
170 million in 3 years, renew the contract with the Lakers! The whole world thinks you are a dish, but you are the only one who can explode with the fat man

170 million in 3 years, renew the contract with the Lakers! The whole world thinks you are a dish, but you are the only one who can explode with the fat man

Basketball small vegetables

2024-07-03 00:10

170 million in 3 years, renew the contract with the Lakers! The whole world thinks you are a dish, but you are the only one who can explode with the fat man

The Los Angeles Lakers may become a runner again this offseason, originally the Lakers were interested in bringing in Harden, but Harden signed a two-year $70 million contract extension with the Clippers, and they were interested in Klay, but Klay eventually went to the Mavericks to join forces in Eastern Europe. The most important thing is that the Lakers actually gave Christie a four-year $32 million contract, which surprised me, after all, Christie couldn't even play in the rotation last season, averaging only four points per game, such a player can sign a big middle class, the Lakers are really stupid! Now the core of the Lakers is still James and thick eyebrows, and the management is committed to finding a third star, and DeRozan may be the object of the Lakers' pursuit.

170 million in 3 years, renew the contract with the Lakers! The whole world thinks you are a dish, but you are the only one who can explode with the fat man

If the Lakers want to win and make the playoffs, their base must be thick eyebrows. In 20 years, James is the offensive core of the Lakers, but now the Lakers' first endpoint has become thick eyebrows, he has high interior finishing efficiency and comprehensive skills, he must be the best candidate, James also publicly admitted that thick eyebrows are the boss of the Lakers!

During the regular season, the thick eyebrows performed averagely, and they were blown up by Jokic and Sabonis Jr., which is not the top three inside line in the league and was questioned by many fans. But in the playoffs, people's performance is not inferior to Jokic at all, which can be regarded as an explosion with Mr. Jokic, and in this regard, only thick eyebrows can do it in the entire NBA league. Let's analyze the offensive and defensive strength of thick eyebrows.

170 million in 3 years, renew the contract with the Lakers! The whole world thinks you are a dish, but you are the only one who can explode with the fat man

In terms of offense, thick eyebrows averaged 27.8 points + 15.6 rebounds + 4 assists + 1.6 blocks per game in the playoffs, shooting 63.4% from the field. He's an all-around offense who has mastered any scoring skill for an interior player other than an inaccurate three-point shot. Thick eyebrows are strong because of his off-ball ability, which is very good, and the quality of blocking and dismantling is also very high, which makes it difficult to defend "Zhan Mei blocking and dismantling", and scoring is like picking up something. Thick eyebrows also have very soft interior hand work, good throwing skills, can also turn over and jump in the middle distance, can also score twice after grabbing offensive rebounds, and the ability to eat cakes is also the top in the league. The disadvantage is that the low-post individual singles ability is average, and he can't eat heavy interior lines like Jokic and Xiaosa, but people don't play like this in the playoffs, and low-post offense is not a weapon for thick eyebrows.

170 million in 3 years, renew the contract with the Lakers! The whole world thinks you are a dish, but you are the only one who can explode with the fat man

In terms of defense, thick eyebrows can support the Lakers' defensive system on their own. In the championship season, as a super four defender, his sweeping defense is suffocating, his perimeter defense is first-class, and he can also play as a big center on the inside. It's a pity that now he has switched to the No. 5 position and can't go out to defend the outside all the time, which makes his defensive efficiency lower. Thick eyebrows are still super top defenders, he is 2.08 meters tall, 2.27 meters long, fast movement, good defensive awareness, very high defensive enthusiasm, super first-class defense ability, and super first-class inside basket protection. In my opinion, he deserves the honor of DPOY more than Gobert, Gobert just ate the dividends of the Timberwolves, and he was trained by Doncic in the playoffs, and he will definitely not let Doncic play casually if he is replaced with thick eyebrows!

170 million in 3 years, renew the contract with the Lakers! The whole world thinks you are a dish, but you are the only one who can explode with the fat man

Last offseason, Thick Mei renewed a three-year $170 million contract with the Lakers, which means that he will stay with the Lakers for a long time in the future and join forces with Lao Zhan! He is the basic plate of the Lakers, the offense has to rely on him, and the defense has to rely on him, but unfortunately the operation of the Lakers management is indeed puzzling, even if the contract renewal of Christie is counted, even Klay's high-quality 3D has not been grasped, and Harden has not been recruited, and the progress of trading DeRozan is also very slow, and there is no hope for Grant, and I don't know what the Lakers management is thinking.

All in all, Thick Eyebrows is now the top three inside linemen in the NBA league, and it can even be said that the top two. He deserves to be respected, he has been playing hard, when many people think he is a dish, he can always prove himself in the playoffs, in my impression, thick eyebrows have not pulled his crotch in the playoffs, come on!

170 million in 3 years, renew the contract with the Lakers! The whole world thinks you are a dish, but you are the only one who can explode with the fat man

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  • 170 million in 3 years, renew the contract with the Lakers! The whole world thinks you are a dish, but you are the only one who can explode with the fat man
  • 170 million in 3 years, renew the contract with the Lakers! The whole world thinks you are a dish, but you are the only one who can explode with the fat man
  • 170 million in 3 years, renew the contract with the Lakers! The whole world thinks you are a dish, but you are the only one who can explode with the fat man
  • 170 million in 3 years, renew the contract with the Lakers! The whole world thinks you are a dish, but you are the only one who can explode with the fat man
  • 170 million in 3 years, renew the contract with the Lakers! The whole world thinks you are a dish, but you are the only one who can explode with the fat man
  • 170 million in 3 years, renew the contract with the Lakers! The whole world thinks you are a dish, but you are the only one who can explode with the fat man

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