
Officially implemented!

Officially implemented!

Small housekeeping, big livelihood.


With the continuous improvement of people's living standards,

The demand for domestic service market is accelerating,

At the same time, domestic staff

"Please, please, please, don't worry"

and other industry pain points also followed.

Here's the good news!

From July 1, the "Zhejiang Provincial Housekeeping Service Regulations" (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations") came into force, which will further promote the professionalization, standardization and standardization of the domestic service industry.

The Regulations consist of 6 chapters and 43 articles, including General Provisions, Industry Management, Service Specifications, Industry Promotion, Legal Liability and Supplementary Provisions. Focusing on the difficulties and pain points of the industry, the "Regulations" clearly will empower industry management through digital management methods of housekeeping services, and at the same time stipulate the service specifications of home-based housekeeping institutions and service personnel, and establish a service evaluation system, evaluation standards and evaluation reward system. In response to conflicts in the housekeeping industry, the "Regulations" clearly stipulate the prohibited behaviors of all parties, implement the rights and interests protection mechanism of all parties, and establish a multi-channel dispute resolution mechanism, while clarifying the responsibilities of various departments and stipulating policies to promote the implementation of the housekeeping industry.

For example, in the management of the industry, Articles 6 to 11 of the "Regulations" have made detailed provisions on improving the digital management and application of housekeeping services, implementing code management for housekeeping institutions and housekeeping service personnel, and clearly building a unified "Zhejiang Housekeeping" comprehensive management service platform in the province, and realizing the "code" management of housekeeping service agencies and housekeeping service personnel through "Zhejiang Housekeeping". In view of the current reality of the domestic service industry "low, small, scattered and weak", the "Regulations" clarify the responsibilities of various departments to promote the development of the industry, and give full play to the role of laws and regulations in guiding, regulating and guaranteeing the development of the domestic service industry. Among them, Articles 28 to 35 also propose preferential policies such as relevant expenses and venue guarantees from the aspects of employee physical examination, skills training, talent training, finance and insurance, and housekeeping in the community.

On the first day after the implementation of the Regulations,

Deqing City with IOT Technology Co., Ltd

Organize 16 housekeeping companies to settle in for free

Xingshan Community, Guiyu Jiangnan, Rose Manor, etc

12 digital life smart service stations.

On the day of the move-in, the representatives of the housekeeping company took a collective oath, and then carried out free door-to-door services for the families of the disabled. The reporter noticed that the service station set up a special housekeeping service publicity display board, and residents scanned the small program of Xiaode housekeeper on the display board to choose all kinds of housekeeping services online.

Officially implemented!

"In recent years, our county has vigorously promoted the construction of digital life intelligent service stations, and provided people with one-stop services for digital life by iteratively upgrading digital commerce, digital finance, digital express delivery and other functions. As the operator of the service station, we provide free venue support for the housekeeping company, and give full play to the strength of the company's party members and Deqing sister-in-law, fully cooperate with the work of the housekeeping company, actively promote the implementation of the "Regulations", and also make the service station more concentrated and richer. Shen Yun, the person in charge of the city distribution IOT, said that at present, 12 service stations have been opened to the county's housekeeping companies, and will be opened in the Deqing global service station according to the operation situation.

Officially implemented!

"We have created an online platform for Xiaode Housekeeper, which gathers 38 related enterprises in Deqing County to provide more than 60 services such as home appliance cleaning, daily cleaning, and sorting and storage." Wang Junwei, general manager of Xiaode Housekeeper (Deqing) Housekeeping Service Co., Ltd., said that after the "Regulations" are implemented, Xiaode Housekeeper will play a platform role, strengthen management, and provide consumers with better services.

The reporter learned from the County Bureau of Commerce that after the implementation of the "Regulations", our county will establish the Deqing County Housekeeping Industry Association, strengthen industry self-discipline and integrity construction, and make full use of the "Zhejiang Housekeeping" platform to establish and improve industry service specifications, guide housekeeping service agencies and housekeeping service personnel to improve service quality, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of all parties, and promote the housekeeping service industry to fully release the development momentum, so that the level and quality of housekeeping services are better close to the needs of the people, meet the expectations of the people, and build a clear, An orderly domestic service ecosystem.


Reporter: Fu Lubo Editor: Chen Chen

Executive Editor-in-Chief: Gui Li Zhe

Officially implemented!


Officially implemented!

Intimate and good service!