
Super fusion: the aroma of wine is not afraid of deep alleys, and the return of "ten thousand trees have become shady"

author:Tech icons

The IDA International Design Award, known as one of the world's most authoritative professional design awards, recently announced the final list of winners. The FusionPoD for AI full-cabinet liquid-cooled server won the 2023 IDA International Design Award Gold Award, the highest award of the year, from thousands of outstanding designs from 89 countries.

Super fusion: the aroma of wine is not afraid of deep alleys, and the return of "ten thousand trees have become shady"

As we all know, product design is the integration of product concept and technical thought, which can not only reflect the brand spirit, is the extension of corporate culture, but also the concentrated display of product strategy and user logic.

Through the "IDA Gold Award", we may be able to read the brand evolution of super fusion in recent years, and even the changes in market influence.

"The aroma of wine is not afraid of deep alleys", the road of metamorphosis of super fusion

In fact, Hyperfusion has been a "regular" at major international design awards for the past two years. In the past two years, Super Fusion has won many awards such as the Red Dot Design Award, the IDA International Design Award, the Silver Award, and the Bronze Award, and the level of super fusion industrial design has been internationally recognized.

In this competition, Hyperfusion draws inspiration from pure geometric aesthetics and grand architectural constructions. The design of the FusionPoD for AI cabinet liquid-cooled server is based on pure geometric aesthetics, referring to the Doric column structure, combining simple vertical lines with a solid structure, and the orderly and staggered line design not only expresses a sense of power, but also creates a virtual and real change of light and shadow, reflecting the rich level of product form, and interpreting the connotation of realizing diversified computing power compatibility as a computing power base.

Super fusion: the aroma of wine is not afraid of deep alleys, and the return of "ten thousand trees have become shady"

It is worth noting that the column structure in the cabinet panel, which is cleverly embedded in the hidden "X" shape, embodies the brand elements.

In addition, the FusionPoD for AI full-cabinet liquid-cooled server also continues the industry's first all-in-one cabinet design concept, showing the beauty of a coherent integrated design, while achieving the peak computing power of a single cabinet of 64 GPUs through exquisite layout, and the simplified O&M led by water, electricity, and grid cabinet buses to achieve the integration of beauty and practicality.

We know the truth that "the aroma of wine is not afraid of deep alleys", a pot of good wine brewed for a long time, mellow and fragrant, and never worried that no one will care. In the same way, good products and excellent designs will never be buried in the market, and will inevitably spread by word of mouth in the user group, and the influence will be self-generated.

Super Fusion has repeatedly won the "Gold Award" in various product design competitions, which is in line with the truth that the aroma of wine is not afraid of deep alleys, and it must have been accumulated for a long time, and behind it is the perfect transformation of Super Fusion from brand, to strategy, to product, and even to the entire ecosystem.

Root down and grow proudly in the forest of the computing industry

The "forest" of the computing industry is growing at an accelerated pace on the fertile soil of policy.

In October last year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, together with relevant departments, issued the "Action Plan for the High-quality Development of Computing Infrastructure" and set the main goal: by 2025, the scale of computing power in mainland China will exceed 300EFlops, the proportion of intelligent computing power will reach 35%, and the balance and coordinated development of computing power in the east and west will be achieved.

This year's "Government Work Report" of the two sessions proposes to further promote the innovation and development of the digital economy, formulate policies to support the high-quality development of the digital economy, actively promote digital industrialization and industrial digitization, and promote the deep integration of digital technology and the real economy. Appropriately advance the construction of digital infrastructure, and accelerate the formation of a national integrated computing power system.

The two key words of "Action Plan" and "moderately advanced" have laid a good foundation for the long-term sustainable development of the computing industry.

On the "fertile soil" of the computing industry, it is necessary to grow faster, not only to take deeper roots, so that the foundation of technology is more solid, but also to grow rapidly to absorb more sunlight overhead.

In order to take root downward, Super Fusion proposes to actively focus on the "2²" - a business structure based on the root technology family and the relatively independent development of multiple industries, and use AI and security technologies to support the development of computing power and security in the two major fields, provide the widest coverage of computing infrastructure and services, provide digital innovation services to urban and enterprise customers, and serve digital China.

The more stable the foundation, the faster the acceleration.

Super fusion: the aroma of wine is not afraid of deep alleys, and the return of "ten thousand trees have become shady"

Therefore, we see that the sales revenue of super fusion in 2023 will exceed 28 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of more than 20%, and the number of partners will exceed 13,000+, achieving a six-fold increase in 2 years.

