
"The Story of Rose" understood this detail, and only then did he know that 40-year-old Huang Yimei had already been tempted by 24-year-old Lin Yi, and it was 22-year-old Huang Yimei who rejected Lin Yi

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Chen Jia Xiaorui

Figure/From the Internet (invasion and deletion)

"The Story of Rose" understood this detail, and only then did he know that 40-year-old Huang Yimei had already been tempted by 24-year-old Lin Yi, and it was 22-year-old Huang Yimei who rejected Lin Yi

Fang Xiewen, it's really helpless.

finally got to the level of Zhuang Guodong with his "net worth", and met Fu Jiaming, who understands art and lives a chic life;

Fu Jiaming was not in good health, even though she had only known and fallen in love with Huang Yimei for a few months, it made her worry for six years before she came out.

Seeing that Huang Yimei was single again, Fang Xiewen felt that he could use his daughter Xiaochu as a bridge to talk about remarriage again.

This time it's still a 24-year-old little fresh meat.

No wonder netizens ridiculed: Poor Fang Xiewen, when he was young, his opponent was rich; There is money, and the opponent is young again!

"The Story of Rose" understood this detail, and only then did he know that 40-year-old Huang Yimei had already been tempted by 24-year-old Lin Yi, and it was 22-year-old Huang Yimei who rejected Lin Yi

Take a look, Fang Xiewen learned from his daughter that Huang Yimei learned to fly a plane, and when the coach was still a young man, how strong his sense of crisis was!

drove over to pick up Huang Yimei as soon as possible.

Seeing her and coach Lin Yi come out together, Fang Xiewen was even more active and enthusiastic, shouting Huang Yimei's nickname "Rose", and getting out of the car and trotting all the way to the car door, looking like a "flower messenger".

Fang Xiewen used his current financial resources and momentum to demonstrate silently to the young Lin Yi.

And, Huang Yimei could see his careful thinking at once, and when answering Fang Xiewen's side-tapping question in the car, she was also straightforward:

She just had dinner with Lin Yi, if people want to pursue her, if she confesses, she can also talk about it. If Fang Xiewen wants to know what other people think, he can take the initiative to ask!

A few words left Fang Xiewen speechless.

"The Story of Rose" understood this detail, and only then did he know that 40-year-old Huang Yimei had already been tempted by 24-year-old Lin Yi, and it was 22-year-old Huang Yimei who rejected Lin Yi

When I saw this paragraph, I first thought that Huang Yimei said this and deliberately "evil" Fang Xiewen, after all, he was divorced, and this guy's desire to control was still so strong, he really crossed the line.

But if you understand a detail, you can see that Huang Yimei is actually really interested in Lin Yi.

Huang Yimei, who met Lin Yi, is 40 years old.

In her eyes, 24-year-old Lin Yi is like a child, just like herself before she met Zhuang Guodong.

The tone in the play is obviously Lin Yi's perspective.

He was attracted by Huang Yimei's "ageless" beauty, liveliness, open-mindedness, intelligence and studiousness.

Therefore, he taught female students for the first time in the first time, and also sent a photo of her graduation handsome to his circle of friends, and even just a coincidence of helping to repair motorcycles, he got Huang Yimei's WeChat message, as well as her address, and a beautiful photo.

"The Story of Rose" understood this detail, and only then did he know that 40-year-old Huang Yimei had already been tempted by 24-year-old Lin Yi, and it was 22-year-old Huang Yimei who rejected Lin Yi

Here I have to mention Lin Yi's careful thoughts:

He is a young coach, so there is no need to help a middle-aged sister who is more financially wealthy than himself to take a taxi, right?

Moreover, he wanted to remind Huang Yimei that there was oil on her face, and she could have turned on the camera for Huang Yimei to take a picture of her face, but he chose to take a picture of her, and then the photo was left in his mobile phone.

These little tricks, how could the "well-informed" Huang Yimei not know, especially when Lin Yi said that she was the only gold medal female student she had ever bred, Huang Yimei smiled and knew it.

And the reason why she is also moved by Lin Yi is a small detail in the play:

After hearing Lin Yi talk about the reason why he would be an aircraft instructor here, Huang Yimei first used his own experience to help him explain, and then sent him some documentaries.

During this period, Huang Yimei imagined that one day when she was collecting tickets at the airport, she saw Lin Yi, who was "back as a crew member again", happily getting off work with her colleagues.

"The Story of Rose" understood this detail, and only then did he know that 40-year-old Huang Yimei had already been tempted by 24-year-old Lin Yi, and it was 22-year-old Huang Yimei who rejected Lin Yi

How long has Huang Yimei not had such a "pipe dream"?

The last time she dreamed was when she first started working.

It was to fight for a project for the boss Tina, who forced herself to "break" into the banquet before she fantasized about how she would disguise herself and how she would deal with it.

It was also that time that she met her first love, Zhuang Guodong, a person who made her suffer her first emotional injury and rethink her life.

After that relationship, roses were not as proud and blooming as before, and even when he met Fu Jiaming, he hid a sentimental tone when he began to date her with illness.

And now, the young and bright Lin Yi is here, and Huang Yimei sees herself again.

She understood Lin Yi's liking, and at the same time as the other party confessed, she stopped it as soon as possible:

Because he was at the airport at that time, Lin Yi was going abroad to continue his studies, and a year can change a lot of things. This is not only for Lin Yi, but also for Huang Yimei herself.

"The Story of Rose" understood this detail, and only then did he know that 40-year-old Huang Yimei had already been tempted by 24-year-old Lin Yi, and it was 22-year-old Huang Yimei who rejected Lin Yi

Huang Yimei, who was 22 years old that year, supported Zhuang Guodong to go abroad to break into his career, and everything that happened later gave Huang Yimei the answer.

Therefore, it is not so much the maturity and open-mindedness of the 40-year-old Huang Yimei who rejected Lin Yi's overtures, but the choice that the 22-year-old Huang Yimei gave herself again!

(Image source: TV series, invaded and deleted)

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