
Take Andy Lau's "mid-year talk" as a mirror to see FAW Audi's persistence in the industry

author:The Economic Observer
Take Andy Lau's "mid-year talk" as a mirror to see FAW Audi's persistence in the industry

The "volume" of the automotive industry has become the norm in recent years, and it will become more and more involved in the first half of 2024. From the initial volume price, volume configuration, to the current volume speed, volume traffic, and even the volume boss. It feels like the competition in the automotive industry has pressed the fast-forward button, and life and death seem to be the difference between life and death.

At the mid-juncture of 2024, when the entire automotive industry is shrouded in an atmosphere of anxiety and "volume", FAW Audi has joined hands with Andy Lau to launch a "reverse volume" short video "Walking with Time", hoping to make people who are anxious in the fast pace feel the power of "slowing down". In this short video, we not only see that FAW Audi adheres to the long-term marketing thinking to fight against the involution of the auto market, but also feels its "integrity" and "innovation" in marketing.

Three years of joining hands with Andy Lau gives people a glimpse of the marketing mechanism of the century-old Audi

Philip Kotler, the father of modern marketing, once talked about the thinking of "marketing from value to value" in his book "Marketing Revolution 3.0". He believes that compared with the use value of the marketing 1.0 era and the emotional value of the 2.0 era, the spiritual value resonance in the 3.0 era is more influential, that is, the real link between the brand that inspires the "humanistic spirit" and the consumers who are reduced to "rich people" or "whole people", and promotes the shallow "exchange and transaction" of marketing to a higher level of "interaction and resonance".

User-centric, growing together with users, resonating and resonating mentally and emotionally, it is obvious that FAW Audi, which has repeatedly broken the circle in marketing in recent years, is well versed in this. As a century-old luxury brand, FAW Audi adheres to the value background, which is not only a necessary requirement for brand tonality, but also its constant pursuit in brand building. Even under the trend of chasing traffic in the industry, FAW Audi still maintains the positive values of brand progress, does not be coerced by traffic in marketing, adheres to long-termism, insists on creating celebrity IP marketing, and joins hands with Ma Weidu, Andy Lau and Olympic champion Ma Long to output nutrient content in the field of culture, sports and entertainment, and resonate with users with enterprising values.

Just as FAW Audi and Andy Lau have been working together for three years, they have always given people different surprises and touches. Since joining hands with Andy Lau in 2022 and inviting him to be the spokesperson of A8L, FAW Audi's marketing has not been confined to a simple product dimension, but sharpened product marketing with brand thinking, and always maintained the same frequency resonance with users.

"Life has ups and downs, insist on reinventing yourself, and going on is a broad and smooth road." In the 2022 TVC "The Power of Perseverance", Andy Lau told the camera about his 40 years of experience. In the picture, the new Audi A8L is standing beside him, which complements Andy Lau's confidence and calmness.

On Youth Day in 2023, a short video of "Persistence" swept the circle of friends. FAW Audi joined hands with Andy Lau, combined with the practical pain points of young people, with an equal and encouraging attitude, called on "people who have come over" to give the most sincere support to young people in the new era. This short video has a deep insight into the emotional power of society and fully excavates the emotional demands of young people, and has been well received as soon as it was released, narrowing the psychological distance between the Audi brand and users.

On June 9 of the same year, at the Audi Yingjie Hui master class, Andy Lau shared the multi-faceted life in and out of the mirror with the theme of "Into the Mirror", and encouraged the "people who have come over" to pass on the halo to the newcomers from the initial "into the mirror" to the high-level "into the mirror", to support more people in need.

Today's "Mid-Year Talk" video "Walking with Time" still maintains a very high level, under the involution, it directly hits the anxiety of people at the moment, expresses the value of long-termism with the discussion of how to correctly "waste" time, and brings more people the spiritual power to drive forward.

