
Three notorious characters in history are now whitewashed by film and television dramas, and many people think they are good people

author:Flying Fish says history

In the long river of history, countless outstanding figures are like bright stars, illuminating the process of human civilization.

They are either wise and brave military strategists, who rewrite the pattern of war with clever calculations; or a talented writer who uses pen and ink to outline the complexity and beauty of human nature; Or enterprising scientists, pushing the boundaries of science and technology with an endless spirit of exploration.

Three notorious characters in history are now whitewashed by film and television dramas, and many people think they are good people

These historical figures are remembered not only for their brilliant achievements, but also for their character, wisdom and courage.

Their perseverance in the face of adversity, their humility and low-key in the face of success, and their profound contributions to human society are worthy of our deep reflection and learning.

For example, Zhuge Liang, with his outstanding wisdom and selfless dedication, has become a rare model of wisdom in Chinese history, he not only strategized militarily, won thousands of miles, but also left a far-reaching influence in many fields such as politics and culture, and his loyalty, wisdom and courage have provided us with valuable life inspiration.

For example, Albert Einstein became the founder of modern physics with his unremitting pursuit of science and outstanding contributions, his theory of relativity not only subverted the traditional concept of physics, but also provided a new perspective for human exploration of the universe.

Three notorious characters in history are now whitewashed by film and television dramas, and many people think they are good people

We should see their achievements and contributions, but also the character and wisdom behind them, these positive historical figures are not only examples for us to learn, but also beacons for us to move forward.

But history is long, and there are not only positive characters in history, but also some negative characters, who have carved themselves into the pillar of shame in history with their own efforts.

And there are three notorious characters, but now they have been whitewashed by film and television dramas, and many people think they are good people.

Empress Dowager Xuan

Friends who like to watch palace fighting dramas must have watched "The Legend of Miyue", and Miyue is the Empress Dowager Xuan of Daqin.

In this historical drama, Mi Yue can be described as a strange woman, not only with beautiful appearance, but also quite smart, is a typical positive character with both wisdom and beauty, so that many men regard it as a dream lover.

Three notorious characters in history are now whitewashed by film and television dramas, and many people think they are good people

It's just that in real history, Empress Dowager Xuan is not a candidate for the dream lover, because what she does is not compatible with positive characters at all, especially in her private life.

Empress Dowager Xuan is the concubine of King Qin Huiwen, gave birth to a daughter and three sons, after the death of King Wu of Qin, she saw the opportunity, and her younger brother Wei Ran raised troops to rebel, and set up her son Yingji as the king of Qin, and then began to hang the curtain regent.

After the regime stabilized, Empress Dowager Xuan's heart began to become restless, and she was not even satisfied with looking for a man who could make her happy within the Qin State.

She looked at the world, only the King of Yiqu outside the Qin State was brave enough, so she sent someone to tie up with the King of Yiqu, and the two began to live a reckless little life.

Later, Empress Dowager Xuan also gave birth to a son for King Yiqu, and when King Yiqu felt that this little day was really free, Empress Dowager Xuan booby-trapped him.

It's amazing to be so ruthless.

Three notorious characters in history are now whitewashed by film and television dramas, and many people think they are good people

Without King Yiqu, Empress Dowager Xuan's private life has not lowered her standards at all, her bedroom is still full of flutes every night, and even in her later years, her lover is still lined up.

One of them is named Wei Choufu, who is most favored by the Empress Dowager Xuan, so much so that when she was dying, the Empress Dowager Xuan also wanted Wei Choufu to be buried.

Empress Dowager Xuan does not hide her private life at all, and even above the court, she will always use her private life to discuss politics, which is really jaw-dropping.

Zhu Qizhen

The TV series "The Legend of the Female Doctor and Concubine Ming" must have been watched by many people, and this is also a much-talked-about costume drama.

In this drama, Ming Yingzong Zhu Qizhen was portrayed as a rather wise heroic emperor, who turned the tide at many critical moments, making people feel that he had surpassed his ancestor Zhu Yuanzhang.

