
Tulip Companion 10th Anniversary Theme Song Original Call for Submission

author:Tulips are antidepressant
Tulip Companion 10th Anniversary Theme Song Original Call for Submission

Time flies, and Tulip has been firmly moving forward on the road of caring for people with depression for 10 years!

Since our establishment in 2014, we have continued to carry out public welfare activities across the country, lighting up the hope of life for patients with depression with love and care.

Every step is full of our persistence and efforts; Every action witnesses the transformation and blooming of life.

As the country's largest public welfare organization focusing on people with depression, we carry countless hopes and love; More than 100,000 depressed patients, family members of recovered patients and experts gathered in our group to form a warm and powerful force.

Music has the power to reach people's hearts, it can be a comfort for the hearts of depressed people, and it can give them the courage to regain their strength.

At this special moment, we are desperately looking for a theme song that can perfectly interpret our 10-year journey and is full of deep concern for people with depression!

Now, we are sending out our most sincere invitation to music lovers and music practitioners, eager to collect the original theme song that belongs to our 10th anniversary - "Tulip Song (Tentative)"

This is not only a stage for you to show your outstanding musical talent, but also an important opportunity to dedicate love and strength to people with depression.

This song will become a moving melody on our way forward, singing our deep concern for people with depression, singing our firm belief along the way, and also playing more beautiful and hopeful music in the future.

We hope that this song will embody warmth and care, inspiration and hope, soothing and peace, empathy and understanding, determination and strength.

At the same time, the integration of soft and lyrical elements makes the whole song both emotional and not too heavy, so that it can bring people to move at the same time, but also inspire people's inner strength and yearning for a better life.

Tulip Companion 10th Anniversary Theme Song Original Call for Submission

Whether you are a professional music maestro or an ordinary fan with a musical dream, we are very much looking forward to your participation.

Let's use melody to depict the ups and downs of this decade, and use music notes to convey the love and support for people with depression.

Your music will also accompany our 10th anniversary celebration, resounding in every corner of people who are concerned about depression, and become a shining star on our road to public welfare.

Tulip Companion 10th Anniversary Theme Song Original Call for Submission

A few notes on the song call

The call for this event will be divided into three stages

1. Submission stage: from now on - July 19

2. The public election time of the whole network: July 20 - July 31

3. Song recording time: August 1st - August 14th

Scan the QR code to learn more about the event and submit your entry

A few notes about the call for works

1. Copyright issues

Contributors create independently, have independent copyrights, and do not allow any form of plagiarism and imitation. If the contributor is aware of any dispute at the time of the call for papers, please do not submit the manuscript. If it is confirmed that plagiarism and other behaviors have a bad impact on the Tulip Companion brand, the possibility of initiating legal proceedings cannot be ruled out.

2. Duration and style

The overall duration of the song is in the range of 3-5 minutes, the song is catchy, and the lyrics are positive.

3. Reward settings

After the whole network solicitation, the first place will be rewarded with a gift worth 2,000 yuan, the second place will be rewarded with a gift worth 1,000 yuan, and the third place will be rewarded with a gift worth 500 yuan. In addition, you can also come to Tulip headquarters to participate in song recording, participate in Tulip's 10th Anniversary Charity Gala, and receive honorary certificates and Tulip 10th Anniversary Special Commemorative Cultural and Creative Gift Box.

4. Reward for the author of the final manuscript

The reward is 5,000 yuan in cash, and it will be inherited as the song of tulips, and the copyright belongs to tulips.

5. Event sponsor: Bluetown Leju

Tulip Companion 10th Anniversary Theme Song Original Call for Submission

Talented music creators, please don't miss this meaningful moment to add a touch of color to our 10th anniversary celebration with your music, and play a music of hope for people with depression! Come and join us on this meaningful musical journey!

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