
The town and street civilization practice institutes and stations in the green park carried out a series of civilization practice activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

author:See the Green Garden
The town and street civilization practice institutes and stations in the green park carried out a series of civilization practice activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

In order to inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition and fine style of the party, recently, the civilization practice institutes and stations of various towns and streets in the green park have carried out a series of civilization practice activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

The town and street civilization practice institutes and stations in the green park carried out a series of civilization practice activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

Chengxi Town carried out a literary and artistic performance of "Building Dreams with One Heart and Community People Embracing the Future and Feeling the Party's Grace".

Chengxi Town carried out the "Building Dreams with One Heart Community People and Embracing the Future Sense of the Party's Grace" Party and Mass Literary and Art Performance, and various literary and artistic groups from the community took the stage one after another to express their gratitude to the party and their beautiful vision for the future in the form of singing, dancing and recitation. The down-to-earth and heartfelt programs, heroic melodies, and affectionate singing voices expressed people's love for the party, the motherland and their yearning for a better life, and further stimulated the patriotic feelings of party members and residents.

The town and street civilization practice institutes and stations in the green park carried out a series of civilization practice activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

The liberation community of Tongxin Street carried out the celebration of "July 1st" and reviewed the oath of joining the party

The liberation community of Tongxin Street carried out the celebration of "July 1st" and reviewed the oath of joining the party. During the event, in the face of the bright red party flag, all party members raised their right hands, clenched their fists shoulder to shoulder, and solemnly swore again. "I volunteered to join the Communist Party of China...... We are ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people at any time, and never betray the party. The sonorous oath, deafening, word by word, sacred and heroic, reflects the infinite loyalty and love of party members to the Communist Party of China, and encourages party members and cadres to further enhance their political awareness, overall situation awareness, core awareness, and alignment awareness.

The town and street civilization practice institutes and stations in the green park carried out a series of civilization practice activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

Lei Feng Community of Chuncheng Street carried out the celebration of "July 1st" activities

Lei Feng Community, Chuncheng Street, carried out a special party class of "Party Class Condenses the Party's Heart and Forge Ahead Together", a competition for party building knowledge, and a review of the oath of joining the party. Through the way of promoting learning through competition, the enthusiasm of party members to learn the party constitution, party rules and party discipline is stimulated, the political literacy and theoretical level of party members are improved, and the sense of responsibility and mission of loving the party and the country is enhanced. Under the leadership of the secretary of the general party branch of the community, all party members solemnly swore to the party flag, and the oath to join the party was solemn and sonorous, reflecting the infinite loyalty of party members and comrades to the Communist Party of China.

The town and street civilization practice institutes and stations in the green park carried out a series of civilization practice activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

At the same time, the "Cohesion and Strength, Forge Ahead to the Party, Forge Ahead and Move Forward" literary and artistic performances and the "Watching the Movie, Keeping the Original Heart, Red Forever Inheritance" concentrated movie-watching activities were carried out.

Nanyang Community, Chuncheng Street, carried out the activity of "Tracing the Footprints of Urban Development and Feeling the Charm of Urban Culture" to celebrate "July 1st".

The New Era Civilization Practice Station of Nanyang Community, Chuncheng Street, and community partners jointly carried out the "Tracing the Footprints of Urban Development and Feeling the Charm of Urban Culture" to celebrate the "July 1st" activity. The event organized party members and community partners to visit the No. 54 tram company, learn about the development process of the No. 54 tram, trace the footprints of urban development, feel the charm of urban culture, and further enhance the cohesion, centripetal force and charisma. In the next step, the Nanyang Community of Chuncheng Street will continue to carry out rich party and mass activities to enhance the happiness and sense of gain of the people in the jurisdiction.