Three notorious characters in history are now whitewashed by film and television dramas, and many people think they are good people

In fact, in real history, Zhu Qizhen is a rather mediocre emperor, not only rejoicing in his achievements, but also acting arbitrarily, almost burying the country passed to him by his ancestors.

Zhu Qizhen was already established as the crown prince by Zhu Zhanji of Ming Xuanzong, and inherited the throne at the age of nine.

After the death of Empress Dowager Zhang, Zhu Qizhen began to connive at the eunuch Wang Zhen to interfere in politics, opening a precedent for the dictatorship of eunuchs in the Ming Dynasty.

In 1449 A.D., the leader of Wara in the north also invaded the Ming Dynasty first, Zhu Qizhen did not think of personally leading troops to quell the rebellion, but Wang Zhen instigated him to sweep away all disobedience like his grandfather Zhu Di.

The young Zhu Qizhen felt that it was time to show his true strength, so he listened to Wang Zhen's nonsense and personally led 100,000 troops to attack Yexian.

But what people didn't expect was that Zhu Qizhen was not the master of the war at all, and the army was directly beaten to pieces, and he himself became a prisoner.

Three notorious characters in history are now whitewashed by film and television dramas, and many people think they are good people

also understood the value of Zhu Qizhen first, so he repeatedly blackmailed the Ming court to compromise, and even came to the city of Beijing, Yu Qian and others led the crowd to defend the city, supported Zhu Qizhen's younger brother Zhu Qiyu as the emperor, defeated Ye Xian, and then kept the city of Beijing.

Later, he first saw that Zhu Qizhen had no use value, so he put Zhu Qizhen back, and the speculator Shi Heng and others took advantage of Zhu Qizhen's serious illness to launch a change to seize the door and support Zhu Qizhen to become the emperor again.

After Zhu Qizhen returned to the throne, he executed Yu Qian and others who supported Zhu Qiyu as emperor, which can be described as ruthless and killed heroes in vain.

Ji Xiaolan

The TV series "Iron Tooth Bronze Tooth Ji Xiaolan" must have enriched the youth of many people, and in this TV series, Ji Xiaolan has also been portrayed as a smart and witty, sharp-toothed, and upright positive character.

But in fact, Ji Xiaolan is not only not a positive character, but also not treated by Emperor Qianlong at all.

Three notorious characters in history are now whitewashed by film and television dramas, and many people think they are good people

To sum up, Ji Xiaolan has three criticisms: she loves to smoke, likes to eat meat, and is a good woman.

Ji Xiaolan is very addicted to smoking, and she has to smoke a lot of tobacco every day, and every time she smokes, she starts with a cigarette bag, and sometimes she can smoke more than a dozen bags a day.

Ji Xiaolan's daily life is very extravagant, he has to eat meat every time, without meat, he doesn't use chopsticks at all, and when he eats meat, many people can't eat, but Ji Xiaolan doesn't care about the people's suffering.

But the most unacceptable thing is that Ji Xiaolan is lustful, and almost none of the women in his house have escaped his clutches.

When compiling the "Siku Quanshu", because he had to stay in the palace for a long time, he lacked women, and he didn't even have the ability to compile books with peace of mind, and he was even bumped into by Qianlong and saw him burning with lust.

Three notorious characters in history are now whitewashed by film and television dramas, and many people think they are good people

After Ji Xiaolan's death, there were still seven women sitting in his grave, and it was expected that Ji Xiaolan was worried that he would not be able to enjoy women at another time, so he buried them with cruel means to accompany him.

It can be seen that these three historical figures who are good people in our impression are really notorious, but they have become good people under the processing of film and television dramas.

So, when we watch the TV series, we just have to be happy, if we really take it seriously, then we really lose......

References: "Historical Records", "History of the Ming Dynasty", "Manuscripts of Qing History", etc.

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