
Special signature dishes, eating will be addictive

author:Chinese kitchen

Mandarin duck sweet chicken

Special signature dishes, eating will be addictive

Raw material:

1 bare chicken.


100 grams of ginger with yellow flesh and 75 grams of shallots.


Salt, sugar, chicken essence, and peanut oil.


Soy sauce chicken brine, white-cut chicken brine, see below for specific ratios.


1. Pre-made ginger condiments: peel the yellow-fleshed ginger, pat it with a knife, remove the ginger juice and take the puree; Cut the shallots into minced shallots, add minced ginger and green onions, add salt, chicken essence and sugar to taste at a ratio of 4:3, heat oil in a hot pan to 120 °C, pour in hot oil to bring out the fragrance.

2. Open the side of the chicken, dip it into the soy sauce chicken brine and the white cut chicken brine, ensure that the temperature of the water is 70 °C - 90 °C when cooking the chicken, simmer for 20-30 minutes, wait for the chicken to float on the soup noodles and then prick the thigh with a steel needle without blood flowing out that is cooked thoroughly, take out and then chop the chicken on both sides, put it back in the shape of the chicken when plating, and serve it with the condiments.

Soy sauce chicken brine:


5 kg of light soy sauce, 2.5 kg of Shao wine, 100 grams of refined salt, 4 kg of sugar, 20 kg of water.


75 grams of star anise, 100 grams of cinnamon, 2 taels of licorice, 25 grams of grass fruit, 25 grams of cloves, 25 grams of sand ginger, 25 grams of tangerine peel, 1 monk fruit.


Put all the ingredients in a soup bag, tie the mouth of the bag, add seasonings, pour them into the soup bucket together, and boil for 30 minutes on high heat to become soy sauce chicken brine.

White Cut Chicken Brine:


20 kg of soup or water, 250 grams of ginger, 10 grams of grass fruit, 25 grams of sand ginger, 15 grams of tangerine peel, 20 grams of cinnamon, 5 grams of bay leaves.


250 grams of salt, 150 grams of monosodium glutamate.


Take a clean soup bucket, pour in the second soup, put in other ingredients, turn to low heat and boil for 2 hours after boiling, after the herbs are flavored, take out the ingredients, add the seasoning and continue to cook until completely dissolved.

Golden Salon Eye Melon Roll

Special signature dishes, eating will be addictive

Raw material:

500 grams of winter melon, 10 salted duck eggs, 1 egg white, 20 grams of soybean flour, 3 grams of salt, 5 grams of chicken essence, 3 grams of pepper, 50 grams of water bean flour, 10 ml of chicken fat, 150 ml of clear soup, 20 ml of cooked refined oil


1. Peel the winter melon, several long pieces about 16 cm long, about 4 cm wide and about 0.2 cm thick, boil with boiling water and then cool with cold water, and then use a towel to absorb the excess water on the surface.

2. Cook the salted duck eggs, take out the egg yolk and press it into a puree, add cooked refined oil and knead evenly, first knead it into strips as thick as a little finger, and then cut it into a length of about 4 cm; Egg white and soy flour are mixed to make egg white bean flour.

3. Wrap the salted egg yolk puree into a large and small cylinder with winter melon slices, and smear the egg white and bean flour on the seal to form a winter melon roll.

4. Take a round steaming bowl, put plastic wrap on it, put the green skin of the winter melon roll into the steaming bowl with one end facing down, steam it for 5 minutes, pour off the soup, and then turn it into the plate; Fold the remaining winter melon slices in half, press one piece and form a circle along the edge of the plate as a plate decoration.

5. Put the clear soup into the pot and bring to a boil, put salt, chicken essence, pepper and water bean flour to form a second-rate glass thickener, then add a little chicken fat, and pour it on the melon rolls after the pot.

Strange camphor tea duck

Special signature dishes, eating will be addictive

Ingredients: 1 750 grams of finished camphor tea duck

Excipients: 100 grams of beans Strange sauce


1. Camphor tea duck is fried and chopped and plated;

2. Put the trimmings and ingredients together in the pot to make a strange sauce and pour it on the main ingredient;

3. Fry the dried chili peppers in a pot and pour the peppercorns on the main ingredient.

Cooking Essentials The hot dish sauce can be poured on top of the main ingredient or served as a side dish to give diners more choices

Strange Sauce: Hot and Spicy Dry Pot Sauce 20g Sijibao Peanut Butter 15g Sesame 5g Sugar 50g Vinegar 100g Dried Chili Pepper 10g Dried Chili Noodles 30g Sichuan Pepper 5g

Spicy shrimp

Special signature dishes, eating will be addictive

Ingredients: 500 grams of shrimp,

Excipients: 150 grams of small twist, 25 grams of ginger, 25 grams of garlic, 25 grams of red pepper,

Seasoning: 2000 grams of salad oil, 3 grams of salt, 2 grams of chicken broth powder, 35 grams of homemade spicy sauce (1:1:1 ratio of dry pot sauce, spicy girl, and spicy sauce).


