
Get rid of the phenomenon of vegetable planting and promote the healthy development of the planting industry

author:Really sweet agriculture

Today's market is stable as a whole, only Songhua is more prominent and climbs the peak.

In the field of vegetable planting, the phenomenon of following the trend of planting is not uncommon, which brings many uncertainties and risks to growers. The topic of tomatoes has been mentioned many times this year. I have been predicting that the tomato market will not be very good this year. After all, the overall price performance of tomatoes last year was very impressive. Especially in the first half of last year. Growers are basically making a lot of money. Even when other varieties fall into the doldrums. Tomatoes can also maintain relatively high prices.

Get rid of the phenomenon of vegetable planting and promote the healthy development of the planting industry

Guangzhou Jiangnan Market 2023 Tomato Historical Price

The military advisor has reminded everyone more than once. But human nature is hard to overcome. I always think I'm different. The first half of the year has passed. Look back. Tomato prices are depressed most of the time. In particular, from late February to the end of March. Most of the wholesale prices of tomatoes in the market are a little more than 2 yuan (kilogram price), and the growers are losing blood, and the tomatoes in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province are almost wiped out. When the Wenzhou tomato is basically finished. Due to seasonal issues. Tomatoes around the market are not available in large quantities. The price is back to a better market. Some people laugh at the military division. Do you think tomato prices are not good? How about now, how can it be such a high price?

Get rid of the phenomenon of vegetable planting and promote the healthy development of the planting industry

Tomato price trend in Guangzhou Jiangnan market in 2024

This year, due to the weather, the amount of tomatoes in April and May is small, and the supply exceeds demand. One is the seasonal gap and the other is the impact of the weather (unpredictable). But only a small number of people make money during this time. By mid to late May. Tomato prices have been falling all the way to today. In the first half of this year, the price of tomatoes was much lower than that of the same period last year. Now it is Shanxi and Ningxia tomatoes that are on the market in large quantities. There are also Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang tomatoes on the market. It is estimated that the tomato market will not be too optimistic in the future.

Get rid of the phenomenon of vegetable planting and promote the healthy development of the planting industry

Growers like to follow the trend. If the market is good this year, it is estimated that it will be rotten next year (unless there is an impact of extreme weather). When can we get rid of the idea of following the trend of planting, and the vegetable planting industry can be regarded as the real rise. How to get rid of the herd planting? If you have any tricks, please discuss them in the comment area.

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