
The 5 male stars who eat tender grass have become fathers at the age of being grandfathers, happy and hard

author:Amusement park ing

#头条创作挑战赛# "Old husband and young wife" or "old wife and young wife" are not a relatively uncommon phenomenon in the entertainment industry, after all, love is free, and the entertainment industry is relatively open, so the age difference is not very important.

The 5 male stars who eat tender grass have become fathers at the age of being grandfathers, happy and hard

For example, Wu Qilong is 17 years older than Liu Shishi, Hong Xin is 10 years older than Zhang Danfeng, Zhong Liti is 12 years older than Zhang Lunshuo, Nie Yuan is 9 years older than Qin Ziyue, and so on.

The 5 male stars who eat tender grass have become fathers at the age of being grandfathers, happy and hard

These age differences are already common in the entertainment industry, but couples who can be older than 20 years old are really rare in the entertainment industry, not to mention how repulsive netizens are to this age difference.

The 5 male stars who eat tender grass have become fathers at the age of being grandfathers, happy and hard

Especially this time, I want to talk about 5 male stars who became fathers at the age of being grandfathers, and they were really chased by netizens saying that they were old cows eating tender grass.

The 5 male stars who eat tender grass have become fathers at the age of being grandfathers, happy and hard

1. Kou Zhenhai

Kou Zhenhai successfully became popular with "Lu Zhenhua", who likes to find a stand-in in "Deep Love and Rain", and his amorous but indistinguishable role left a very deep impression on everyone at that time.

The 5 male stars who eat tender grass have become fathers at the age of being grandfathers, happy and hard

However, Kou Zhenhai in real life is quite "self-contained", although he has had a failed marriage, but after the divorce, he does not have much lace news, but has been focusing on his career.

The 5 male stars who eat tender grass have become fathers at the age of being grandfathers, happy and hard

Later, when he met his current wife Li Ting, he rekindled his desire for love. Although Kou Zhenhai was 50 years old at that time, he still fell in love with a person who was 21 years younger than him.

The 5 male stars who eat tender grass have become fathers at the age of being grandfathers, happy and hard

If it were an ordinary person, he might have given up because of this large age gap. But Kou Zhenhai was brave enough to pursue love, even if the woman's parents did not agree to the union of the two at that time, he still did not hesitate.

The 5 male stars who eat tender grass have become fathers at the age of being grandfathers, happy and hard

Finally, at his insistence, the two ushered in a happy marriage, and now he not only has a wife in his arms, but also a lovely son by his side, and his career has also developed very well, so it can be said that his life is very happy.

The 5 male stars who eat tender grass have become fathers at the age of being grandfathers, happy and hard

2. Zhang Yimou

As a famous director in the entertainment industry, Zhang Yimou's love life has always been a favorite topic among netizens, after all, the more popular people are, the more interested everyone is in his topics.

The 5 male stars who eat tender grass have become fathers at the age of being grandfathers, happy and hard

There is no doubt that his love life is the biggest controversy in him, especially when he and Gong Li once had a 6-year long-distance relationship, but they did not achieve positive results later.

The 5 male stars who eat tender grass have become fathers at the age of being grandfathers, happy and hard

If this is the case, everyone will not have a lot of controversy about him, the problem is that after he broke up with Gong Yi, he turned around and found Chen Ting, who was 31 years younger than him, and Chen Ting was not yet 18 years old at that time.

The 5 male stars who eat tender grass have become fathers at the age of being grandfathers, happy and hard

This news was a very sensation at the time, but Chen Ting's process of becoming Mrs. Zhang was not smooth sailing, but gave birth to 3 children for him in a row, and it took more than ten years of long-distance love to get it back.

The 5 male stars who eat tender grass have become fathers at the age of being grandfathers, happy and hard

3. Jin Shijie

I don't know how many people have watched "The Legend of Chu Qiao"? How many people were frightened by Yuwenxi in "The Legend of Chu Qiao" when watching the drama?

The 5 male stars who eat tender grass have become fathers at the age of being grandfathers, happy and hard

This also reflects that Jin Shijie's acting skills are really good, otherwise there would not be so many people who would have nightmares after watching him play Yuwenxi.

The 5 male stars who eat tender grass have become fathers at the age of being grandfathers, happy and hard

However, in real life, he is still more kind-hearted, not as insidious and cunning as he shows in the play, especially attaches more importance to feelings.

The 5 male stars who eat tender grass have become fathers at the age of being grandfathers, happy and hard

After experiencing the death of his ex-girlfriend, he didn't come out for a long time. Later, it was only after meeting his current wife that he started a new life.

The 5 male stars who eat tender grass have become fathers at the age of being grandfathers, happy and hard

Now he and his wife Tu Guping also have a pair of cute dragon and phoenix fetuses, although he is already over half a hundred years old, but his life is also very happy.

The 5 male stars who eat tender grass have become fathers at the age of being grandfathers, happy and hard

4. Zhang Jizhong

The combination of him and his current wife Du Xinglin can be said to have been unfavored by everyone since the beginning. Not to mention that the difference between the two is more than 30 years old, Zhang Jizhong is enough to be Du Xinglin's father.

The 5 male stars who eat tender grass have become fathers at the age of being grandfathers, happy and hard

Just looking at the comparison of the appearance of the two on the same stage, the first instinct is that a grandfather took his granddaughter out to play.

The 5 male stars who eat tender grass have become fathers at the age of being grandfathers, happy and hard

It's just that in the face of huge controversy in the outside world, these two people didn't care, but lived their own small lives wholeheartedly, and even gave birth to the crystallization of their love.

The 5 male stars who eat tender grass have become fathers at the age of being grandfathers, happy and hard

In this regard, netizens don't know whether to bless or ridicule.

The 5 male stars who eat tender grass have become fathers at the age of being grandfathers, happy and hard

5. Wang Kuirong

His acting skills are undoubtedly very good, especially in the early years of "Dog Stick", although he is a villain, his performance is really eye-catching.

The 5 male stars who eat tender grass have become fathers at the age of being grandfathers, happy and hard

And it was through this drama that he met his current wife Rao Xinyu, who was 37 years younger than him, and later gave birth to a beautiful and lovely daughter.

The 5 male stars who eat tender grass have become fathers at the age of being grandfathers, happy and hard

I have to say that these people are really happy and hard. What is happy is that the wife and children are hot on the kang.

The 5 male stars who eat tender grass have become fathers at the age of being grandfathers, happy and hard

The hard thing is that he is at the age of being a grandfather, but his children are still so young, and he is probably a little weak enough to take care of himself.

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