The town and street civilization practice institutes and stations in the green park carried out a series of civilization practice activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

The Dafangshen Community of Linyuan Street carried out the "Children's Heart to the Party, Praise the Motherland" to celebrate the "July 1st" literary and artistic performance

Dafangshen Community, Linyuan Street, together with Mango Kindergarten, Changchun Purui Eye Hospital, Bank of Jilin and Qingzhou Community Volunteer Service Station, carried out the "Children's Heart to the Party, Praise the Motherland" to celebrate the "July 1st" literary and artistic performance in Jindi Wutong Huafu Community.

The town and street civilization practice institutes and stations in the green park carried out a series of civilization practice activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

During the event, the community secretary awarded the honorary certificate and trophy of "Happy Community" to the person in charge of Gemdale Property, and then the theatrical performance kicked off in the children's poem recitation "Hero", and the song and dance "Singing the Motherland", "Red Star Shining", "Childlike Heart to the Party" and other programs were released in turn to express their best wishes to the party, attracting many people to watch. The activity brought the emotional exchanges between the community residents closer, enhanced the cohesion of the community organization, and laid a solid foundation for the creation of a harmonious community.

The New Era Civilization Practice Station of Xingchi Community, Qingnian Road Street, held a literary and artistic performance of "Celebrating 'July 1st' and Celebrating the Party's Grace".

The New Era Civilization Practice Station of Xingchi Community, Qingnian Road Street, held a literary and artistic performance of "Celebrating 'July 1st' and Celebrating the Party's Grace". The show kicked off with an ensemble of five red songs by the Eight-Tone Ensemble, with flute, oboe, accordion, violin, saxophone and other instruments playing in harmony under the control of the conductor. Dance performances such as "Beautiful China" and "Red Detachment of Women" brought by the Qiao Sunset Art Troupe brought the atmosphere to a climax, and the audience applauded continuously. Subsequently, the harmonica ensemble "Apricot Blossom Falling", the flute solo "I am a soldier", the chorus "My Chinese Heart" and "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China" and other programs were staged one after another, and the performers showed their love for the party and the motherland with full enthusiasm and high-spirited attitude.

The town and street civilization practice institutes and stations in the green park carried out a series of civilization practice activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

Wanfu Community of Zhengyang Street carried out the activity of welcoming the "July 1st" calligraphy and painting brush meeting

Wanfu Community, Zhengyang Street, carried out the "Welcome" July 1st "Casting Loyalty" calligraphy and painting brush meeting, calligraphy and painting enthusiasts expressed their deep feelings for the party and the motherland and their love for a better life with the pen and ink in their hands, and the participants communicated with each other and learned from each other's strengths, and the scene was happy and peaceful. In order to increase the atmosphere of the event, the community hung the calligraphy and painting works on the wall of the activity room. A brush full of ink on the rice paper flowing clouds, dragons flying and phoenixes dancing, a piece of work Danqing spit color, Han ink fragrance, affectionately depict the magnificent atmosphere of the new era and new journey, and express everyone's love for the party and the motherland.

The town and street civilization practice institutes and stations in the green park carried out a series of civilization practice activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

Wanjia Garden Community, Linyuan Street, carried out the theme party day activity of "Re-taking the Northeast Anti-Union Road".

More than 40 party members from the Wanjia Garden Community Organization Area of Linyuan Street went to the Lotus Island Patriotism Education Base in Changchun to carry out the party day activity with the theme of "Re-taking the Northeast Anti-Japanese Union Road", and remembered the revolutionary martyrs and inherited the red gene by visiting the exhibition hall of the First Route Army of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army, reviewing the oath of joining the party, and watching the large-scale live performance of "Anti-Japanese Anti-United Nations". After reviewing the oath of joining the party, the secretary of the general party branch of Wanjia Garden Community awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" to the old party members. Community party members watched the large-scale anti-Japanese war live drama performance "Anti-Japanese Federation" to relive the revolutionary years.

The town and street civilization practice institutes and stations in the green park carried out a series of civilization practice activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

In the next step, the green park will further enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the party members and the masses, and bring the party members and the masses together.

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