
If you are diagnosed with depression, should you stick to work?

author:Tulips are antidepressant

Diagnosed with depression, should I quit my job? This question has really bothered a lot of people.

First of all, it is necessary to determine whether it is depression or depression, and to determine whether a person has depression, it is necessary to go to a psychiatric specialist for evaluation and diagnosis with the help of a doctor.

If you are diagnosed with depression, should you stick to work?

9 Signs of Depression

1. Persistent depressed mood: often feeling sad, sad, helpless, and hopeless, which may have no obvious reason, and life is significantly affected.

2. Loss of interest: I used to like things, but now I am not interested, I can't feel happy from them, and I don't want to try new things or activities.

3. Low self-identity: do not believe in their own ability and value, do not see their own advantages, blame themselves excessively and feel guilty, and feel that everything is inferior to others.

4. Fatigue easily: Feeling tired and weak even without strenuous exercise or physical exertion.

5. Slow thinking: difficulty concentrating, memory loss, overthinking, indecision, slow thinking, brain rust, and significantly reduced efficiency in doing things.

6. Social withdrawal: Lose interest in socializing and always want to be alone. Lack of self-confidence, fear of bad performance, rejection or evaluation by others.

7. Negative pessimism: pessimism, feeling hopeless about the future, unable to find the meaning and purpose of life, trapped in the pain of the past, difficult to let go.

8. Sleep disorders: difficulty falling asleep, waking up early, sleeping too much, and sleeping too much without energy, nightmares.

9. Changes in appetite: no appetite, or overeating, with significant changes in weight.

When some of the above symptoms appear, you can seek professional help from a professional psychiatric specialist.

If I have depression, should I quit my job?

If you are diagnosed with depression, should you stick to work?

Supporting netizens think:

@好运降琳: If you have depression, quitting is the most correct choice, the more insistent it is, the more disadvantageous, come on!

@无力吐曹: I don't have the intention to work at all, and I still have to keep working, that's quite painful. Don't force yourself to work, do what you want to do.

@烦恼全吴: I was anxious and depressed because of my work, and I wanted to quit my job, but my family didn't support me, so I struggled every day.

Netizens who don't support it think:

@每天想放贾: I resigned under severe depression, but I was not happy after resigning, I was very reluctant, regretful, regretful and unwilling. It's been three months now, and I've become timid and unconfident, rotten with nothing to do every day.

@存钱交房朱: I quit my job after depression, thinking it was a redemption, but I didn't expect to get more and more mournful, and even thought of suicide a few times to seek relief.

@喝多了伤魏: No, I quit naked after depression, I couldn't find a job, it's been 2 months, I'm very uncomfortable, I've been interviewing for a lot of jobs, but none of them are suitable for me, and now I'm really anxious at night!

After suffering from depression, it is difficult to arouse interest and motivation for both work and study. Continuing to work or study is simply an ordeal, and the feeling of being powerless and getting worse often brings more frustration.

Therefore, many people will immediately think of quitting their jobs and going home to rest, avoiding all the worries in front of them. I feel that as long as I leave a stressful environment, everything will be solved.

If you are diagnosed with depression, should you stick to work?

However, it is important to note that there are many factors that contribute to depression, not just the stress of work and school.

The onset of depression is a complex and comprehensive process, which has a certain biological basis, and is also affected by a variety of factors such as society and psychology.

Stressful life events, genetics, and individual cognitive styles all play a role in the onset of the disease.

Another factor that is easy to ignore is that during a depressive episode, the attitude towards things itself will be negative and negative, just like a person who looks at the world with sunglasses on, and if he impulsively makes a choice at the moment, he may regret it afterwards.

Give yourself a buffer.

If you suffer from depression and obviously lose your mobility and are unable to socialize and work normally, the focus is no longer on whether you should work or not, but whether you can work or not.

At this time, it is necessary to actively and systematically treat the condition to improve depression and reduce somatization symptoms.

Once the depressive symptoms have subsided, try to feel authentic and changeable before considering whether you should quit your job.

Whether you choose to continue working or quit your job, it is a decision made after careful consideration.

