
Five poems of lotus flowers: lotus flowers are blooming

author:Hatsui Katsuyuki

May lotus poems, white water full of square ponds, lotus May Fangfang

Because the new residence is in the urban area, far away from the wetland where there is a creek, weeping willows, and lotus flowers from the front door, I have not seen lotus flowers this year. In previous years, I looked at the lotus flowers, from the water in late spring to the rain in autumn, almost not a day was missed. There is always a sense of lack in my heart, until the rainy season crosses the suburbs, on the bullet train, I finally saw the lotus field in the rain, the lotus is continuous, obviously more spectacular, the wind and rain turn over the lotus, countless lotus swaying, and not chaotic, the most lovely thing is that a square pond is a color of lotus, this one is pink, the other is snow-white, it is like a collective dance lotus array, to meet the beauty of vision and yearning.

The moment is the best. Because the fifth month of the lunar calendar is the flowering period of lotus flowers. The lotus flowers and leaves are at the same time, but the fruit is slightly later than the flower, so the lotus in May is the most pure and beautiful time of the lotus season, there are not many lotus canopies in it, and most of the flowers are in a state of blooming.

I wrote too much about lotus, but because of my closeness and familiarity, I didn't know where to talk about it.

To put it simply, this ancient water plant should accompany and witness the growth of human beings. Because it has a much older history than humans. And the lotus has a super ability to reproduce and replicate, as long as it is rooted in the water, it can flower and bear fruit year after year, providing rhizomes, so the lotus naturally mutates less, the lotus thousands of years ago, the wild lotus, and the farmland lotus in front of you, there is not much difference, unless it is used to ornamental thousand leaf lotus, bowl lotus, there are subtle changes after artificial intervention. So lotus flowers can make people ancient.

Because you stand in front of the lotus, stand in front of the lotus with primitive humans, stand in front of the lotus with the ancient villagers of the Book of Poetry, and stand in front of the lotus with Li Bai and Li Shangyin in the Tang Dynasty, the lotus is not very different. The lotus leaves stand in front of you in a continuous posture, with beautiful flowers. The beauty of the lotus is natural, the monkey will also peel the lotus canopy, by the way to smell the lotus, the men and women of the poetry are flirting and scolding by the lotus pond, you are crazy like the lotus bud in the wind, so every time I see the lotus, I have a sense of stability and certainty, because there is a sense of home and life that has always been in the years.

Five poems of lotus flowers: lotus flowers are blooming

"Three hundred miles of mirror lake, lotus flowers.

In May, Xi Shi Cai, people look at the narrowness as evil.

Return to the boat without waiting for the moon, and return to the Yue Wang's house. Li Bai "Xianghe Song Lyrics, Four Midnight Songs, Four Summer Songs"

Li Bai likes lotus flowers. Li Bai has an extremely narcissistic personality, which can of course also be called self-confidence. He used peonies to describe beautiful women, but he used lotus flowers to describe himself. He had seen the most beautiful mountain spring red lotus in the mountains, wasn't that just like himself? Rooted in a barren mountain pond, but with upward and brilliant flowers, the more brilliant they shine in the sun, why not let more people see such beautiful flowers and grow in a more lively place?

Li Bai's unwillingness, of course, there are many speculations and interpretations in later generations, such as thinking that he is a descendant of the Li Tang royal family, because his ancestors committed crimes and were exiled to the borderlands, so that their entire family could not enter the national management through normal scientific examinations, and there are interpretations that his family has been a businessman for generations, and the money is enough, but his status is not high, and he cannot enter the official career.

But people's talents are like flowers about to bloom, not to mention that Li Bai thinks that his lotus flower is dazzling enough. Therefore, he finally met Tang Xuanzong through He Zhizhang's recommendation, and was immediately named Hanlin.

This poem was written during Li Bai's time as Hanlin and has become famous. Under this premise, he wrote this Jiangnan lotus.

Obviously, he did not write about himself, but thanked He Zhizhang. He Zhizhang's hometown is in Jinghu, and during the Wu Zetian period, he ascended to the rank of scholar in the palace struggle, stood in the palace struggle of Tang Xuanzong, became a trusted minister of Tang Xuanzong, and entrusted the prince as a guest. Whenever I talk to Li Bai about my hometown, I will talk about my hometown Mirror Lake and a hundred miles of lotus. And his ultimate wish is to return to his secluded hometown and be able to live a leisurely boating life on the lotus lake.

Of course, Li Bai knew his teacher's wishes and wrote this beautiful poem of the lotus flowers in Mirror Lake.

Mirror Lake 300 miles, in May, lotus flowers bloom densely.

There was a beautiful woman named Xi Shi, and when she was collecting lotus flowers, the shore was full of people looking at her beauty.

It's just that her boat didn't go home, but was directly picked up by King Yue.

This is actually a metaphor for He Zhizhang to Xi Shi, because of his outstanding talent, he was directly chosen by God, he is the pride of Jinghu, and he is the lotus fairy of Jinghu, and he is as famous as Xi Shi in history.

