
AVIC Xifei: Promote the reform of innovative systems and mechanisms to build a national large and medium-sized aircraft research and development base

author:State-owned assets report

Text · Reporter of this magazine, former Shimeng, correspondent Zhang Zhipeng, "State-owned Assets Report" magazine, Issue 5, 2024

AVIC Xifei: Promote the reform of innovative systems and mechanisms to build a national large and medium-sized aircraft research and development base

AVIC Xi'an Aircraft Industry Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "AVIC Xifei") is a subsidiary of Aviation Industry Corporation of China, which is an integrated base for R&D, design, manufacturing, maintenance and service of large and medium-sized military and civil aircraft and special aircraft in mainland China. AVIC Xifei's industrial structure and product system today are the result of multiple asset restructurings in the process of development. The company's most recent asset restructuring was in 2020, at the end of this year, AVIC Xifei announced that it would complete the replacement of major assets, complete the injection of aircraft manufacturing and maintenance assets of AVIC Xifei, AVIC Shaanxi and AVIC Tianfei, and realize the professional integration of large and medium-sized aircraft manufacturing assets, and the company's name was officially changed from "AVIC Aircraft Co., Ltd." to "AVIC Xi'an Aircraft Industry Group Co., Ltd.", and the company's abbreviation was changed from "AVIC Aircraft" to "AVIC West".

AVIC Xifei: Promote the reform of innovative systems and mechanisms to build a national large and medium-sized aircraft research and development base

On April 2, 2024, AVIC Xifei released the "2023 Annual Report", achieving operating income of 40.301 billion yuan in 2023, a year-on-year increase of 7.01%; The net profit was 861 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 64.41%. Since its reorganization in 2020, AVIC Xifei has benchmarked and learned from the development model of world-class aviation industry enterprises, integrated innovation resources, carried out the reform of scientific and technological innovation system and mechanism, and actively built a national large and medium-sized aircraft research and development base, which has achieved positive results, and also provided experience and reference for the reform of other military enterprises.

Integrate innovation resources

In 2020, AVIC West achieved the professional integration of resources related to R&D, manufacturing and maintenance services for large and medium-sized aircraft. Through the integration, AVIC Xifei has formulated a new development strategy and goal, that is, to build an integrated base for R&D, manufacturing and service of large and medium-sized aircraft. The relevant person in charge of AVIC Xifei told reporters that the strategic significance of this move is mainly reflected in two aspects. The first is to serve the national strategy and support the realization of the goal of becoming an aviation power. AVIC Xifei continued to enhance its core competitiveness, continuously enhanced its core functions, and developed generations of large and medium-sized military and civilian aircraft, making important contributions to the construction of a world-class military and aviation power. The second is to give full play to the leading role of the industrial chain and accelerate the construction of a new development pattern. Focusing on its main responsibilities and main business, AVIC XACA has built a layout of the whole industry chain covering R&D and design, manufacturing and maintenance services, and is committed to building a modern aviation industry system and continuously improving the competitive advantage of the whole industry chain. In the process of achieving the above strategic goals, the integration of innovation resources is particularly crucial. The reporter learned from AVIC Xifei that after the completion of major asset replacement in 2020, Shaanxi Airlines, Tianfei and other enterprises became wholly-owned subsidiaries of AVIC Xifei, and AVIC Xifei first completed the integration of relevant innovation resources from the aspect of enterprise structure. "The integration of the organization is conducive to the overall planning and unified management of innovation resources, so that the efficiency of innovation resources can be maximized." The relevant person in charge of AVIC West Flight said. On the basis of organizational integration, based on the business model of "positive R&D, intelligent manufacturing, and performance service", AVIC Xifei has built a collaborative management system for scientific and technological innovation of aviation weapons and equipment, formulated and issued a unified scientific and technological management related system, and realized the strengthening of management of scientific and technological innovation. Finally, there is integration at the business level. Driven by the enhancement of the hard power of the original technology of military and civilian aircraft, AVIC Xifei has coordinated and promoted the construction of a series of innovation platforms represented by the "Innovation Origin of Large Aircraft", built an advantageous platform integrating aviation product research and development, manufacturing, and maintenance services, and led the group breakthrough of science and technology and the development of industrial clusters. The relevant person in charge of AVIC Xifei told reporters that at present, AVIC Xifei has a national enterprise technology center, a national international joint research center, a provincial key laboratory and other innovation platforms at different levels. For example, AVIC Xifei was awarded the scientific and technological innovation team of the Bureau of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense, and the Shaanxi Aviation Joint Institute and Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics established the "Joint Laboratory of Turboprop Aircraft Vibration and Noise Reduction Technology". "Through the construction of various innovation platforms, an aviation science and technology innovation ecosystem has been formed." The person in charge said.

Promote institutional reform

In order to achieve high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance, we must make great efforts to deepen the reform of the system and mechanism of scientific and technological innovation and talent development. Since the reorganization, AVIC Xifei has carried out a lot of work in this regard and achieved phased results. Stable and continuous funding is the guarantee of the success of scientific research. AVIC XACA has established a fast track for the establishment of scientific research projects based on the Innovation Fund. Since the steady implementation of the fast track approval, various professional teams have actively applied for innovation fund projects, and have invested 20 million yuan per year in special economic expenses to key technology research projects that need to be solved urgently.

