
Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao" was killed in the follow-up! The truth was exposed and related to dancing, and the people in the same village exposed their love

author:Lovely Filipino girl

In the bustling square of the past, on the night when the moon and stars were scarce, a bloody case shocked the four wilds, and the Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao" came to an abrupt end in his dancing steps, and the candle of life was suddenly extinguished.

Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao" was killed in the follow-up! The truth was exposed and related to dancing, and the people in the same village exposed their love

As soon as this incident came out, there were different opinions, and the truth gradually surfaced, which was closely related to a hot dance. Now let's listen to me and uncover the unknown secrets behind this.

After the dance, the wind and clouds changed, and the blood stained the red dust road

It is said that on July 2, in the city of Songyuan, the moonlight is bright, the sound of square dancing comes and goes, and there is an unknown undercurrent hidden in the laughter.

Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao", an ordinary man, but because of his unique dancing and extraordinary dress, he became famous on the Internet. That night, he was still in a suit and leather shoes, sunglasses and leather bags, and his demeanor was graceful, as if the big boss was coming in person, dancing with the aunts, attracting bursts of applause.

Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao" was killed in the follow-up! The truth was exposed and related to dancing, and the people in the same village exposed their love

However, there are unforeseen circumstances in the sky, and people have good and bad luck. Just when "Brother Jiabao" was intoxicated with dancing and got carried away, a bald man, drunk and angry, quietly approached.

Before everyone could react, the cold light flashed, several knives had fallen, blood splashed, and there was an uproar on the square. When everyone came back to their senses, they saw that "Brother Jiabao" had fallen in a pool of blood, his breath was dying, and he finally failed to escape his life, only 54 years old, and died suddenly.

The truth is in full bloom, and the origin is a dance

As soon as this case came out, the city was full of wind and rain, and there were different opinions. At the beginning, it was rumored on the Internet that it was caused by jealousy and love killing. However, the official announcement finally cleared the fog and revealed the truth.

Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao" was killed in the follow-up! The truth was exposed and related to dancing, and the people in the same village exposed their love

It turned out that the bald man was not because of love, but because he saw the "Brother Jiabao" dancing flamboyantly, he was jealous and angry, so he used wine to strengthen his courage and commit this atrocity.

Hearing this news, everyone in the world was shocked and sighed. There is a saying: "The husband is not guilty, but he is guilty." "The disaster of "Brother Jiabao" is not because his dancing posture is too dazzling, which causes an unwarranted disaster? However, the world is impermanent, people's hearts are unpredictable, who would have expected that this dancing posture would become a life-urging talisman?

The words of the same village, the disadvantages of love

Although "Brother Jiabao" passed away, all kinds of things during his lifetime have become a hot topic on the streets. People in the same village, when they talk about "Brother Jiabao", they all shake their heads and sigh.

Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao" was killed in the follow-up! The truth was exposed and related to dancing, and the people in the same village exposed their love

There is a saying: "This person's nature is not bad, but he is addicted to alcohol, and he is not happy without drinking for a day." In addition, he acted flamboyantly and loved to be sassy, so he offended many people. ”

In the past, a music barbecue bar was opened in the same village, and he repeatedly refused to get started with "Brother Jiabao", for fear that it would cause trouble. Looking at this fruit today, I can't help but sigh. The ancients said: "Misfortune and blessing are relied upon, and blessing and misfortune are lurking." "Isn't the disaster of "Brother Jiabao" because he is careless in his daily life, and he has a cause and effect?

There are even rumors that "Brother Jiabao" has retired and earns 8,000 a month, but it is actually false. According to fellow villagers, he is still in the workplace, but he is just an ordinary employee of oilfield transportation. These rumors are really nonsense, but they also reflect the infinite reverie and misunderstanding of the world's life of Internet celebrities.

Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao" was killed in the follow-up! The truth was exposed and related to dancing, and the people in the same village exposed their love

Indifferent to all beings, people's hearts are unfathomable

At the time of the incident, everyone in the square was watching, but no one dared to step forward to stop it. This kind of indifference is really chilling. Some netizens sighed: "If someone had come forward at that time, maybe 'Brother Jiabao' would have survived." ”

However, the world is hot and cold, and people's hearts are separated from their stomachs, who can stand up at a critical juncture, regardless of their own safety?

There are also people who say that where the head man of the sightseeing head starts, there seems to be no fatal intention, and each knife is pointed at the lower body, or just to scare. However, the world is unpredictable, and a knife is biased, which causes the major arteries to rupture, and the blood flows like a river, which eventually becomes an irreparable tragedy. Isn't this kind of accident a matter of providence?

Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao" was killed in the follow-up! The truth was exposed and related to dancing, and the people in the same village exposed their love

Although the dancing shadow is gone, the aftermath lingers

Although "Brother Jiabao" has left, its unique dance posture and extraordinary style are engraved in the hearts of the world like a brand. When night falls and the square dance resumes, people can't help but think of the personable dancer.

The ancients said: "Life is like a play, and drama is like life." The life of "Brother Jiabao" is short but wonderful, and his departure reflects the complexity of human nature and the indifference of society. May the departed rest in peace and the living awake. #头条创作挑战赛#