
Off the beaten track! 6G patent ranking, Qualcomm 1st, Apple 2nd, Huawei 5th?

author:The Internet is a messy show

As we all know, in the evolution of communication technology, China is taking the path of 1G introduction, 2G following, 3G innovation, and 4G and 5G leading.

At the time of 3G, TD-SCDMA with China's independent intellectual property rights became one of the global standards, and then to 4G and 5G, China's communication technology rose rapidly, especially in 5G, China is already far ahead.

Off the beaten track! 6G patent ranking, Qualcomm 1st, Apple 2nd, Huawei 5th?

The above figure is the ranking of 5G patent families according to the authoritative Academy of Information and Communications Technology, and it can be seen that among the top 10, Chinese manufacturers account for 5 seats, and Huawei is ranked first, far ahead. In addition, ZTE, Datang, OPPO, and Xiaomi are all in the top 10.

From these data, it can also be clearly concluded that China's communication technology has risen, and it is no longer the 1G and 2G era of the year, China is the leader, so everyone also believes that with the arrival of 6G, China's communication technology will continue to lead the world.

But recently, an intellectual property consulting firm called TT Consultants based in California, USA, released a data on the current 6G patents, which is a bit outrageous.

Off the beaten track! 6G patent ranking, Qualcomm 1st, Apple 2nd, Huawei 5th?

According to them, it searched 53,060 patent applications and 19,076 granted patents, and then concluded that the top 11 companies were Qualcomm, Apple, Samsung, Intel, Huawei, LG, Ericsson, Intel, University of California, vivo and Sony.

The specific number of patent applications, as well as the ranking are shown in the figure below, Qualcomm, Apple, and Samsung are far ahead, with more than 5,000 in number.

As for Huawei, the communication patent overlord in the 5G era, it can only rank fifth, with 2,600 patents, less than half of Qualcomm, Apple, and Samsung. At the same time, among the top 10, there are only two Chinese companies, namely Huawei and VIVO.

Off the beaten track! 6G patent ranking, Qualcomm 1st, Apple 2nd, Huawei 5th?

Seriously, seeing this ranking and data, it still feels outrageous, because Apple is not strong in communication technology, and it has no sense of existence in 5G, 4G, etc., and it can't even get a baseband chip, and it actually jumped to second place?

In addition, how did Intel get on the list twice, one was ranked 4th, and the other was ranked 8th? Anyway, I don't think it's right. I think one of them could be Nokia, but who knows if it's 4th or 8th?

So I checked this data carefully, and finally found that there is a saying that this ranking is achieved through AI assistance, and basically there is a rough idea in my heart, that is, it is unreliable, after all, it is not an authoritative organization, and it should also be a fake list made for eyeballs.

Off the beaten track! 6G patent ranking, Qualcomm 1st, Apple 2nd, Huawei 5th?

In fact, regarding 6G patents, some institutions have previously provided a chart of the proportion of the number of patents by country, and it can be seen that China ranks first, with Chinese companies applying for 6G patents accounting for 40.3% of the world's total, while the United States ranks second, accounting for 35.2%. Then there are Japan, Europe, and South Korea.

Relatively speaking, this data is relatively reliable, because 6G is actually the same as 5G, 5G is based on Sub-6, millimeter wave, and 6G is mainly based on millimeter wave, so if you are leading in 5G, you will generally be leading in 6G, not to mention that Huawei, ZTE and other companies are so strong, how can they lag behind?

So for this list, just take a look, don't take it too seriously.

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