
Zhao'an Guanbei: 14 veteran party members were awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party".

author:Minnan Net

Minnan Net, July 2 (Correspondent Shen Jiaxin, Minnan Net Reporter Zhang Enpei, Text/Picture) In order to carry forward the glorious tradition and fine style of the party, enhance the sense of honor, belonging and mission of old party members, and guide the majority of party members to keep in mind the original mission. On July 1, members of the leading group of Guanpi Town, Zhao'an County, came to the door to award the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" to 14 old party members such as Zhang Zizai and Zhang Zongren, and extended holiday greetings to them and thanked them for their contributions to the cause of the party and the country and the development of Guanpi Town.

Zhao'an Guanbei: 14 veteran party members were awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party".
Zhao'an Guanbei: 14 veteran party members were awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party".
Zhao'an Guanbei: 14 veteran party members were awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party".
Zhao'an Guanbei: 14 veteran party members were awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party".

"How are you doing?" "Is there anything you need help with in your life?" Every time they go to the home of an old party member, the main leaders of the town have a long talk with the old party members, ask them about their health and living conditions, tell them to take care of their health, maintain a positive and healthy attitude, communicate with the organization in time if they have difficulties, and award the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" to the old party members who have reached the 50th anniversary of the party age. The old party members who received the commemorative medal were overflowing with joy, and they said that this honor was a respect and affirmation for their decades of diligent work for the party and down-to-earth service to the people, and they loved the identity of the CPC members, and will continue to do their best to play the vanguard and exemplary role of party members.

Once you join the party, you will be the party all your life. The old party members have adhered to their original intentions all their lives and have not changed their true colors, setting an example for the majority of party members, which is worth learning from all young party members. In the next step, the Party Committee of Guanpi Town will take multiple measures to do a good job in the care and service of old party members, so that the old party members can feel the warmth of the party organization, and guide the party members and cadres of the town to take the old party members as the "lighthouse" and "beacon", and contribute to the development of the cause of Guanpi Town.

Source: Minnan Net

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