
If you make a bet, you will lose, and you are willing to lose, where do Macron, Cameron and Theresa May lose?

author:Mao Kaiyun

If you make a bet, you will lose. Young French President Emmanuel Macron hastily dissolved parliament and called early elections. The election results were announced, and Macron lost - the far-right party in France won 34.1% of the vote; Left-wing parties received 28% of the vote; Macron's moderate received only 21 percent of the vote, placing it in third place.

If you make a bet, you will lose, and you are willing to lose, where do Macron, Cameron and Theresa May lose?

Macron learned that gambling is bound to lose. In fact, it is not only Macron who will lose when he makes a bet? Two former British prime ministers, David Cameron and Theresa May, are prime examples of bets that are bound to lose.

In 2016, then-British Prime Minister David Cameron proposed a referendum on leaving the European Union. At the time, Cameron was expecting the British public to vote against it and keep Britain in the EU. However, the result of the referendum surprised and disappointed Cameron, which led to the official Brexit, and Cameron had to step down voluntarily.

If you make a bet, you will lose, and you are willing to lose, where do Macron, Cameron and Theresa May lose?

Cameron's tragedy soon repeated itself in the face of his next prime minister, Theresa May, who was then British Prime Minister and leader of the Conservative Party, Theresa May, abruptly announced an early general election. At the time, the Conservatives were more than 20 per cent ahead of Labour, the largest Conservative lead since 1983. Theresa May wanted to take advantage of the east wind to continue to expand the Conservative Party's advantage in parliament and win more support for Brexit. However, when the election results came out, Theresa May was dumbfounded - instead of extending its advantage, the Conservatives lost their original majority of seats and had to seek a coalition government. Soon, Theresa May also took the initiative to leave class.

Macron, Cameron and Theresa May have one thing in common: they love to gamble and even gamble. Eventually, they learned the truth that "the pot is iron" - gambling is bound to lose. Since you have lost, you must not learn from Trump and refuse to admit defeat, you must be willing to gamble and accept defeat. Cameron and Theresa May are also typical examples of willing to gamble and lose, and they both voluntarily stepped down after losing the bet. But what about Macron? The lame duck should be decided, but will he be willing to gamble and lose?

If you make a bet, you will lose, and you are willing to lose, where do Macron, Cameron and Theresa May lose?

Why gamble? Could it be that Macron, Cameron and Theresa May are all fools and stupid? Definitely not. The times have changed, society has changed, the economic situation has changed, the security environment has changed, and the people's will has changed. Everything has changed, and so must the thinking of politicians, otherwise they will only suffer the fate of failure.

Those who win the hearts of the people win the world. Cameron and Theresa May didn't know about the change in the hearts of the British people, and Macron didn't know that the French people had "changed their minds" and finally did something that "backfired". Macron must face the reality, understand the psychology of the voters, let reason overcome emotion, let reason defeat impulse, and eat a trench to grow wise, in order to make the rest of his presidential career smoother, otherwise, the fate of greater defeat or even resignation awaits Macron not far away. (Mao Kaiyun)

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