AVIC Xifei: Promote the reform of innovative systems and mechanisms to build a national large and medium-sized aircraft research and development base

The talents of AVIC Xifei factory are the most active factor in innovation, and whether they can stimulate their enthusiasm is related to the effectiveness of innovation. AVIC Xifei undertook the first batch of "unveiling the leader" project of the national key R&D plan, promoted the "unveiling the leader" mechanism, launched the first batch of 7 key research tasks, and signed the project responsibility letter, successfully explored a different implementation method from the conventional scientific research projects, effectively stimulated the enthusiasm of the majority of young scientific research talents to participate in the "horse race" and "taking the lead", selected outstanding talents for the company's scientific and technological innovation, and accumulated reserve strength for the cultivation of leaders. In 2021, 14 technical experts from AVIC West were rated as the chief, special and first-class experts of AVIC, and the expert team was further enriched. AVIC XACA has also identified and awarded the first batch of 4 doctoral studios to give full play to the leading role of high-end talents, comprehensively carry out cutting-edge technology research, and support the rapid development of advanced technologies from "ideas" to "models". Since the official operation of the first batch of doctoral studios, a number of basic technical studies have been carried out in the aspects of composite precision manufacturing and composite laminate technology, and a number of high-quality SCI papers have been published. In the process of reform, AVIC XACA has also taken a variety of measures to overcome various challenges. The relevant person in charge of AVIC Xifei told the reporter of the "State-owned Assets Report" that AVIC Xifei is a military enterprise and a listed company, and in the process of reform, it will involve multiple stakeholders, including customers, SASAC, group companies, shareholders, the public, the community, etc., and a little carelessness may have an adverse impact on the promotion of reform. Therefore, in the process of reform, AVIC XACA pays special attention to strictly abiding by the relevant requirements of customer documents, national laws, regulations of listed companies, etc., and at the same time timely reports, communicates, announces and discloses major progress, so that customers, superior units, shareholders and the public can fully enjoy the right to know, and has been rated A by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange for six consecutive years, creating a good environment conducive to the promotion of reform, and obtaining the understanding, support and participation of all stakeholders, thereby forming the greatest synergy. Reform is for the better development of the enterprise, how to further promote the reform work at the same time, to ensure the normal progress of the enterprise's scientific research, production and operation tasks, is another challenge faced by AVIC Xifei. In view of the challenges of heavy tasks, great difficulties and a wide range of business involved in the reform work, AVIC XACA has strengthened the organization and promotion by setting up a special leadership organization and a special working team to ensure that various measures are effectively promoted. At the same time, by decomposing the relevant tasks layer by layer and incorporating them into the annual plan system, the special work of reform and the tasks of model development, scientific research and production are organically unified and parallel, and the management cost and time cost of reform are reduced to the greatest extent.

Harvest results and make new contributions

Through continuous deepening reform, AVIC West has achieved positive results in building a national large and medium-sized aircraft research and development base. Taking civil projects as an example, through reform, AVIC XACA has established a plan assessment management system from the operation-level plan to the execution-level plan, built a project management system covering the whole life cycle of the project, realized the management of all factors such as the progress, cost, quality and risk of project development, enhanced the efficiency of product development, steadily improved product quality, and compressed the product development cycle by more than 20%.

AVIC Xifei: Promote the reform of innovative systems and mechanisms to build a national large and medium-sized aircraft research and development base

The Y-20 aircraft produced by AVIC XC has undergone reform, and AVIC XAC's supply chain management system has become more efficient. Since the reorganization, AVIC XAC has focused on the safety, stability and efficiency of the supply chain, explored and innovated the supply chain management system, and unified management standards by establishing general requirements for supplier management. At the same time, through a series of innovations such as supplier relationship management and optimization of cooperation models, AVIC XACA has effectively promoted the company's management concepts and ideas, management requirements and standards, and innovative tools and methods to the entire supply chain, promoting the coordination, stability, agility and efficiency of the supply chain. Through the reform, AVIC Xifei has achieved remarkable results in the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements. The relevant person in charge of AVIC West Flight told reporters that by improving the evaluation mechanism of scientific and technological innovation achievements, AVIC West Flight has achieved the two-way output of "technology and achievements", and has won 229 awards for various scientific and technological achievements in the past three years, and promoted the commercialization and market promotion of scientific and technological achievements by optimizing the transformation mechanism of scientific and technological achievements, and in the past three years, AVIC West has completed the transformation of scientific and technological achievements of 6 projects, involving 11 transformation contracts. Facing the future, AVIC Xifei has a long way to go. The relevant person in charge of AVIC Xifei said that in the next step, AVIC Xifei will continue to strengthen the corporate governance system and governance capabilities, further promote the modernization of the aviation industry, the construction of aviation science and technology innovation capabilities, and the strategic security guarantee in key areas, especially in the field of strategic emerging industries to achieve new breakthroughs, enhance value creation and sustainable development capabilities, better realize the organic unity of economic, political and social attributes, and make greater contributions to promoting the construction of an aviation power and promoting Chinese-style modernization.

AVIC Xifei: Promote the reform of innovative systems and mechanisms to build a national large and medium-sized aircraft research and development base
AVIC Xifei: Promote the reform of innovative systems and mechanisms to build a national large and medium-sized aircraft research and development base
AVIC Xifei: Promote the reform of innovative systems and mechanisms to build a national large and medium-sized aircraft research and development base
AVIC Xifei: Promote the reform of innovative systems and mechanisms to build a national large and medium-sized aircraft research and development base

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AVIC Xifei: Promote the reform of innovative systems and mechanisms to build a national large and medium-sized aircraft research and development base

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AVIC Xifei: Promote the reform of innovative systems and mechanisms to build a national large and medium-sized aircraft research and development base
AVIC Xifei: Promote the reform of innovative systems and mechanisms to build a national large and medium-sized aircraft research and development base

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