1. Wash the shrimp, remove the shrimp line, open the back, cut the garlic moss into sections and set aside. Ginger and minced rice. Heat the oil, when the oil temperature is 6 layers hot, pour the shrimp into the oil, fry until dry, remove and drain the oil for later use.

2. Add salad oil to heat in another pot, stir-fry ginger, garlic and red pepper until fragrant, add salt and chicken powder and stir-fry slightly, add homemade spicy sauce, pour in fried shrimp and small twist and mix well, remove from the pot and put on a plate.

Boiled fish in tubes

Special signature dishes, eating will be addictive


500 grams of yellow bone fish, 200 grams of grass fish, 270 grams of tube bones.


15 grams of ginger, 15 grams of garlic, 20 grams of red peppers, 20 grams of green peppers, 5 grams of chives, 5 grams of perilla, 100 grams of bean skin, 50 grams of soybeans.


200 grams of fresh fat, 15 grams of salt, 10 grams of monosodium glutamate, 10 grams of chicken essence, 10 grams of rice wine, 10 grams of rice vinegar, 5 grams of pepper, 5 grams of cooking wine.


1. The soybeans are steamed in the steamer for 20 minutes, and then the water is added to the juicer to squeeze into soybean milk for later use.

2. Put the fresh tube bones in a pot under cold water, blanch the green onions, ginger and cooking wine, beat off the foam, and press them in a pressure cooker for 15 minutes for later use.

3. Slaughter the yellow bone fish and the grass fish, remove the scales, gills, and internal organs, and wash them for later use.

4. Put the lard made of fat in the pot, add salt and ginger slices, pour in yellow bone fish and Hehua fish, fry until both sides are slightly yellow, and add rice wine and rice vinegar in turn to remove the smell and increase the fragrance.

5. Add the pressed bones and bone broth, add the garlic slices, season with salt, chicken essence and pepper, cover and cook over medium heat for 5 minutes.

6. Put the bean skin into the bottom of the pot, pour in the boiled fish, add the chopped green and red peppers, perilla and drizzle with soy milk.

Small seafood with green onions

Special signature dishes, eating will be addictive

Ingredients: 100 grams of razor clams, 100 grams of snails, 100 grams of white shellfish

Ingredients: 15 grams of garlic and 10 grams of chopped green onions

Seasoning: 742.5g seafood sauce with scallion oil


1. Wash the main ingredients and boil them until cooked, drain them and put them on a plate, and put in the ingredients;

2. Heat oil in a pan, pour over the ingredients, and pour in the warm scallion oil seafood sauce.

Cooking Points: Small seafood ingredients are acceptable.

Seafood sauce in scallion oil Steamed fresh soy sauce

300 grams 300 grams of water 50 grams of garlic 50 grams of refined oil 25 grams of coriander 10 grams of ginger slices 6 grams of sugar 1.5 grams of white pepper Production, all the ingredients are mixed and boiled to filter the coriander, and the ginger slices can be cooled.

Zigong dry pot rabbit dice

Special signature dishes, eating will be addictive

Ingredients: 500 grams of diced rabbit

Excipients: 25 grams of minced garlic, 25 grams of minced ginger, 80 grams of green onions, 50 grams of diced shiitake mushrooms, 5 grams of cooked white sesame seeds, 10 grams of chopped green onions


80 grams of dried chili pepper noodles 15 grams of dried pepper noodles 10 grams of green and red dried peppercorns 5 grams of green pepper powder 25 grams of chicken essence 3 grams of salt 8 grams of monosodium glutamate 10 grams of sugar 5 grams of aged vinegar 8 grams of spice powder (80 grams of naphthalene root, 40 grams of star anise, 10 grams of bay leaves, 10 grams of fragrant fruit, 6 grams of cinnamon, 6 grams of cumin, stir-fried and crushed) 8 grams

Marinade: 3 grams of chicken broth 1 gram salt 5 grams of corn starch


1. Rinse the rabbit, drain the water, add the marinade, mix well and marinate.

2. Heat the oil pan to 5 into the oil temperature under the rabbit diced slip and pour out, the pot leaves the remaining oil into the rabbit diced (the remaining oil covers the rabbit dice), peppercorns, dried chili pepper segments, minced garlic, ginger stir-fry until fragrant, and then add diced mushrooms, Beijing onion segments, sea pepper noodles, Sichuan pepper powder, spice powder and other seasonings to fry into the flavor, pour old vinegar before the pot and put it on the plate, sprinkle white sesame seeds and green onions.