%~20% of the instructions to avoid pesticide damage. When spraying, there should be a certain amount of moisture in the field, and the spraying time should be carried out in windless weather before 9 a.m. or after 5 p.m.

Drought resistance and seedling preservation technology of summer maize

Fourth, the prevention and control of pests and diseases

According to the forecast, from mid to late June, the young larvae of armyworm and cotton bollworm will begin to damage spring corn and summer corn sown earlier. General control agent ratio: insecticide + fungicide + growth regulator + micro fertilizer mixed spray operation. Insecticides can be selected lice carbite urea + indoxacarb, chlorantraniliprole, fungicides can be difenoconazole, pyrazole tebuconazole, etc., brassinolide is used as production regulator, and potassium dihydrogen phosphate is used for foliar fertilizer; When spraying, try to use drones for prevention and control, and pay attention to wearing long clothes and trousers, masks and other protective equipment when ground prevention; When spraying, the weeds on the ground should also be sprayed to eliminate the parasitic source of pests; Spraying time, generally before 10 o'clock at noon, after 4 o'clock in the afternoon, noon generally do not do pesticide prevention, pay attention to the weather changes on the day, it is strictly forbidden to work in high temperature weather.

Drought resistance and seedling preservation technology of summer maize

Summer maize drought resistance and seedling protection technology is introduced here, I hope it will be helpful to everyone. If you want to buy high-quality and high-yield summer corn seeds, you can download the seed bank App, and the country's excellent summer corn varieties are available for everyone to choose.

Drought resistance and seedling preservation technology of summer maize

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