
Warm-hearted police officer丨Aniwar Erken: The police "father" of more than 20 rural children

author:Heian Tianshan
Warm-hearted police officer丨Aniwar Erken: The police "father" of more than 20 rural children
Warm-hearted police officer丨Aniwar Erken: The police "father" of more than 20 rural children

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Warm-hearted police officer丨Aniwar Erken: The police "father" of more than 20 rural children

Aniwar Erken, an instructor at the Misha Police Station of the Jiashi County Public Security Bureau, celebrates the birthday of the sponsored children. Photo by correspondent Gao Kun "Ai Dad, Ai Dad......" called immaturely, like a lark in summer, chirping non-stop. On June 30, under the shade of a tree in Mixia Township, Jiashi County, more than a dozen children who had just finished summer vacation jumped up and down to call their father to a uniformed police uncle. The "Ai Dad" in the children's mouth is Aniwar Erken, an instructor at the Mixia Police Station of the Jiashi County Public Security Bureau, who has 17 years of party experience and is a well-known "good father", but his "children" are not related to him. In addition to the daily business work, in Aniwal's heart, there is also a special mission, which is not just a job, but a concern and responsibility. "More than 20 children call me dad, my heart is about to melt, how can I care!" Aniwar said that there are more than 20 orphans, left-behind children, and children from single-parent families in the area under the police station, the oldest of whom is 15 years old and the youngest is only three or four years old. "Haha, don't worry, everyone has it, boys are blue, girls are pink!" On June 30, Aniwar brought them "summer vacation supplies", including new school bags, books, and stationery, and the children surrounded him, and the picture of laughter and laughter looked warm and loving. "I am also a father myself, and every time I see these left-behind children in the village, it is like seeing my own children, and I can't help but want to give them a home and give them fatherly love." Over the past three years of sponsoring these special children, Aniwar first thought that he was an old party member and then that he was a people's policeman, and he felt that everything he should do.

Warm-hearted police officer丨Aniwar Erken: The police "father" of more than 20 rural children

Aniwar Erken, an instructor at the Misha Police Station of the Jiashi County Public Security Bureau, gives a safety education lesson to the children in the kindergarten in the district. Photo by correspondent Gao Kun There is a special child named Awuti in Ake Village, Mixia Township, whose father died when he was 8 years old, which hit the child very hard. For more than a year, he couldn't get out of the haze and became sensitive and rebellious. One day in 2021, Awuti was criticized by the teacher for not listening carefully in class, and his mother scolded him after knowing it. When Aniwar learned about it, he quickly retrieved Awuti, and during the chat, the child cried and said, "The classmates in the class are all in charge of their father, but I don't." Aniwal was so distressed that instead of accusing him, he took the child in his arms and told him, "I will be your father from now on." Aniwal's concern made Awuti realize his mistake. Now 12 years old, Awuti has already overcome the hurdle in his heart with the help of "Ai Dad", not only has excellent academic performance, but also can face life positively. "This group of children not only needs a 'loving father' to give them love, but also a 'strict father' to guide them on the right path in life!" Aniwar said that since the children call him "Daddy", he should take good care of them in life, and educate them well in learning and morality. Aniwal made his contact card into a small pendant and gave it to each child, and also adhered to the "four must-arrive" work method, that is, the first day of school, the birthday must come, the sick and hospitalized must come, and the festival must come, and regularly send schoolbags, stationery, workbooks and other school supplies to the children to encourage children to overcome difficulties and study hard. For the sake of these children, Aniwar also took the lead in setting up a "Sunshine Fund" to care for left-behind children at the Misha Police Station, mobilizing the people's auxiliary police and the people in the village to help the children. Today, in the hearts of these children, the police "Ai Dad" has long been their most important relative. "Visiting hundreds of homes, knowing hundreds of families, and being a caring person" is not only the basic skill of the police at the grassroots police station, but also the most direct and effective way to listen to the voices of the people. In this regard, Aniwal innovated the "Wrong Time Listening Service Method", visiting long-term home groups such as the elderly and widows in the jurisdiction during the day, and visiting working groups such as young and middle-aged people at night, "so that not only will the footsteps not be empty, but also more voices can be heard, so as to help more people." "Aniwal is one such person who wants to use one minute as two minutes.

A qualified party member, how much dirt is under his feet, how much truth is precipitated in his heart. For Aniwal, the little things he does are not important, the important thing is that the difficulties of the masses are solved, and there is always a smile on his face!

Warm-hearted police officer丨Aniwar Erken: The police "father" of more than 20 rural children

Source丨Shi Jiuyun/Reporter of Xinjiang Legal Daily丨Han Jin Correspondent丨Gao Kun

Editor丨Lu Zhixin


Issued丨Lan Zedong