If you are diagnosed with depression, should you stick to work?

What can I do if I quit my job?

In the days after resignation, the following should also be done -

√ Stay in touch with the outside world

Breaking away from work and study does not mean that you should start the mode of "isolation", do not cut off the link with the outside world, and try to get effective social support through other means.

For example, try to avoid living alone, it is recommended to live with family and friends, talk and chat with trusted family or friends frequently, and participate in some simple family and friend activities.

Individuals who belong to a certain social group can gain a sense of worth and belonging, which can be a supporting force for the cure of depression.

Through interacting with others, we can build self-identity and self-worth, gradually eliminate the sense of meaninglessness and powerlessness caused by depression, and restore social function and control over life.

If you are diagnosed with depression, should you stick to work?

√ Keep yourself "busy" on a regular basis

Although you don't need to clock in and out every day after quitting your job, it doesn't mean that you can lie flat all day, turn black and white upside down, and do nothing.

After a long period of rest, many patients will have a sense of total detachment from society, fearing and helpless about the future life of recovery.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle, including a regular diet and rest schedule, moderate exercise, and schedule things to keep yourself busy.

Maintain study habits and make some preparations for returning to the workforce.

If you are diagnosed with depression, should you stick to work?

√ Adjust your social circle gradually

Try to get in touch with a more familiar social circle first, you can engage in some simple work, part-time social welfare work or short-term social group activities, create a buffer space for yourself, avoid sudden changes and excessive pressure to bring tension stimuli, and relieve mood swings.

Each of us plays five balls in our lives: family, work, health, friends, and soul. Of the five balls, only the ball is made of rubber, and it will bounce up when smashed. The other four balls were made of glass, shattered, and never recovered.

If you are diagnosed with depression, should you stick to work?

People who have had experiences with depression, engage in these jobs

Unfit for work

1. People with depression will have a lower self-esteem. Slow reaction, slow thinking, poor concentration, easy self-blame, lack of energy, easily feel fatigue or feel fatigue itself, generally not suitable for engaging in particularly brain-intensive activities and heavy physical activities.

2. The noise is relatively loud, which affects people's emotions. The working environment with constant noise from factories, construction teams, etc., is not suitable for depressed patients.

3. Excessive energy and mental drain. People with depression are discouraged from starting their own businesses. However, you can start as a clerk and help in some small shops that are full of interest in life, such as a unique handicraft shop, or a pet supply store, etc.

4. Repetitive labor work. Repetitive work day after day is not suitable for people with depression, and when people with depression are engaged in work, they need a sense of accomplishment to help build confidence faster. Assembling repetitive work in an assembly line is difficult to inspire confidence in people with depression.

5. Staying up late and working irregularly. If you need to stay up late for a long time and it is the kind of work that is in three shifts, it is not suitable to do it, and what depressed patients need most is regular rest and adequate sleep, if you do not sleep enough, the condition is more aggravated, which is not conducive to recovery.

If you are diagnosed with depression, should you stick to work?

Suitable for the job

1. What you like and what you are good at. This kind of work can maximize your initiative, what you like and are good at, and you will feel happy when doing work, which can help you regain your self-confidence and become positive.

2. No need for too much social work. People with depression are afraid of being hurt socially and like to close themselves off, so they can choose jobs that are not socially active, such as editors, librarians, cooks, writers, freelance writers, wall painters, etc.

3. Work close to nature and small animals. When we walk into nature, our mood suddenly brightens, and when we get along with small animals, our hearts feel warm and healed. Therefore, people with depression can choose careers such as horticulturists, pet artists, and humanistic photographers.

4. Work freely in time. Illustrators, writers, and other professions have free time, so they have a lot of time to relax, and there is not too much pressure for people with depression.

5. Work that makes you happy and fulfilling. For example, cake chefs, pastry designers, and helping people, volunteering in welfare homes and nursing homes, volunteering, etc.

6. Healing work. For example, aromatherapists, art therapists, color therapists, writing therapists, etc. are all very good jobs. This kind of work not only heals oneself, but also helps others grow.

PS1: What are you currently working in? Are you working on a job you love? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!


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