
Night reading丨Mingyue Mountain in the rain

author:Lightning News
Night reading丨Mingyue Mountain in the rain

The anchor reads the classics and accompanies you to say good night, hello everyone! This is Lightning Night Reading, I am Pang Weiwei, the anchor of Yucheng Financial Media, and I will share with you Liang Heng's essay "Bright Moon Mountain in the Rain" with you tonight.

There is Mingyue Mountain in the west of Jiangxi, hidden between Hunan and Jiangxi, and is not known. The local government hated that the world did not know the jade in the beauty and the beauty in the boudoir, so it invited a group of writers and reporters at home and abroad to make an inspection tour.

On the first day, tour the artificial plank road, take the cable car to the top, the clouds surround the feet, the fog enters the placket, and the visitors are not moved; On the second day, look at the big temple, the temple is majestic, the new tiles shine on people, and they are not moved. That night, half of the people left.

On the third day, it rained lightly, and the host invited the rest of the people to go on a half-day trip. No cars and horses, hike the mountain. As soon as you enter the mountain gate, you can see the bamboo poles, and there are two thick hands.

Night reading丨Mingyue Mountain in the rain

A layer of fine white mist appeared on the green round bamboo surface, and the bamboo shoots and leaves at the bamboo knot had not yet faded, and it was the new bamboo of the year at a glance. But it rises from the ground to the sky, and there is already a trend of dry clouds catching the moon. Everyone was in high spirits and rushed up to take pictures. Then start climbing the mountain.

The road is built along the cliff, with the left mountain and the right river. There is almost no soil and stone in the mountain, and it is all covered by green bamboo; The river has no bank and boundless and it is difficult to see its appearance, in fact, it is a valley between two mountains. The valley follows the trend of the mountain into a zigzag shape, flickering left and right, gradually getting higher. There are only four things in the valley: bamboo, trees, stones, and water. The water flows and the stones, the snow waves fly sideways, the bamboo and wood are mixed, the pile of green dyes red, and it is a good picture of the autumn scenery of the deep mountains. The stone is blue and black. The big one is like a building, and the small one is like a house, which is born out of thin air and scattered on both sides of the strait. There are those who flow to the bottom of the valley with the flood, and they are smooth and round, and they are pitched in all shapes. The rain seems to be falling, hazy, wet clothes moisturize. Between the lines, there is a stone on the side of the road to the valley, surrounded by vine trees and surrounded by natural railings, I said a good "one stone viewing place", look at it with the "railing", only to see the bamboo waves layer by layer, full of rivers and mountains, has been rolling to the sky. There is occasionally a branch nearby, reaching out of the forest, which is Su Dongpo's poetic "a branch outside the bamboo is better". Bamboo is always the same green no matter the four seasons, and it will always be youthful and vibrant. Everyone talked about Su Dongpo, and would rather eat no meat than live without bamboo, and talked about the bamboo shoots sold in the vegetable market in the city. When the master saw that we were interested in bamboo, he suddenly said, "Do you know that this bamboo is divided into male and female?" We were silent all of a sudden, and we didn't know. He said, "Look, count up from the place where you are, and you will find the first leaf, the male with one leaf and the female with two leaves." Everyone was surprised, and they opened the bamboo to find it, and there was a difference between single and double. I profess to love bamboo, but I don't know the secret yet. And they asked, "What's the use of that?" Pick bamboo shoots! People in the mountains know that bamboo shoots can only be dug under the roots of the mother bamboo. "This mountain wasn't just for people to see.

Night reading丨Mingyue Mountain in the rain

After climbing a few more miles, crossing a suspension bridge, and then folding a stone road, a stone wall suddenly stood in front of me for half a day, and there was a waterfall hanging down on the wall, about dozens of stories high. Behind and around the stone wall, there are green trees and vines, like a petroglyph with a border, and the picture is an upright river flowing. It is not like when we are on the Yangtze River or the Yellow River, watching the big waves go east, vast and vast for thousands of miles, but the Milky Way is a land, and the snow waves cover the top. Naturally, I couldn't get close to the water's edge, but I only tried to lean forward a little, and then a wet cloud and thick fog swooped down and threatened us to go up to the sky. I quickly turned back, and then looked back at the way I came, only to see the clouds and mist, the mountains and peaks floating on it, and the ancient temples and pines looming. Near the valley bottom, the green bamboo laps the shore, the flowing water plays the piano, and there is occasionally a bunch of red leaves, lying among the stones, like a flash of fire at night.

Night reading丨Mingyue Mountain in the rain

At this time, the master beckoned in front of a stone room halfway down the mountain, and when we were paid, he had already set up the tea table. There are two kinds of tea, one is made of local soybeans, orange peel and ginger shreds, which dispels cold and warms the stomach, salty and spicy and fragrant, and slowly enters the heart; The other is the wild tea picked in the mountains, which is light and light, and seems to be there, just like the wet fog outside the window. None of us said anything more, just held our glasses and quietly looked into the distance. After a long time, I don't know who shouted: "It's not early, it's time to go down." I said, "No, just sit like this and wait until the next spring to eat the bamboo shoots." ”

About the Author:

Night reading丨Mingyue Mountain in the rain

Liang Heng, a native of Huozhou, Shanxi. He is a well-known scholar, news theorist and writer. He is the author of the essay collections "Looking for the Crossing", "Washing the Dust", and "Shooting the Railing All Over", the novel "Popular Romance of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry" in the history of science, the writing and research collection "The Way of Literature", and the political collection "Inheritance and Transcendence".

Anchor Profile:

Night reading丨Mingyue Mountain in the rain

Pang Weiwei is the anchor of Yucheng financial media