Of course, this was a smile from Master Boen, and it hit He Zhizhang's heart. The lotus flower of Mirror Lake in May is the most beautiful season of lotus.

He Zhizhang returned to his hometown two years later, fulfilling the hometown dream of picking lotus flowers in the mirror lake, and then passed away.

Five poems of lotus flowers: lotus flowers are blooming

"The white water is full of square ponds, and the lotus flowers are fragrant in May.

The beads are uncertain, and the brocade is cold and light.

The fragrance is sobered by the wind, and the sound is suitable for rain and coolness.

Bian Zhou learns to be a sorcerer, and the room is close to the waves. Northern Song Dynasty · Liu Qi "Lotus"

I like this white water, which speaks of the white color of the rain that rains in the summer, and the lotus flowers that are fragrant in the rainy season in May.

Water droplets roll on the round lotus leaves swaying in the wind, and the lotus pond is like a wet brocade in the rain, glowing with cold glory.

The aroma of lotus flowers is the most suitable for decanting wine in summer, and the lotus leaves are most suitable for the sound of rain, and the rain hits the lotus flowers, blowing a cool breeze with the fragrance of lotus.

I like to take a boat tour of the lotus pond, and build a pavilion and hut on the edge of the lotus pond, such a scenery reminds me of Qu Yuan, and reminds me of the pathos and romance of the pre-Qin era.

Five poems of lotus flowers: lotus flowers are blooming

"The inscription poem is rainy, and the poet is reluctant to be idle.

The lotus flowers in Manpu are blooming all over the place, and the passenger journey passes through Liangshan in May. "Sadura's "Lotus Blooms, Wind and Rain, So Big That the Boats Don't Connect, and Dock the Reeds"

This is in the boat trip, encountered the rainy weather in May, because the wind and rain are too strong, the boat can not move forward, and it is nearby in the reeds and lotus swings.

The sky was full of wind and rain, and there was confusion, but the reeds and lotus flowers were close at hand.

They bloom proudly in the wind and rain, giving people a beauty that is not afraid of wind and waves.

Some people say that lotus flowers will not wither in such a storm?

In fact, if the lotus flower is budding or about to bloom, the streamlined flower buds can divert rainwater, and the lotus flowers that are waiting to bloom have a strong upward force of life.

And this is a May lotus in the wind and rain, giving people the magnificence and charm of the cloak and rain.

Young people with ambitions and dreams, such lotus flowers arouse pride in their hearts and have the courage to ride the wind and waves.

Five poems of lotus flowers: lotus flowers are blooming

"The west mountain is close to the jade spring, and countless lotus flowers are fragrant.

Immediately, the shore was insufficient, but it was suspected that May was too peaceful. "Yuan · Hu Zhu "Shangjing Ji Xing See the Lotus Flower under the Yuquan Mountain"

There are also lotus flowers in the north. The capital of the Yuan Dynasty, the suburbs of Beiping, under the Yuquan Mountain in the West Mountain, has countless lotuses.

Hu Zhu, who was originally from Anhui in the south, came here on a horse, which made him suddenly feel like a water town in the south of the Yangtze River.

And the lotus here is fresh and luxuriant, and it is the season of early flowering, because the climate in the north and south is different, this is already the sixth and seventh months of the lunar calendar, but to Hu Zhu's feeling, this is May, the lotus is fresh, and the flowers and leaves are like clouds.

Countless lotus flowers spit fragrant.

When we are in a foreign land, we are often willing to immerse ourselves in the scenery because of something similar to our hometown.

The lotus flower is the best carrier of local memory. The familiar continuous flowers and leaves give people a sense of stability, no matter how many ups and downs they experience, they can always be in front of the lotus flowers, far away from the clouds. Because of the lotus lotus leaves, there is a kind of liveliness of the forest homeland, from ancient times to today.

Five poems of lotus flowers: lotus flowers are blooming

"On the West Lake in May, the lotus flowers are blooming.

The flowers can bloom for a few days, and I will see the lotus pods again. "Ming · Jin Youzi "Instant Matter Part 1"

Most of the ancient impromptu poems are written about the real scene of the present.

On the West Lake in May, the lotus flowers are blooming just right.

When you see the lotus flowers blooming, it is immediately the season to pick lotus flowers.

The lotus flower also has a characteristic, that is, the overall lotus pond has a long flowering period, May is the peak season of the lotus, but in the sixth month of the lunar calendar, it is the season when the lotus and the lotus pod flourish at the same time.

The lotus flowers in May win with their freshness and purity, while the lotus flowers in June are flowers and fruits at the same time.

Let's enter the lotus season. The flowers that can't be seen are blooming continuously, and the green lotus seeds that are not picked enough are not enough until late autumn.

Five poems of lotus flowers: lotus flowers are blooming

Hatsui Katsuyuki interprets the love and beauty in the poems for you. #头条创作挑战赛 ##荷花#