At the same time, the 2023 China Liquid-cooled Server Market Tracking Report released by IDC shows that the overall market share of super-fusion standard liquid-cooled servers will account for 43% in 2023, ranking first in China's standard liquid-cooled server market share with nearly 42,000 units shipped.

The improvement of the market position has made the brand influence of super fusion grow by leaps and bounds, and it is also destined to make super fusion shoulder more responsibilities and obligations for the development of the computing industry.

The mountains and rivers are full of greenery, guarding the blue sky and clear water

Data centers are being built at a geometric rate as the wave of digitalization surges, and a 2023 report by Schroders shows that data center power consumption will more than double from 17 GW in 2022 to 35 GW in 2030. At the same time, the explosion of large-scale model technology in 2024 has rapidly deepened the demand for AI in thousands of industries, further deepening the industry's concerns about the support of power energy, and the contradiction between computing power and electricity has become more and more prominent.

In order to be full of greenery, it is necessary to protect the blue sky and clear water. The development of the digital economy should not come at the expense of huge energy consumption.

Super fusion: the aroma of wine is not afraid of deep alleys, and the return of "ten thousand trees have become shady"

Therefore, on April 22 this year, the 55th World Earth Day, Super Fusion released the "2024 Green Development Report" to show the society the exploration and practical results of Super Fusion in the face of changes in the macro situation and industrial trends, and to promote green development and science and technology to green.

In 2023, Super Fusion officially joined the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), actively practiced corporate responsibility, promoted the green development of the digital economy, established a comprehensive low-carbon operation system covering R&D, production and office, strengthened the management of water, energy and waste discharge, and reduced the impact of business development on the environment. At the same time, Hyperfusion promotes the development of green technology on a global scale, and expects to help customers achieve sustainable development goals through efficient and environmentally friendly computing infrastructure and computing services.

Super Fusion also integrates the concept of green and low-carbon into its product strategy, focusing on providing green and intelligent computing products and solutions, focusing on the deployment of five key elements of AI computing power, dual ecology, software and hardware optimization, clustering, liquid cooling, and inference scale deployment.

We know that at the level of computing power products, the computing power industry is showing a trend of intelligence, high density and large-scale deployment, resulting in a sharp increase in power consumption, cooling technology has become the most reliable technology for the long-term sustainable development of the computing power industry, and liquid-cooled servers have also taken the center stage of the market.

According to IDC, with the growth of computing power density and power consumption, China's liquid-cooled server market will continue to maintain rapid growth. The computing power density of a single cabinet in data centers continues to increase, from the traditional (5kW, 8kW, and 10kW) per rack to more than 100kW/rack, and even up to 250kW/rack, which fully confirms that liquid cooling has become the absolute mainstream of AI computing power construction.

Super Fusion is also continuing to promote the large-scale commercial use of liquid cooling and the evolution of liquid cooling industry standards, and has delivered a total of 70,000+ liquid cooling nodes in batches, ranking first in the market share of standard liquid-cooled servers in China for two consecutive years, and becoming an important supporting force leading the green construction of intelligent computing centers.


The fruits are full of branches, and the trees have become shaded when they return

Xunzi said in "Persuasion": "If you don't accumulate steps, you can't reach thousands of miles; If you don't accumulate small streams, you can't become rivers and seas. "In fact, the metamorphosis of superfusion is through long-term technological innovation and innovation in industry practice, so that the accumulation of steps, and then thousands of miles of superfusion has borne fruitful results in the market and brand.

It is superfusion, relying on the root technology R&D strength of X Lab, and working with partners to establish a joint innovation laboratory, covering the research and innovation of key technologies at all levels from the underlying materials to the data center level and software ecology, that has been recognized for its "flowers" along the way of product innovation, and the "IDA Gold Award" has also proved this from the side.

It is Super Fusion that ultimately adheres to the concept of win-win cooperation, builds a value creation platform with partners, and wins the future of computing power. Only then did the 2024 Partner Conference usher in the common attention of more than 1,500 industry, business, and service ecosystem partners, and on the road to explore the future of the computing industry, Super Fusion is not alone.

It is precisely because of the strategic insistence on computing innovation and collaborative development of superfusion and the rapid growth of its own business and industrial ecology that it has the two major technologies of AI and security to support the simultaneous development of computing power and security and software, making superfusion a "source of computing power" for thousands of industries to create new quality productivity.

The rapid growth of the past two years has proved a truth that when the strategy is forward-looking, when the product innovation continues to lead, but the solution and service capabilities are passed on by customers, there will be more and more like-minded partners and customers around the superfusion, and when the superfusion "returns", today's ecosystem has long been in the shade.