From "The Power of Perseverance" to "Persistence and Support", from "Into the Mirror" to "Walking with Time", these videos share and convey Andy Lau's life insights, stimulate the audience's enterprising spirit, and show the deep connection between brands and consumers. And this is the essence of FAW Audi's marketing, the adherence to the brand value background. In the face of industry involution, FAW Audi has always adhered to abandoning the utilitarian marketing concept, breaking the situation with long-term thinking, providing users with ideological value, and making brand values more penetrating.

It can be said that FAW Audi's celebrity marketing has broken through the inherent thinking of the industry and has always given people a refreshing feeling. Through the "response of spirit and values", they have achieved marketing in the hearts of users, and driven Audi to become a more emotional and desirable luxury brand.

The three new marketing changes make people see that FAW Audi keeps pace with the times

In the fierce competition in the automotive industry, FAW Audi has continuously carried out marketing innovation practices with its century-old brand spirit to adapt to the changes in the market and consumers with younger, high-end and more user-oriented.

In the face of a younger user group and a multi-touch communication environment, FAW Audi has adopted a series of in-depth and systematic rejuvenation strategies. For example, to create customized marketing IPs such as "Future Gravitational Field" for young people, combined with culture, products, services and policies, to provide young people with a full range of brand experience; Through cooperation with celebrities such as Wang Yibo, the Audi A3 limited edition product was launched, which successfully attracted the attention of young audiences; Cut into the Guoman and e-sports circles, carry out the sponsorship marketing of "Spirit Cage" and League of Legends, and create a new experience in the e-sports circle with the value and quality of luxury brands; During the epidemic, the Audi Channel brand live broadcast platform was built, and in the form of high-quality full-scene immersive live broadcast, it created themed live broadcasts such as the night of the RS burning engine on the sea circuit and the Olympic ice and snow stadium, which was deeply concerned and loved by young users.

In the face of the industry's pursuit of traffic, FAW Audi adheres to its own luxury heritage, not only the traffic theory, but also insists on building a high-end IP matrix with the whole matrix and the whole value chain, and continues to provide users with high-end value touchpoints and the unique experience of luxury brands. For example, we will create an "urban track" that embodies the value of high performance, a "two-sided life" that highlights the value of lifestyle, and MS.Audi, which shows the value of women, so that the luxury value can resonate with more consumers. In addition, for electrified products and more users in the new era, FAW Audi has injected more connotations into the marketing of new electric products, such as pure electric products such as the Audi Q4 e-tron and RS e-tron GT, to create family experience marketing, bringing high-quality and immersive marketing experience.

In the face of the changes in the communication environment of multi-touch points and short links in recent years, as well as consumers' strong demands for "interactivity and sense of substitution" for the brand, FAW Audi has been deeply cultivating the core position of the "FAW Audi App", on the one hand, it provides information and interactive windows through FAW Audi's official website/official official account/official applet, and on the other hand, it provides users with more diversified services for social networking, user life and user travel through the Audi official club official account, TRON planet applet and Audi travel official account, and truly enters the user.

These innovative marketing practices, in the new luxury era, not only establish a new image of the "new Audi", but also strengthen the in-depth interaction and sense of substitution with users. It is reported that this year, FAW Audi will break through the user base of 9 million, once again refreshing the record of China's luxury joint venture car companies, showing the brand's foundation for continuous growth in the domestic luxury car market.

Under the new normal of industry involution, major car companies are competing and increasing marketing. In the middle of the year, I also heard that FAW Audi and other OEMs have adjusted their leadership and strengthened the flow of talents, and Zhang Qiang, deputy general manager of FAW Audi Sales Co., Ltd., will also be transferred to FAW Hongqi to focus on brand marketing and user operation, and I believe that FAW Audi's successful experience will also empower new positions. As Andy Lau said in the "mid-year talk", brand building is not a marathon, and adhering to the marketing strategy of integrity and innovation is not only the construction experience of Audi as a luxury brand, but also will bring more inspiration for the healthy development of the automotive industry.

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