
Hanjiang: "Grid Blue + Urban Management Blue" → work together to improve the level of urban management

author:Hanjiang News
Hanjiang: "Grid Blue + Urban Management Blue" → work together to improve the level of urban management
Hanjiang: "Grid Blue + Urban Management Blue" → work together to improve the level of urban management

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Recently, in order to further improve the environment of the jurisdiction and innovate the social governance model, Hanjiang District has carried out the "grid + urban management" joint patrol work, carried out centralized rectification of the street order in the jurisdiction, and strived to solve the problems of road occupation and disrupting traffic order.

Hanjiang: "Grid Blue + Urban Management Blue" → work together to improve the level of urban management

In the traffic arteries of Hanxi, Handong and Guohuan Town, the patrol team found that the phenomenon of road occupation was carried out, and the urban management law enforcement officers and grid officers dealt with it on the spot, adhering to the concept of soft law enforcement, standardizing and guiding the mobile vendors to operate in an orderly and normal manner without affecting the city's appearance and traffic, and effectively maintaining the road traffic order, so as to return the road to the people and curb the chaos of illegal road occupation from the source.

Hanjiang: "Grid Blue + Urban Management Blue" → work together to improve the level of urban management
Hanjiang: "Grid Blue + Urban Management Blue" → work together to improve the level of urban management

(Comparison chart before and after joint patrol and rectification in the jurisdiction)

The district urban management and comprehensive law enforcement brigade and grid center will continue to improve and enhance digital smart urban management services, strictly implement the "grid + urban management" joint patrol work, and promote the standardized and long-term management of mobile vendors. (Contributed by the District Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau)

Edit | Chen Shaoxi Editor| Lin Yixia

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