
How many assets does a family have to be considered rich? Insider: If you meet one of the 4 conditions, you can do it

author:Not obsessed with finance

I remember in the 70s and 80s of the last century, everyone's salary income was not high at that time, and if your family could have 10,000 yuan, it was considered rich. So, how many assets does a family have now to be considered rich? In fact, the answer given by everyone is different, and some people think that only if they have more than 2 houses in their hands can they be considered rich. There are also people who use the amount of savings they have as a measure of wealth. Of course, not having any debt outside is the most basic requirement for measuring the rich, and it has become a consensus among people.

How many assets does a family have to be considered rich? Insider: If you meet one of the 4 conditions, you can do it

In view of the fact that everyone has a different measure of the rich, some industry insiders said: If you don't have any debts outside, as long as one of the 4 conditions is met, it's fine. They are: 1. Buy a house in a large or medium-sized city with full payment; 2. Household deposits of more than 1 million; 3. Families with a monthly household income of more than 15,000 yuan, 4. Families with a market value of 6 million yuan of investment products. Let's find out:

First, buy a house in a large or medium-sized city with full payment

How many assets does a family have to be considered rich? Insider: If you meet one of the 4 conditions, you can do it

At present, housing prices in various places are still high. According to the latest data, in June 2024, the average price of new residential buildings in Baicheng was 16,421 yuan per square meter. This means that buying a 90-square-meter house at random will cost at least 1.5 million to 2 million. Therefore, a family that can buy a commercial house in full is considered wealthy. Of course, there are also some families who have had a mortgage before, and now the mortgage has been paid off, so such a family can be regarded as rich.

Second, the household savings exceed 1 million

How many assets does a family have to be considered rich? Insider: If you meet one of the 4 conditions, you can do it

If your family has a savings of more than 1 million, you can also be considered rich in China. According to central bank data, only 0.37% of personal accounts with deposits of more than 500,000 and 0.1% of personal accounts with deposits of more than 1 million yuan. At this rate, there are only 1.4 million to 1.5 million people in the country.

Obviously, the number of households with more than 1 million savings is simply too small. In addition, if you have 1 million, you can live a worry-free life for at least the next 10-15 years. If the elderly have 1 million, they can retire with dignity. It's just that it's very difficult for the working class to save 1 million, and it's almost impossible to accomplish.

Third, the monthly household income is more than 15,000

How many assets does a family have to be considered rich? Insider: If you meet one of the 4 conditions, you can do it

At present, the monthly income of most people in China is between 3 and 6,000 yuan, and only 3% of those with an income of more than 7,000 yuan are earned. If the average monthly income of the couple is more than 70 million yuan per person, and the family income exceeds 15,000 yuan, they are considered rich. However, there is great uncertainty about wage income, and the monthly family income may exceed 15,000 yuan this year, and in a few years due to poor corporate efficiency or poor business, the monthly family income may not be able to reach the standard of 15,000 yuan.

Fourth, households with a market value of 6 million investment products

How many assets does a family have to be considered rich? Insider: If you meet one of the 4 conditions, you can do it

In real life, many families like to invest their money in capital markets such as stocks, funds, and real estate, hoping to obtain higher investment returns. If some people hold such investment products with a certain market value of a certain standard, then they can't help but think that these people are not rich! According to the standard, a family with a market value of 6 million investment products is considered wealthy.

The reason why this standard is set at 6 million is mainly because the liquidity of stocks, funds, and real estate is very poor. In addition, many investors are currently trapped in the stock market, funds, and real estate, and the market value has shrunk significantly. If you sell it now and cash it out, the funds you get may not be half of what you did before. So, if you have a market value of 6 million in stocks, funds, and real estate, you must be considered rich.

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