
From the ancient court to the roadside at the entrance of the village, what did hollyhock experience? 丨 Small leaves rise to "plant" knowledge

author:Zhangjiachuan Media
From the ancient court to the roadside at the entrance of the village, what did hollyhock experience? 丨 Small leaves rise to "plant" knowledge

As soon as summer arrives, hollyhock flowers bloom again. As an ornamental plant, hollyhocks do not appear frequently in garden landscapes, but they are very common on the roadside at the entrance of the village, which has a rural atmosphere, and has become a childhood memory for many people. The bright and huge flowers bloom from bottom to top, and they are called "one zhang red" because of the sesame flowers.

From the ancient court to the roadside at the entrance of the village, what did hollyhock experience? 丨 Small leaves rise to "plant" knowledge

Hollyhock is a perennial herbaceous plant of the genus Hollyhock of the Malvaceae family, native to southwest China, since the 8th century AD with the ancient Silk Road into Europe, became a group of plants that entered Europe earlier, so it is called "the flower of the Silk Road", has become a very popular garden plant, in Van Gogh, Monet, Titian's paintings also see hollyhock. At the same time, with the popularity of hollyhocks, its horticultural varieties have further increased, appearing in a variety of colors such as red, purple, white, yellow, and even black, as well as the very popular double-petaled varieties such as "Peach and Dream".

From the ancient court to the roadside at the entrance of the village, what did hollyhock experience? 丨 Small leaves rise to "plant" knowledge

Ornamental is not the only use of hollyhock, its flowers can be eaten directly, or mixed in salads, dipped in soy sauce, used as a decoration for meals, etc., the color is soft, the taste is fresh and sweet, and the appetite is greatly increased. In addition, its flowers can be used for dyeing, the seeds can be pressed for oil, and the stem bark can be used to make fibers, making it a versatile plant.

From the ancient court to the roadside at the entrance of the village, what did hollyhock experience? 丨 Small leaves rise to "plant" knowledge

Hollyhock has been cultivated in China for more than 2,000 years, and it has been left in royal gardens for generations. Today, this beautiful plant has traveled through time and has come to us from the court, becoming one of the closest plants to the public. Why not take some time to check out these beautiful plants and feel their charm and charm!

From the ancient court to the roadside at the entrance of the village, what did hollyhock experience? 丨 Small leaves rise to "plant" knowledge

Source: Shanghai Greening and City Appearance Publicity and Education

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